Tell us about your life user, what went so wrong for you to end up a Robot?
Tell us about your life user, what went so wrong for you to end up a Robot?
no such thing you have to solve captcha to post there.
nothing went wrong, it was always going to be this way, its all going to plan
Well I'm not a "robot," I'm just here for the greentext stories. There seems to be an overabundance of "I'm socially awkward, I hate normalniggers, I want sex just sex give it to me I deserve it" "stories" though.
idk everything's going okay really I'm just a late bloomer. used to be jaded now I feel aware and interlinked with the world around me. matched with a girl on tinder today who's bio said she wanted fwb but she unmatched before I messaged her lol. Idk we getting close tho bros I feel it
Beware Tinder, online dating and casual sex only leads to tears user
I don't know. I guess I've just always been weird.
And people just decided I'm not worth the trouble, no matter what I did.
Totally accidental pregnancy of a mentally ill woman by a weird loser.
Pretty much fucked from the get-go.
I've been told later in life that several people offered to raise her child(me) because you don't let mentally ill unstable woman with no father around raise a child, but they chickened out and let her keep it.
Huge fucking mistake. I basically raised myself in front of a television while listening to a paranoid schizophrenic with delusions of grandeur talk about how everyone and everything was out to get her. Never recovered socially/developmentally.
>one shot at life
>single mother
thanks, dad, you selfish cunt
and then he always wonders why I'm so much of a limp-wristed, no girlfriend having faggot
>bastard child
>video games
>sodomite (lesbian) mom hops from woman to woman.
>I start being home schooled
>I get super fat
>dad through out is emotionally abusive
>spent to much time on the internet all the edgy stuff got into my head while I was young
>can't get this crap out now.
If you can't form an original post without gibberish or any variation of "original" at the end, you shouldn't post here. You're the problem, not me.
>Born with pectus excavatum
>Grade six swimming trip
>Kid laughs at me, lose all confidence
>Girls feel sorry but think I'm disgusting
>No one hangs out with me, no one wants to be friends with the loser
>Become really shy, can't even talk to cashiers
>no dad, very feminine personality as mom is only friend
>Below average IQ
>Literal retard mom making NEET Bux
>Too stupid and weak to make friends or get good job
I'm 22 and going nowhere fast. I let society down because I'm lazy and will end it as soon as my dyslexic mom dies. Until then, how bout another black gf thread?
I listened to everyone else.
I got good grades. I studied. I did my homework. I didn't associate with "those kind of kids." I stuck to myself, obeyed my parents, deferred to my older brother. We moved around a lot, so I never laid down roots. Family was all I had, and family was hierarchy - and I was the youngest.
I doomed myself. I never rebelled. I never struck out on my own. I was the perfect youngest child, and in doing so, I became a thing so disgusting I can't look back on my childhood with any satisfaction now.
I never grew as a kid. Went to uni. Got good grades. Majored in a career-worthy major. Got my degree. Got a good job, work hard, made some money. Got my own place.
I'm KHV. Alcoholic. Spend all my time in my head, the definition of someone who retreats into fantasy and dreams. I have very few ambitions. This is the best I can muster for a rebellion far too late in life. I failed myself when I was younger, and now I just don't care anymore.
I don't care about a family. I don't care about kids. Don't care about tfwnogf. The care has been replaced with a hollow, an empty space upon which I stare and wonder what I might have been if only I'd had some courage.
What to do now? I don't know. I don't even know what I want, or even if I want anything.
simple answer: raised by a single mother.
Thats the biggest safety blanket for why you are a loser. Wish you had a dad to rape and beat you.
Join the army. Do it. Amazing benefits, great shape, free food housing travel the world depending on your job you wont have to fight and you wont be a sissy anymore.
hey popping in for the first time in years. I found a cool /v/ wife, had 2 kids, a boy and a girl, and I stopped looking at loli.
My sister contacted me today with a weird statement, I was caught by my school administrator for looking at loli when I was 15. I'm 30 years old now, topped out at the local factory, and she told me over FB that I wasn't the only one who struggled with perverted stuff, she actually told me "I mean, I can't say that I don't think some kids are pretty hot, and it's hard not to look at some doujins every week or so"
My sister is like, pure christian success. She actually finished college with a masters, unlike me. A college employee, learned all the SJW stuff for reference but maintained her southern baptist beliefs, it is so fucking wild to be hearing this degenerate stuff coming from her.
I knew I was the fucking worst on the inside but if my sister is like that too maybe I'm not so bad.
severe and untreatable acne and herpes basically. Fucked by genetics and diseases
imagine being a virgin with a frequently reoccurring and very obvious STD on your face just because your grandma was a prostitute (i think, maybe)
I've had gfs and gotten blowjobs before and am not that ugly so if I completely stopped caring I could become a plague bearer/carrier/spreader I guess. Watch out public healthcare. Also for future reference in case any agency wants to take this post seriously I've never officially gotten medically diagnosed so I legally do not know if I have anything or not :^)
being ugly and socially retarded is all it takes
Honestly thinking about it. Just posted about it in the other thread actually. I'm not in bad shape and could probably go for it.
Got ripped off and wage thefted with like the first 5 jobs I had, so now I have a massive fucking hatred of working, the job market and bosses. I would rather be anything than a fucking wagie. being a wagie makes me feel physically ill.
Yeah I'm planning on joining once I finish highschool (failed 6th grade because I played vidya too much)
I'm currently starting to train, my goal is to be an army ranger, my grandpa was one in the Vietnam war.
best of luck user.
My mom drank when she was pregnant with me and made me a mixed race baby.
>low testosterone
>2 crazy parents
>have low iq
>low key autistic but i think everyone in the family knows since i took therapy when i was a kid
>have psoriasis at early age
>have bad social interactions because of autistic decisions
>As a kid still shat my pants often, thus learning to avoid people around me
>Socially anxious and introverted
>Depressed 1/3 of the time
>Parents who are loners aswell
>Ghosted my last robot and not so robot friends
>Can't get work done
>khv, every girl I liked moved away before getting somewhere
>Can't let go of the past
buy acnetame off of amazon
use a facial wash with sacralyc acid
shave regularly
You didn't stop caring if you're complaining like this. You're just desperate.
>circumcised and all mental and physical damage that includes
>fed unhealthy formula as a baby
>home schooled K-12 so never any real social interaction outside of the internet
>incompetent verbally abusive mother
>frail body and acne in formative years destroys any left over self confidence
>realize I'm fucked around puberty starting
>tell myself things will work themselves out sooner or later
>just sit on Jow Forums and anime and vidya
>just turned 22 and nothing has changed
it never went wrong really it just never went right
i suppose it went wrong at birth since i was raised by a single mother that didnt give a fuck about me
>got raped as lil kid
Parents were distant to me. I was a gifted kid with ADD who needed more support but never got it from anyone. I just sort of ended up behind the computer all of the time, and that's where I still am today.
My parents just sort of let me do my thing ,I've told them multiple times I'm unhappy but they always give crappy advice.
My mom doesn't understand me at all cause she's stupid in pretty much all areas except the ones that I'm bad at. i.e. practical day to day matters. We have nothing in common it's weird to think she's even my mom.
My dad is way more like me, but he's technically just as much of a loser, only he found a wife but he sits behind his computer all day, doesn't have any friends. So I practically never come into contact with anyone except my parents and people in college.
They never abused me or anything, but I just feel so passively held down by my mother, cause she watches everything I do and then judges quietly. I hate it so much, I can never be myself with her around.
I didn't play around with other kids, i don't talk much but even when I do i mostly regret it and I live in fantasy land