>tfw no comfy wagie buddies to get drunk with every evening after working unpaid overtime
>tfw no comfy wagie buddies to get drunk with every evening after working unpaid overtime
The food in the picture looks comfy but I am pretty sure these are generally emotionally stressful situations where people get you drunk, try to pry into your lives and find dirt on you, which is more or less "normal" given that you are basically obligated to go out with them or risk losing your job.
>basically obligated to go out with them or risk losing your job
that's not obligation it's fun i fuckin wish i had wagie buddies to get drunk with and drink away our wageslavery sorrows together
reply to my thread you lurking retards
Hopefully I'll have that in a few weeks.
So don't be a lightweight bitch and talk about your life while you drink?
You mean humoring your boss after work because tradition.
That's beside the point, why should you be forced to drink with people you can't even trust to give you job security?
because it's fun and better than being alone you fuking fag
pretty much this. imagine having to stay after your hours are over because your boss is there and even though youre doing nothing for hours, appearances need to be kept. your boss finally gets his hateful ass up from his desk and you think you can go home and see little tojiro for the first time in a week. nope! bossman wants to go for a drink yet again and talk about his accomplishments, his troubles, and get some cheap pussy at the end of it. the nights over, its almost sunrise, and you shove your blacked out boss into a cab home or to work. you smoke a cig while sitting on the curb and consider going back home to at least shower and wear a new suit but dont want to hear your wife's nagging so you just gargle some japanese listerine and head back to the office. another great day begins.
What if it's not, because they are trying to fuck up your life with their weird forced customs and not being able to mind their business?
> and get some cheap pussy at the end of it
then get some cheap ass jap pussy together with him you fiucking no fun allowed faggot fuck you
just fit in and have fun you american pig
checked and im sure itd be great for the first few times, hell even for a few months but think of the tole it would take on you. i was implying you would both get laid anyways, if the boss is doing it so are you
jesus fuck me meant to say toll not tole
no fuck you it would be fun forever
then go to japan and live it out user. hope it lives up to your expectations
wish i could be japanese T_T
yeah from what ive heard japan, and most east asian countires are pretty xenophobic so youd have a hard time making it if you moved to japan as a foreigner. itd be great for a visit though, planning on going this coming summer or latest next winter
fuck you i might get a plastic surgery to look like a jap
Most of the time, it's not your "wagie buddies" who invite you out drinking, but your power-drunk bosses who consider it a personal insult if you decline and may make you suffer at work for it.
fuck you faggot why would you decline?
these are your only friends you should be fuckin grateful they invite you you fuckin fag virgin
reply to my thread you lurking normalfags
bump xfggdshdf
kys you bumping fag
no u kys, kid
try and stop me, you kid you fuckin can't
bump 426 34yhfc
The boss is also a cockblock
you can always get some after creampied pussy
Who the fuck wants to be stuck around their blowhard boss passive aggressively treating you like an idiot and bragging and telling you how to do things you already know how to do and taking everything you say the wrong way
Michael Scott from the office is closer to reality than you neets realize