Femanons how does it feel that feminists have ruined your chances of being a housewife and not having to wageslave and...

Femanons how does it feel that feminists have ruined your chances of being a housewife and not having to wageslave and only having to cook and clean? Thanks to feminism you now have to work as much as a man and you can't get away with just cooking and cleaning.

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I've even seen some women try to cope with saying that they like working. Every single career women i've seen becomes super depressed in her 30s when she's starting to become sterile

doesn't bother me because voluntarily becoming a housewife is something only a true retard would do

>ruined my chances of not having to wageslave

Then how am I still a NEET? Checkmate nigga I don't even cook or clean

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>doesn't bother me because voluntarily becoming a housewife is something only a true retard would do
Not working and only having to cook and clean seems like a very good deal to me imo. You have been brainwashed by the feminist movement, look up statistics on happiness and you can see how female happiness plummet down to male levels when less and less started becoming housewives. Housewives are also known for being the most happiest group of women. Why are you a shill for the feminist movement when wageslaving is against your own self ?

I don't think it's feminists that did that; it was the economy.

>doesn't bother me because voluntarily becoming a housewife is something only a true retard would do
Not working and only having to cook and clean seems like a very good deal to me imo and not something retarded to do at all if I had the choice i'd do it in a heartbeat. You have been brainwashed by the feminist movement, look up statistics on happiness and you can see how female happiness plummet down to male levels when less and less started becoming housewives. Housewives are also known for being the most happiest group of women. Why are you a shill for the feminist movement when wageslaving is against your own self ?

Why not the feminists? The people i've seen pushing for women in the workplace are feminists and not business owners. At least publicly

Well a NEET with control of a lot of money. Being a poorfag NEET isn't really enjoyable at all. Been there done that

>tfw no qt3.14 neet gf
What do you do all day?
Watch anime and eat?

lmao being a housewife is a middle class only experience you moron, if you were a poor woman you had to work back in the day dont delude yourself

It doesn't matter that other people in the general population want women to join the workforce. But the state of the economy in a number of countries is such that a single-income family is simply not feasible, especially if there are children involved.

This picture gives me a massive boner. I just want to plow that slut while she's string her pan.

Anime rarely, if it's yaoi. I like eating. Other than that I just waste time

more workers devalues work actually, man I hate this mystical idea of the great economy god that we must keep alive at all costs, truly the greatest of the jews tricks.

Are you happy with this arrangement?
You don't get bored or lonely or feel unfulfilled

Don't blame feminists. Blame a fucked up economic system that requires a dual-income to get ahead in life.

I'd go insane with a neet gf. Imagine always having someone in your space, ALWAYS.

The economic system is only that way because feminists enabled business interests to force women into the workforce, doubling the labor supply and more than halving wages.

Well I have a job and am a full time student, so I'd only see her at home when I come back for sex and dinner.

Marxist Feminism will destroy the patriarchy and wage slavery

capitalism requires a constant increase in the pool of laborers to survive
it IS the economic system that caused this and one of the contradictions of the system

The system wouldn't collapse if women stayed at home we'd just effectively cuck it

I'm happy to not have to wageslave or socialize. Boredom, loneliness are only to the same extent as living a normal life would cause anyway, so I may as well be NEET and save myself the trouble. I don't really mind at this point. Unfulfillment only in the sense that I want to have an income. If I won the lottery or some shit, I'd be set.

>so I'd only see her at home when I come back for sex and dinner.
that's the dream right there for most women, waiting all day at home for a man to come sex them up amIright?

Well I wouldn't know much about what women want or women at all for that matter, but if some lady were paying for my rent and food while I stayed at home, I don't think I'd complain.

Stupid cunt you want to wageslave your life away? We had it so good, find a guy and get to live the NEET life at home with kids, then the fucking whore feminists had to fuck it up for us. Hope they're burning in hell and you with them if you agree with them.

