How do I get a NEET fembot gf to love and financially support

How do I get a NEET fembot gf to love and financially support...

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be a tall bearmode

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i had this before and it wasn't fun

sex is overrated and emotional unstable people just rip apart your heart

i moved states and abandoned friendships for someone who just dumped me anyways

From what I heard you dont actually want this.

go back in time and find the shy girl in your school, gf her then manipulate her life till she become NEET the you have a NEET gf. Or just find a larp here.

>tfw no bearmode bf

I want a short one though

is 5'9'' considered short

and what if i hate growing out my facial hair

How do I find one here?

I'm not moving unless its really serious

Do you want a real gf or is orbiting enough?

Mines was serious, we visited each other in person like 6 times and moved in together. It still ended in a shitty way and I am resentful

long distance is fine for now, hopefully something more later, if orbiting like going after some twitch streamer, then no thanks

What happened? Why did you break up?

It's been a while but there's too many reasons to count for in a single post. Also there's a chance she might see this thread or something and I wouldn't want her to think I'm bitter

even though I am

Where do you find fembots out in the wild? Or just shy introverted women in general. I really want to get to know one, but they hide in their rooms just like I do, so I don't know where to look.
>Inb4 online dating
The only people that use online dating sites are thots, and narcissistic normalfags looking for a quick fuck, or an ego boost. I'm not letting that happen to me again.

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5'9 is medium height, I'd like a 5'7 to be the same height as me ideally. And come on, don't halfass it. Either you commit to being hairy or you're not a bear

my beard grows really scraggly so i just keep my face clean shaved. maybe if i had a good amount of time to just grow it out in full, it can look alright but that growing out period sucks lmao

Are you a grill? I can be your bearmode. Are you serious or are you just going to break my heart? What stuff do you enjoy doing?

>Where do you find fembots out in the wild?
fembots dont exist. but to give you a real answer they dont exist in the wild if they are out in the in the wild they just like other women. they are also already taken
>Or just shy introverted women in general.
by their nature they are hard to find with the only way to really find one is to stumble across them when they are forced to go out or if you can find their blog/place online they vent.
> really want to get to know one, but they hide in their rooms just like I do, so I don't know where to look.
there is not place you can look for them unless you know someone who has a daughter/sister that is like that, even then she could turn out to be a massive whore still so you're kinda out of luck.

Yeah it's probably hopeless. The best places that I can think of are any of the arts and crafts/nerd stores or the local library. Other than that I'm pretty much just pacing my town trying to find a qt.

them places house the worst type of "shy, nerdy awkward" lasses its a really bad idea looking there.

From what I've seen I mostly agree with you, but I try to avoid the super outgoing ones. I try to look for the ones that seem like they're only there because they have to be, or like they want to be alone for the most part. Plus I actually kind of find the "lol xd so randum" girls kind of cute in a cringey way.
It's either that or pace the 50 different grocery stores in town like a creep.

Are you into asians tho user?

Yeah, Asians are pretty cute most of the time.

do you really need to ask on this board? 90% for people would take a 3/10 asain gf over a 7/10 white gf any days.

I'm not entirely sure I'd like to date rn since my heart is broken to smithereens.
But we could be friends tho :)

Here's my discord: *sycamore#6126*

Sure, I'm Atom

>have to get job to live
>want to NEET
>will still have to work even if married off

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I will financially support a NEET fembot gf
If you are one

it's just how the world is these days
one income is usually not enough even for 2 people

eventually you will grow to hate a useless gf

Not really, I make enough to have a family of my own, my dad also raised my family by himself.
Sure if someone is working at a fast food joint can't, but im not

how do i get the opposite (a gf to love and financially support me) ?

you need a dick the length of train and as think as a tree stump, to be able to last hours in bed, smoke a shit ton of weed, be a complete arse and not be a slob/stink/ need to live somewhere clean and bathe.
If you have/do all that then it should be easy.

if you both can get NEET money and housing benefits you might be able to make it work, that is if where you live has both of them things.

Op here
I have to go to sleep
Just dropping my discord if anyone is interested in talking

5'7" and muscular here. If you are a NEET girl I could adopt you and take you under my wing. You just need to provide sex and keep my place clean and I will provide for all your needs.


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what do you want to play together? what games do you have

I wonder if a fembot would move to my country to live in my house, i have enough money to maintain us both while she plays games all day, but i do want her to be my gf and wear cute outfits.

too desperate user. you gotta act like a man to get girls then open up later once youve fucked them. after youve dominated them then they find it cute when you act like an actual human being.

I just want to cuddle and make them breakfast on the weekends.
I can play whatever and purchase for us both. I'm just lonely.

all women are shy introverts unless theyre cock carosel stacies

Asian pussy stank doe

I once cooked for a girl, it was such a wholesome feeling to see her smile and tell me the food was delicious.
I cook for guests whenever i got the chance now...That is never, i don't ever have guests.

I wish I had a fembot gf to make feel special and loved

>I can play whatever and purchase for us both. I'm just lonely.
eh i was hoping you would list off some video games you owned and liked. it just feels like youre using video games as a cheap outlet to meet one since you didnt

I mooch off of my neet girlfriend. I don't have to worry about money, housing or food because of her. The trade off is I have to live with a literal crazy person.