Cringe catharsis thread. Post all the socially cringy shit you have done in the past...

Cringe catharsis thread. Post all the socially cringy shit you have done in the past. that now haunts you so badly that it serves as a harsh reminder to never do it again.

* When I worked at Braum's, the employees were once given pieces of cake to eat in the back. I ate it at the manager's desk, unaware that it was a "manager's desk". Manager comes in like "OH nonononono thats the managing desk!!!"

* During a debate in 9th grade biology class, I uttered a very unpopular opinion to be edgy: "Doctors only prescribe antidepressants to make money." An obese depressed tumblr girl turned around and evil eyed me

* In 9th grade speech class, I sat in front of an avowed atheist. We were watching a video that mentioned God, and I turned around to look at him for no reason. He said "Why is this kid looking at me?? Its cuz i'm an atheist right?"

* In my first year of college, I was in the LGBT club, kind of socially unpopular due to being autistic. Two members reluctantly let me give them rides to a birthday party, because no one else would. On the way back to their apartment I was lonely with no social life so I said "can I come visit?" and they only replied "ummm...". Turns out they were in some kind of sexual relationship

* In 2nd year of college, at a buddhist discussion event, I began a point with "I'm autistic and...". NO. It's cringy af to begin any sentence with self-identification with a mental disorder. especially in the current climate with it being trendy to identify as depressed/bipolar/etc.

* in 2nd year of college, I joined the LGBT club's discord and posted insane shit like "IF I GET SOCIALLY OSTRACIZED, I WILL COME TO CLASS DRESSED LIKE A HIPPIE". When I attended the next meeting, an officer stared at me with horrific condescending side-eyes every time I spoke. It's burned into my brain, that face

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Other urls found in this thread:

* in 2nd year of college, I thought LSD would improve my social skills, so I showed up to an atheist discussion while tripping on half a tab. I thought I was having mind blowing epiphanies on how to communicate, so I wrote deranged shit on a piece of paper like "WE COMMUNICATE CONSCIOUSNESS THRU BODY LANGUAGE" and everyone friggin saw me write that. They were nice to me afterwards, probably because they thought I was schizophrenic and pitifully mentally ill or potential school shooter.

* in 9th grade I gave a speech about the harms of pornography

* in 2nd year of college I gave a speech about why psychedelic drugs should be medically legal

* in 12th grade, I went through a phase where I thought I was transgender. so I came to class every day in overdone contour makeup, and even wore a dress. Acted stereotypically feminine by talking about going shopping, etc. Cringed my teachers to death, so badly that they still won't accept my FB friend requests despite being friends with all of my classmates

* I used to think I would be cooler if I expressed more emotion. So every time someone said something cool, I would respond "WOOOOOOOO..." like stereotypical black people do. When I did it, everyone just pretended it didn't happen

* In senior year of high school, close to graduation, I cried in class because I was sad that I never got to "hang out" with anyone in my high school career

* While I was in the midst of my transgender phase, I showed up to prom as a girl, with two supportive female friends. I didn't know how to dance. The males danced with all girls except for me. Some girls saw me alone and in pity came up to say "you look very beautiful" etc. when my parents found out i went to prom as a girl, they slammed the walls in anger

* HS, I went thru an alt-right phase, triggered because my classmates are so liberal. I made twitter posts like #IslamIsTheProblem. when my classmates discovered it, they spread it among themselves thru text message and ostracized me

None of that is that bad except the LGBT discord. I mean, it's bad, but not THAT bad. Don't sweat it too much.

>notice cute cashier girl always checking me out at me at work
>finally build up nerve to talk to her
>go over to her register, feel face then BEET red and finally "uhhh...hi...I'm uhh user...."
>she says something and laughs nervously, turns kinda red
>I try to say as a joke "oh, you're laughing at me huh?"
>the way I said it made it sound sincere and pathetic
>she looks very uncomfortable and says nothing
>I double down, "WHAT, YOURE LAUGHING AT ME???"
>she says nothing, I walk away after what felt like 30 seconds of silence

Welp, she stopped checking me out after that

> in 12th grade, I went through a phase where I thought I was transgender. so I came to class every day in overdone contour makeup, and even wore a dress. Acted stereotypically feminine by talking about going shopping
how did you find out you weren't trans? also I noticed you are into LGBT clubs, so are you gay/bi? are you currently identifying as cis?

>tfw 12 grade was caught smelling my classmates hair

>how did you find out you weren't trans?

I don't identify as cis or trans anymore. Gender has me so screwed up that I refuse to identify as anything. in my mind I'm just a male being, not a boy or girl

Don't know if i'm gynephilic or biphilic. Most females are cute to me, while most males are uncute to me. But there are males that I find cute, they're just so rare

Oh god, XD. I'm glad I never tried to make moves on girls. I already have enough cringy past to haunt me every day

Is that you?
Also you're probably nonbinary.