Honestly it makes me depressed as fuck...ever since I was a kid I've known all I want to do is be a homemaker and dedicate all my time to raising kids. Knowing I can never have the life I want because of fucking feminists makes me want to kms

Go find yourself a tradchad bf. Oh wait, you're too ugly and autistic.

It was really falling wages from globalization and the fading of the post-WWII boom that did it. Women have worked what we would think of as jobs since the Industrial Revolution started, working in factories from the earliest days and all the way through to the World Wars. They just tended to be lower-class women, and if you somehow ascended to the middle or upper classes you might be a stay-at-home mom.

The rare thing is that in the post-war era, men here in America were making enough money that an incredible amount of us could afford to keep our wives at home. This felt really good, worked well and everyone liked it. Slowly, for various reasons, this ability went away, and rather than accept reduced living standards, women went back to work to supplement income. Except this time, they picked up on second-wave feminism and the Civil Rights movement to get better jobs than would've been allowed for them in an earlier era where an employer could discriminate against an employee for the possibility that she might get a child and quit working.

The right these days has a lot to say about cultural forces breaking up the family, and there's credit there, but are strangely silent on the role that industry has played in destroying the American family; a much stronger one given how much more force money has to change reality than protests and articles in progressive magazines do.

Perhaps it is recognized that to attack industry and the free market is to piss off someone who won't just @ you on twitter if they're angry. Or perhaps, these are just thoughts we're not allowed to have.

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You're blaming the wrong people. Feminists are just following orders because they were brainwashed in college.

Women can still be housewives and make money as a camwhore

First off, housemaking is more than cooking and cleaning
Second, my chances aren't ruined, I plan on being a housewife and taking care of my family.
Also yea work sucks, glad I'm dodging that y chromosome bullet. At least we have a choice

You forgot about the most important part of what a wife's job. ONLY FUCK YOUR HUSBAND. Apparently that was so unbearable for the roastie she would prefer to be a purposeless wage slave.

We all know (((who))) got feminism started and (((who))) is still using it to destroy white countries today.

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No one would have wanted me for a wife anyway so who cares

literally watching a twitch housewife right now lol

inb4 twenty robots offer to marry you and you say no to every single one

I like the idea of being a housewife as long as I could still pursue my hobbies and I actually love who my partner is. Life would be good. But the terror of being left in that situation, with no skills or anything, trumps ever agreeing to something like that. Plus then in a relationship each person could still spend their money on whatever useless shit they wanted.

Would rather be a cockslave who work and gain actual money also has respect as a working adult and husband help in housework but oh well. Y'all can't imagine how horny it makes me when I see bf doing housework.

>Y'all can't imagine how horny it makes me when I see bf doing housework.
How is that in any way arousing? I'm now paranoid my housemates get off when I do the dishes.

Honestly don't know probably
>Bf get home
>See dishes isn't washes from morning
>Sit on the couch
>Watch TV
>I come home say hy to me watch TV continually and shit on me
>Bf get home
>See dishes isn't washes from morning
>Coming home bf washing dishes
>Realize what a qtpie
>Actually cares about me and that I come home just as tired as him
>Yet he did the dishes and didn't left for me
>Love machine start working because such a good man makes me horny

cooking and cleaning get old like on the second day so I can understand why bored housewives had sex with any delivery or repairman that came to the house. No way I could last one week

>sending your children to government school
Oh no no no no

and a job that is the same action repeated 100+ times per day 5 days a week with a boss that looks over your shoulder to make sure you're always busy is somehow better than making your own schedual at home so long as the work gets done and depending on your husband may not be all that bothered if its not perfect

women are idiots, Id love to be a stay at home dad but no woman would ever accept this, You have a choice and if you choose work then you're an idiot

Stay at home dads exist. Stefan Molyneux is one, my uncle was one.

no way I would let you keep me barefoot, pregnant and homeschool the kids. Thats no life for a princess.

stefan molyneux has a job
his videos are his job

locked away in a dark cubical slaving away for shlomostein now thats the life of a princess

But he stays at home and works an hour a day, if that. Also his daughter is almost of age these days.

