>there are multiple generals on a board about originality
There are multiple generals on a board about originality
>mods don't delete problematic threads
>delete users attempts to self moderate
Also mods don't enforce robot evasion unless it's extremely blatant like "blox". Typing "original" "origigi" or "oregano" is a-ok though.
They'll probably ban me for this though, even though it's just a statement of facts.
reminder: it's up to the users to take back Jow Forums
50,000 frogs used to live here, now it's a /lgbt/ board
one of the fellow bangposters, we lost lots of good men glad to see you made it out user, i only ended up with a flesh wound but i'd give me life for the cause
Robots don't flood spam the threads and then you wonder why the most autistic among us get away with making the same exact shit threads every day, you cant sit back and rely on the mods they have other shit to do take your board back yourself
We need a bang general thread where we determine which threads have to be purged and then we deploy
Spam the threads with pictures like barneyfag. Just find pictures of trannies off of Reddit and tumblr
Its this simple idk why these guys just cry all day instead
keep bumping for awareness
The robot is fucking stupid though, it's just a remnant of the past at this point
The board was meant to be a better /b/. if you take away it's defining trait, it just becomes /b/ again. Maybe /b/ minus the loli shota and guro if you enforce GR3.
It was supposed to be, it's no longer that
Now it's the board for "robot" culture. The robot filter literally does nothing anymore, since everybody just evades it
It makes spammers have to actually type, since they can't copy+paste.
They just have to type "originolo" at the end of whatever it was they pasted
That's still extra work, and it's not really a hindrance at all to normal posters.
Should we just accept that this entire site has gone to absolute shit? Even after 2007 when this place first took a turn for the worse it managed to keep some quality here and there. Now every single board is /b/ /lgbt/ and Jow Forums with the exception of the niche boards like /out/ or /an/.
Hiro doesn't give a fuck unless it hurts his ad revenue. Mods are apathetic to 90% of the rules. We have an HRT sissy cult. 50% of a board dedicated to originality is now gay porn and the other 50% is "boo hoo super models don't suck my dick".
Cripplechan is too circlejerky and other alt sights are either dead or dying. There's no fucking place for pre-2014 users anymore, and as someone who came to Jow Forums 10 years prior to that it's fucking suffering to see what this site has become.
It's hard to create a new site nowadays. It isn't quite the same internet it was when Jow Forums was formed,. I was playing runescape on a 56k modem on netscape navigator when Jow Forums was created. Imagine the average internet user of today during the time you loaded GIFs pixel line by line. They wouldn't bother. But nowadays every third worlder with a phone has the same access. There are other alternatives, but you have to tread the line between tight-knit circlejerks and openness to outsiders who may not share the same ideas of the site as you do.
>inb4 every thread becomes a general
TWO nigger girl generals by the same spammer at the same time jesus christ
Did you do your part and spam the threads?