Yea that's me

It's not nonbinary. It's just the enlightenment of going thru two different transitions until you get sick of this gender thing and begin to believe everyone else is dumb for blindly conforming to gender roles instead of being themselves, ungendered consciousness

You make a gorgeous girl.
I transitioned and detransitioned, but not because I wasn't transgender, just because i was treated like shit and couldn't stand it. I still have gender dysphoria.

I think I might still be transgender. I feel some kind of discomfort with being a male. But then again I also felt some discomfort with being a girl, so maybe I just hate myself no matter what.

Then how are you sure you're not nonbinary? Just because it's not "cool"?

SOME cringe stuff I have done:
>tried to get my 10th grade bio teacher to read my copy of Mein Kampf (brought it to school and carried it all day til last class, only for him to beg me to get it away from him lol)
>wore sunglasses indoors in gradeschool
>watched anime for about a year or so (cut my face up to look like a character in one of the shows, and so my mom made me destroy all my anime stuff with scissors, which pretty much put an end to all that)
>mailed serial killers serving life sentences asking them how their lives were, etc
>tried out for a comedy troupe in highschool, knowing that I am profoundly unfunny (yes I was rejected)
>mailed celebrities really strange gifts and weird notes in hopes of becoming penpals (for example, mailed an actor peanut juice and syrup wafers)
>hit on someone who very obviously didn't like me, kept doing it because I was on a high from admitting my feelings
>used to dress is poor person version of goth (all black clothes with one black shoe and one red shoe)... also asked my mom for chains for my bday that I could sew to my cothes

I do so much cringe stuff that every once in a while I gotta swear off doing stuff so I don't leak all my retard juice at one and die.

I've been reading too much Jow Forums and they call nonbinary first-world delusional crap. But maybe that's what I am after all. Um, thx for helping me with identity xD

So what's the next step? What grooming choices do I make in order to send the message that I'm androgynous and don't identify as a guy? I'm growing out my hair and threading eyebrows.

Damn user that is rough
I mostly avoided anyone but my friends, who i was chill with, so i avoided most autistic cringe moments
Last day of senior year hs a friend gave me a mormon bible. In english class my friend was making jokes about it and my teacher said something like "you cant make fun of someones religion user, come on now" to the whole class
To this day everyone thinks im a mormon. Damn it.

Jow Forums thinks everything is crap if you're not "normal". a lot of cultures have third genders, like in india they have Hijras which are third gender people considered to be powerful even though most of them are extremely poor and socially outcast. that is just a super famous example.
Basically you can do whatever you want as far as grooming goes. You can decide how you present and it can be masculine, feminine or you can throw all that out the window and just be really artistic.

Jow Forums is not an authority on real world problems.

As someone not confident in my birth gender I think little of it. It's too easy to get caught up in that shit. At the end of the day identity is bullshit , made up new world trash to make you think inwards rather than outwards, and its that exact process that allows others to step on you.
Care about your appearance and make yourself look presentable in a way you feel comfortable. Beyond that, whats it matter how you "identify" yourself? Dwell on things more important than some words. I believe people such as myself and others uncomfortable with aspects of identification simply focus too much on that shit, and they allow themselves to surround others that have that issue and it creates a feedback loop, disastrous.
Focus on improving your productivity, maybe your looks in a constructive way, not your identity, because there's no real such thing as identity, it changes every second. Work on things that matter like exercise and your goals, those are things that matter much more than how you feel about some labels today.
Best advice you'll ever get, anything else enables a dangerous cycle and a complex of never making progress in an unending fight.

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Let 2 sissies cum in my ass I guess was fun they both took a facial

These are fake, right?

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>tried to get my 10th grade bio teacher to read my copy of Mein Kampf

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You're fucking stupid. Go outside.

See, people are afraid of their beliefs being questioned. They are locked down to their cycles and do not realize how they ended up in them in the first place and where they are headed if they continue that path.
Poor things.

I actually just disagree with you and see value in having language to describe yourself and opportunity to join communities tailored to you specifically.
This doesn't mean I think self improvement is bad. I just think that self improvement and self discovery go hand-in-hand. I also think you should go outside.

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>cringe thread turns into fag thread

In junior year I was really into mlp and stressed to a kid in gym that I wasn't a brony but a ponyfag which was what /mlp/ users called themselves to distinguish themselves from bronies. I also bought a rainbow dash shirt and wore it around and my dad thought it said bronx like it was a sports team or something only to see it was pony shit. I can only imagine what he was thinking.

Self discovery is a meme. You dont discover anything about yourself, you allow others to plant themselves and their ideas and definitions into your personality and identity.
Its all a spook for lack of a better philosophical term. Imagine your identity is a circle, and when you join these groups and learn their definitions and manner, you allow them to fill your circle with their wants and definitions. You did not make these, but now your life is dictated by them. You now must define yourself by what they dictate. That is inherently dangerous to ones ego.

You don't become a furry by associating with furries. You don't become a tranny by associating with trannies. You don't become a nigger by associating with niggers. You don't get cancer from associating with people who have cancer. There is no case where your statement is true.