>I will never come home to my pregnant bare foot wife standing in the kitchen in nothing but an apron making me dinner

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but he gets paid for making those videos its not exactly the same situation as being a housewife/husband but a work from home job would also be preferable to my current situation

tfw foot fetish
tfw no bare foot wife

It's not comparable to the historical family structure, but in this digital age there is no reason not to do something on the side, even as the stay at home parent to a young child.

but I won't be in the cubical for long and during my time there I have plenty of adoring subjects come pay me homage. In fact they won't leave me alone always peeking over or marching by, asking me to lunch and opening doors.

>glad I'm dodging that y chromosome bullet. At least we have a choice
If I'm LUCKY maybe I'll have a chance to use my million dollars to support a girl who isn't dreadful to look at, and maybe she'll have sex with me without accusing me of rape.

Jesus fuck, why haven't I killed myself yet

even third world girls won't do it anymore

7+ hours a day 5 days a week until you're 70+ years old

yeah you wont be there long...

what good is money if nobody will ever love us?
women truely have the better deal

women won't settle for the same drudgery as men do, just won't. I'll find someone else to do it, do something else, go elsewhere to move up, marry a rich guy or two so bye bye

>bills are paid
>I'll never be homeless, starving, or in debt
That's literally it. Even sugar babes don't want you unless you spend it on them frivolously, but then you won't be rich anymore.

I fell for the money meme because there was no other way to prove to the world that I'm not a total loser but I'm still depressed.

How exactly did they ruin it? All it really did was make women who want to be home makers more sought after.

Your would be completely be dependent on another person. If that person wanted to fuck you it be real easy.

>Your would be completely be dependent on another person. If that person wanted to fuck you it be real easy.
You will always be dependent on another person retard. The husband in a trad marriage is dependent on the wife and can't do housework so don't really see why he would fuck you over. Also if you're loyal and shit people won't fuck you over, look into some stats and you'll see that trad marriages don't have the same divorce rates as other ones. Also i'd advice you to look into some statistics about women's happiness plummeting after they entered the workplace and how housewives is the happiest group among women. Instead of realizing the truth you buy into the meme about independence created by bitter feminists who had to work and could find a husband so they deiced to bring down every female with them.

On paper, feminists should be okay with housewives if they chose to be a housewife and not forced into it. If I wanna be a housewife then I should. But I would rather work instead cause more money the better.

was thinking the same thing, made that market more in demand not less

>On paper, feminists should be okay with housewives if they chose to be a housewife and not forced into it.
I've never met a feminist that hasn't been against housewives, might be an American thing that feminist respect housewives but in EU they sure as hell don't

>tfw no fembot housewife

We wouldn't have an extravagant lifestyle, but we'd be comfortable.

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The man provides resources and the women looks over the house. Seems like a very comfortable and fair life too bad feminists threw it away

You're forgetting the massive period of time women weren't working. It's only been 40 years since women were allowed in shared work places. But mainly it was the world war showing people women are exploitable cheap labor. It's definitely more about the feminists and cultural marxists changing cultural narratives though along side the liberal universities.

They may have had to work but they were often low-stress / part-time jobs to supplement the income

World War II was the catalyst in that it showed women were capable of operating as cheap and exploitable labor. However, after the war cultural conventions snapped many things back into place. What enabled most households to be on a single income was that after the war, the only industrial, Western, nation still fucking standing was the US. This meant we essentially got ALL the business and thus made it easy for people to become well off.

In the late 60's and early 70's as other nations were now in the full swing of things the global economy began to balance itself out. Many women worked but as stated by me they were simple jobs that were easy to do or could be done from home. However, feminists exploited this down turn in the American economy and pushed hard for women to be employed in full-time work. With an effective doubling of the available labor pool wages got bodied and stagnated. Yes, it was indeed harder for women to find decent paying, full-time, work due to sexism but the fact they were on the market is all that mattered.

