What do you personally think about marijuana?

What do you personally think about marijuana?

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It should be legal and it can help some people. I don't care if you smoke it. I personally don't enjoy it that much because it makes me anxious/paranoid and it elevates my heartrate which I don't like.

I personally don't like it. I don't like holding smoke in my lungs. You want to smoke it, whatever. It can stay illegal or get legalized, I could give a shit and care less.

I get high pretty much every day. I want to kill myself the first day or two after I stop but I want to kill myself when I'm high sometimes too. I don't believe marijuana makes me mentally ill but I think it's getting in the way of my will to fix my problems. I think I personally should stop using it and I know lots of people that are also dependant on this substance and I think they should stop too. I think weed is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. I think weed is less beneficial than psychedelics (taken in moderation). I think we should end cultural marijuana taboo and prohibition. I'm high right now. I should stop though. I don't think there's anything especially dangerous about the substance but it's not good for me specifically.

I stopped and started working out(rock climbing, lifting) /self improving which has made me way happier
Kinda want to start again, but only occasionally to make my loneliness a little more tolerable
Daily use really does sap all your motivation, doesn't it?

pretty much this. especially the
>I don't believe marijuana makes me mentally ill but I think it's getting in the way of my will to fix my problems
I have exams in 12 days and i havent even started studying yet, ive no idea where to even begin since im so behind its kinda overwhelming. Yet here i am smoking weed playing vidya all day. (i'd still be playing vidya all day even if i wasnt smoking though)

well written, man.

It's "I couldn't give a shit" you fucking mongoloid, if you could give a shit then you care

Ugh, feel your post so much but also I only feel like quitting after smoking.

>It's "I couldn't give shit" you fucking mongoloid
Eat a dick, professor.

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Yeah dude same here. Tried to give up for new year, been smoking between a 10 bag to a 3.5 every few days for a year and a half now. Quit on the 30th, bought a ten on the first but I locked my box under the stairs with a sign that says "only losers smoke weed". Managed to not smoke since the 1st (one j, then angrily put it out at 40% due to failure on day 1) but I think its more the tobacco than anything that's got a hold of me. Feel a lot clearer headed after day 3 clean and no longer have the overwhelming fomo urge to buy. Also coincides with me working out everyday to get over the anger / tire myself out and yesterday I bought every type of vitamin that I might have lacked in my diet. I have a similar brain fog feeling to when I quit SSRIs last year and I really wonder how badly I've fucked up my serotonin production. Still really want a joint but I'm at the point where picking up etc is too much of a commitment and so I just have to try and suffer through these sleepless nights I guess until my body realises more weed isn't coming at least for a month. You know it's weird because I still don't feel like mentally at my peak and sometimes feel like im high anyway making me wonder how much of my reality I blurred into thinking certain experiences / feelings were only available high despite not being? Idk, all I know is weed should really be regulated because I've definitely had days and weeks of completely losing my mind over the last year or two. I hear high thc, low cbd can be the cause but I haven't been fucked to read into it because I've been high all the time lol. All I know is weed and alcohol will stop you achieving anything more if you smoke regularly. It's a great retirement drug, not so great if you still have no gf, job etc.

I love weed, but also fuck weed for allowing me to be ok with slowly ruining my life.

Since it's legal now I should probably try it again. Always hated it in high school because it made me paranoid. I try some cake once and it was amazing with no paranoia maybe grab some edibles at some point.

I'm pretty addicted to it. Honestly it's strange how it went from taboo to something that's weird if you don't do. There needs to be the same warnings and advisories that there are for cigarettes, weed is pretty harmful too.

its called cannabis.
a gram is usually 10 dollars

1000mg is 1 gram

guess how much mg you need to smoke to get high? yeah read that link


There are people in this world that are addicted to it and have high tolerences. 150mg doesn't get them high.

>What do you personally think about marijuana?

Safer than alcohol or cigs and doesn't cause cancer

feels great, but lowers your testosterone levels

I'm already beta so no

I personally don't smoke it anymore because it gives me anxiety. Should it be legal? Yes. Should people be driving high, coming into work high, or basing most of their day around weed or doing shit high? No. If you do, then you're a faggot or an asshole.

fapping lowers your testosterone levels

much better than alcohol. I think its more the culture that turns people into degenerates

If I had the power I'd ban it and start wars if needed to destroy every single plant in the world just to spite stoners and rastafarians.
Especially unironic rastafarians. You're the biggest of faggots.

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Just a plant but I want the all the people who smoke it dead.

i thought the same. Until i smoked it.
Just try it once, don't be an uptight little bitch.

Sure, many degenerates smoke it. Idc

I was drugged with it and I just kept spinning and feeling maddening thoughts.

It was wax and my brother put it in my sandwich and when I realized it too late I didnt do anything because it beta. It made me thow up.

All rec drugs are degenerate

no one ever got gyno from fapping tho

It alright as long as you don't let it consume your life and you maintain relationships with people while sober. Remember kids: Wait until 4:20

Last time I used weed, I ate a spoonful of weed butter with no tolerance and was put in a borderline psychotic state with auditory hallucinations (people on the street whispering statements and insults towards me), extreme paranoia and anxiety. I fanatsized that people in my class, including people who were ostensibly nice towards me, were all plotting behind my back together in a conspiracy against me led on by some girl I hated.