What are you talking about? You absolutely do, in many cases. Not everyone is as malleable as others of course, but in cases of transgenderism there are studies evaluating how typically when a group has a member become trans one or two others follow in suit, lacking actual diagnosis of dysphoria. Identity is a large part what you associate with, and if you associate with a bunch of niggers you have a high chance of adopting their actions, hence why there are wiggers. Hence why gangs in the 90's grew so fast. It was identity, spread via groups.
I am merely saying, be wary of those you associate, as who you choose to associate becomes your identity, and your identity is a dangerous thing to focus on.

>Walking around university campus at night by myself
>Group of people get close to me
>Girl asks if I'm alone
>Say yes
>Get the biggest pity "awwwww" ever followed by what looked like a "you should follow us" gesture

What made it worse is that they were more than likely younger than me. I don't know why this makes me cringe so much more than other cringy moments though.

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When I was in sixth grade every other guy started developing an interest in girls but me. Everyone accused me of being gay, so I came out as "asexual" (even mispronouncing it). No one bought it.

In eighth grade I first started jerking off and when discussing it with my friends I said crossdressing and girls with dicks were hot. They thought I was gay and I explained sexuality was a spectrum like some tumblrite. Needless to say I lost them as friends.

My dad walked in on me looking at bestiality hentai when I was 14. I got chewed out for that one and I still cringe fucking hard every time a dog or horse are seen or brought up in conversation and he's around.

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You don't "catch" being a tranny. Nobody transitions who does not have gender dysphoria. It's not a trendy thing.

kek. I'm really glad my family has never caught me looking at zoo porn. Or any porn for that matter.

You are completely factually incorrect and I implore you to consider taking a look at our own site's board /lgbt/ and seeing how many people there constantly post "i am transitioning but i dont think i really want to be a girl" or "come on, you should transition user you mentioned that you once liked the color pink youre definitely a girl"
The entire thing is spread via people telling others what their identity is and that they must overcome challenges they are being told to have.

holy shit dude that's bad

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You can transition and not be a girl. I am factually correct.

god, I hate college girls so fucking much I wish they would just leave us alone.
Once I was walking in the halls after classes had ended, so there weren't a lot of people around. And I guess I was looking kinda upset (more like determined to meet my profs), because a fucking normie Stacie bitch called out to me "you look like you're not having a very good day" and I didn't know what to do so I quickly said "actually my day's been great so far" and her friend starts laughing >:(

Yes and thats completely besides the point. They regret identifying the way people have influenced them to identify. You can dodge these facts all you want but at the end of the day you will think about this stuff everytime you see someone pushing you one way or the other and your brain sees that as a part of your identity. Be wary how you let others influence how you perceive yourself, because everytime you give up yourself to be what someone else wants you to be.

She was laughing at her friend


That sounds familiar. I think it's because they tell everyone to be "social", so people start behaving like this. The good thing is that they can also show interest more openly than other women.

how do you know that, chad user?

>got drunk at a small party, like 20 people at the most
>loudly told one of my friends "dude you should totally cheat on Samm (his current gf) tonight" while she was probably within earshot
>said this multiple times, very enthusiastically
why did drunk me say this, what an embarrassing fellow

my whole life is nothing but cringe

>K- got in trouble for smelling girls' hair all the time.
>1st grade- apparently forced kissed a girl on the cheek (I don't remember this)
>2nd grade- all I could talk about was power rangers, while this isn't too bad for the age I was, I had no friends and always tried to talk to the teachers at recess
>3rd grade- got down on one knee and asked the girl I liked to marry me. When she said no I attacked her, in the end I had to switch teachers 1/3 of the way into the year because I couldn't control myself around her.
>4th-5th grades-nothing too bad here, though I was still very immature and cried all the time whenever something went wrong. Still picked my nose and ate it in class.
>6th grade- pretended to be gay for some reason, yet also say I liked blood and guts and was going to join the army when I turned 18 because 9/11 happened that year
7th grade-much the same as 6th, though I did drop the gay shit.
8th grade- got internet this year, started hanging around on wiccan communites and thought I could do harry potter style magic. Highlight was when I picked up a twig from the ground, thought it was my wand and brought it to school to help me deal with my bullies. Though thankfully I never took it out of my backpack.
>9th grade, 2004, sheltered no friends loser so say I went around stealing bush campaign signs, also became 'satanist' (though in reality I was saying anything that would get me attention.), hung around with the goth kids but never wore black because my mom wouldn't let me.
>10th grade- drop satanist bullshit, now edgy fedora atheist, communist, always had to get my two cents in while in class.
>11th grade- much as previous, though I did start going after girls again, unsurprisingly that none of them wanted anything to do with me.
>12th grade- mellow out a lot, stop caring about a lot of things. Still teased all the time about my previous actions though.

I went to CC one semester before dropping out and neeting

and the way OP writes without > it's making me want to shot myself

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