We could have survived this had companies not been allowed to shift all their jobs to other countries and thus completely undermine the US economy and household

Well as someone who wants to work and have either a working husband or house husband, I feel fine.

t. Radfem

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and that is exactly the system men had set up. they could marry, keep the wife locked up, usually without transportation, fuck around on her openly and when he tired of her divorce her, leave her penniless and without any marketable skill to support herself.

>tfw I'll never be a house husband

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Literally the worst form of an an already cancerous ideology

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ITT: robots who have never been career women or housewives tell career women and housewives what their lives are like

happy, I'm ugly and have access to low tier men so I would've have to settle for a loser but now I can just create a career for myself and not rely on a man. I would rather kill myself than be a lousy housewife, I have ambitions and goals that don't consistent of minimal labour tasks.

capitalism has successfully memed "working is fun and fulfilling" in the minds of women. It has also implied that any work that isn't monetary based, like housewife is not important. Fuck this gay earth .

>anime pic
Are you triggered, sir?

But i like wasting my life away 9-5 in front of a computer for a pittance.

this, this is the actual true reason, i wonder why didnt you get any (you)s

you sound awesome, i wish i could know more about you :3

Male user, here.

Don't listen to Jow Forums. I'm proud of you, femanon. Personally, I think that both housewife and career woman are valid choices for women to make, it just depends on what makes them happier.

This sudden boom of Anons thinking ALL women need to be celibate-until-marriage housewives is ridiculous to me. Probably got it from Gavin McInnes podcasts and other Youtube celebs convincing beta nerds how to be "real men." If I were a woman, I would get married and have kids by the time I was 20, that was great before the industrial revolution, but today, people who do that are trailer trash.

*wouldn't get married

What are you retarded? How did feminism ruin it?

Women worked before. Women work now. There were housewives then, there are houswives now. Everything depends on how much the husband earns.

You actually retarded.

Oh yeah sure I love the idea of being completely dependent on someone else and be at the mercy of his whims. Faggot.

I'd say the current economy makes it harder, I got lucky and have a husband who is happy to have me as a housewife, but I still have to freelance or occasionally get part-time because a sole breadwinner isn't viable. That said, feminism has made it so more people are willing to make me feel like shit for not working and they somehow think it's acceptable to shit talk my husband clearly only manipulative needy man children want their wives at home to "bend to their every whim" after work. It's almost as if these people never felt actual love before.

so um can i give you my discord? i just wanna chat

>Economy V Feminism

>Feminists: Women need to be in the workforce

>Healthy Global Economy, K, but that's gonna double the availability of employee choices, thus severely limiting the ability of all to find the choice Jobs that many aspire to acquire


>Now a broken and drunk Economy: Ok girls, let's double the workforce overnight, hold my Recession, I'm going in.

Look at this quality, intelligent post being ignored. Im not even memeing this guy is fucking right. Good shit user, its a shame though that we cant get the economy back to a point (or the social structure cause muh stronk independent womin) where this lifestyle was more fesible

Also they fuck up the next generation of workers because they've been absent mothers and their children aren't properly brought up. Long term feminism is gonna destroy us just because some career women wanted to have respect in society

Is it even possible to find a housewife anymore with all the stronk impowered womyn these days going to uni and getting into tons of debt?

Or entitle themselves to a position of power they can't handle and create a toxic work environment when they can't think outside of their own needs

Women are nothing but a poison to the workplace. They aren't there to get the job done they're just there to larp as a worker bee, they're unhelpful, overly systematic and obsessed with the rules. Without women there would probably be 50% less meetings.

You can get a housewife with a shit ton of baggage and university debt I guess.


>wait 5 years
>more young people are "college is a scam"pilled
>find qt with budding career as independent entrepreneur
>use own business skills to grow her business with her

no shit women are going against their nature to settle down and have children. so they end up killing themselves.

It all depends on how you look at it. With the prices of today I think it's ideal for both the man and the woman to have some sort of job, unless the man has a really good job that allows him to financially support his partner. But it's pretty unrealistic, because for one, not many men are gonna want that responsibility, and for two, a lot of women wouldn't be happy to be at a man's complete mercy.