I ate the butter at an acquaintance's place and we watched some movie. I fantasized the entire time that he was judging me negatively, that he was making fun of me behind my back, that he was intentionally trying to harm me for his own amusement. I left to go back home when it became too intense and that's when the real nightmare started, on my way back I was walking past strangers and I was so sure they were all in the know, that they were whispering these things towards me, that I probably looked stoned as hell and it was totally obvious to everyone.

Only when I arrived home and I looked in the mirror did I realize that I looked totally normal, my eyes looked somewhat glassy but it wasn't nearly as obvious from my appearance that I was out of it as I imagined.

This was so shitty that I told myself on the train ride home I'll never use weed again. I was freaking out that this anxiety and these racing thoughts would be permanent and that I broke my brain again and all the progress I had made in combatting my anxiety would be destroyed by this single experience and I would wake up tomorrow and be as anxious as I was as a teen again. This wasn't my first negative experience on weed either, I usually have somewhat negative experiences with it, I can't concentrate anymore, I become even more socially incompetent than usual. It's just not fun.

Interestingly enough, I tolerate other drugs quite well. Shrooms, MDMA even mild stuff like phenibut are all waay way more pleasurable and less negative for me. I'd rather legalize MDMA.

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should be legalized but its still disgusting.

That's fuckin weird. What were your experiences with shrooms like?

proper education on substances from a scientific point of view paired with the psychology behind why people use substances would curb use.
also if the social atmosphere were less toxic and stressful people wouldn't need to indulge to get by.

Completely believable
Even a moderate dose of oral cannabis could send someone with little tolerance spinning all day

I am lucky, I daily toke when I have any cannabis product available, but I vape dried plant primarily and rarely smoke. I have been running everyday since a few days before the new year and I can tell my lungs are still fine after years. I actually enjoy physical exercise when I'm high.
If you desire to quit but have problems, what works well for me is to wean gradually. it also takes very little weed. First restrict yourself to smoking only once before bed. Doing this is gonna suck if you usually smoke all day, but the smoke break itself is really rewarding. Then you just smoke less every time you smoke and quit cold turkey after a week. By this point you generally feel fine during the day but might lose sleep and get headaches at bedtime for a week. It's drawn out but it's really manageable no matter what your tolerance.
Sounds like you have other problems in your life than a marijuana addiction. I can support your view that people with diagnosed marijuana addiction should be restricted access to marijuana. If not through the addict's self will then only some external force. Addictions in my mind are defined by the fact they interfere with your everyday life and happiness so they need to be dealt with for the individual's ability to thrive.
I find my mind works pretty much normally a month after I stop. Scientific literature supports learning ability retuning fully in about 28 days in daily marijuana users and no long term negative effects after quitting.

It should be legal. But honestly it does cause damage. I smoked for about 2 years and just barely quit. A month clean. Alot of smokers will tell you theres no negatives but thats just denial. We should treat it like alcohal. Use responsibly off of work. Who cares kinda deal.

goddamn i want cannabis concentrates to be legalized in canada so I can dab while i dab

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it was great for a time but one i day i had a breakdown on it and havent been able to use it since without freaking out
i miss it

An enjoyable and relatively safe drug but with its negatives being downplayed too much. When you smoke daily it will burn you out and make you dependent on it for all functions it used to help with (sleep, hunger, mood and dopamine to name a few). It has a low risk for addiction but when used as a crutch its relative harmlessness can be the thing that prevents you from seeing it as a problem. I have smoked daily for about one and half years and abused it in order to escape from my responsibilities and problems. And when I finally realize I needed to quit I definitely noticed some withdrawal symptoms like severe irritability, insomnia and loss of appetite. Fortunately it only lasted for about a week but it still wasn't easy to fight the urge to not smoke when one couldn't find joy in anything in that period.

In general I think it should be legalized like all drugs but at the same time have the risks associated with it be discussed objectively.

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lol your a fag and your brother punkd your lame ass

I wasted 10 years smoking weed as a crutch. It makes you okay with accomplishing nothing and now at 28 I'm trying desperately to make sure that I have a future after quitting weed last summer.

I just took a couple fat dabs off my Puffco Peak. Jesus, Canada is gay as fuck.

I think all drugs should be made legal.
I have seen people lose themselves in marijuana, but I've seen people lose themselves in world of warcraft too.

>but I've seen people lose themselves in world of warcraft too.
Ah nothing better than a fresh tbc server~

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Fact: It's not a drug.

>Jesus, Canada is gay as fuck.

You don't even know dude I wasn't born here I just live here my parents brought me here, they said I sat in a corner and refused to learn English for 3 months (i was 9) but I speak it now so whatever. It's especially bad I live in Toronto I go outside and all I see is gay. Kratom isn't even legal here. I want a dab rig so badly

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>I go outside and all I see is gay
Fucking hell, man.

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go back to China kim

of course it's a drug you moron