Fell for the black guys would date any white girl meme

>Fell for the black guys would date any white girl meme

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No man truly wants a beluga whale. Fix your diet and stay away from African men.

Ahem, I want a beluga whale. Not to have sex with tho.

If you're fat just fix your diet.
If you're ugly then you have to make up for that to your man, like blowing him every time he wants you to no questions asked etc.

And now you'll never get a white man.

Well, yeah. Beluga whales are fuckin' rad.

But I meant fat girls are uggy.

Great observations homie. Let's start posting whales.

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I totally would, but I can't, because posting files is banned on my dynamic IP.

aim lower?
willing to fuck doesn't mean willing to date (and respect)

>touched a nigger
Worse than a single mother
lot of overlap really

Times are different, dunno how you'd think otherwise, did you really think the BLM and twitter crowd would let that shit be "cool" anymore?

OP hasn't replied at all so I think we outta let this thread die.

lol larping racebait friday XD

Didnt even let me touch him. I asked him out and he rejected me.

Elaborate more i dont understand

He actually saved you from being a coal-burner.

Now you can lose weight, learn to not be shit and find yourself a nice 5/10 white guy who hasn't been taken yet.

Where do you live user? What do you like doing?

Shit. Even if you were a fugly landwhale I'd still at least cuddle unless it smelled like you hadn't showered in 1-2 weeks.

Most women smell like shit after 1 day.

t. low-t homosexual

BAHAHAHAAH fuck, I hope this is true.
Black men will date anything, how ugly are you? They catcall me a lot and I look really b a d :?(

I kinda like a small amount of female BO for some reason.

>tfw no cetan frens to pal around with and visit the wrath of the sea upon the surfacers with

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heh good one user no one will ever love us.

Theres this one black guy that always comes to the store I work at so I asked him if he wants to grab food and he said he was really busy then left without letting me ask for his number

Pro tip
Black men usually don't like being fetishized by white bitches.

You'll just end up with a baby.

why do you think he rejected you so badly?

where do you live? I'll grab some food with you m8. or not. lol idunno

stop being so drunk there is a reason why user was rejected.

Figures but ya'know maybe just maybe there's a tiny chance that she's qt and not old and maybe not a (male) girl.

Granted, that chance is slim as fuck, but I'm not losing anything by trying to find out.

you wanted a nigger so I wish you the worst of luck :)

He may have actually been busy or may have a gf. Act normal the next time you see him and you'll be able to tell by his behavior

based black man haha

Time to date a Mexican, OP.

Based black man BTFOing the roasties
I bet he only fucks black queens

It's the pheromones.