Why can't I find girls like these Jow Forums? Why?

Why can't I find girls like these Jow Forums? Why?

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Because you're a faggot and a loser. that's why.

Those girls today are on all kinds of pain killers. So much that it warps their personalities into something jaded and cynical thats similar to other women

Not even str*ight but her and the other girl were really qt

its that 80s nostalgia you feel even if you werent born or lived through the 80s. something about older films and girls that make me feel reallly comfortable and safe
>t. fredric jamesonfag

She was an alcoholic in high school OP so maybe you'll be able to catch one before they die of organ failure. Good luck giving them any hope of staying alive and quitting.

today those girls are neon-haired tumblrtards

d-dios mio...

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Le quirky girl who gets outed as just another thot in the end? Plenty of those around.

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Fuck this movie. The nerd wrote the paper for them and didn't even end up with a gf

I'm guessing that was you in high school user.

Why is this movie so popular? It's boring as all fuck and nothing really happens.

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kek im so disgusted by the female subspecies, but I want a gf so bad

True to life. Stereotypes have a kernel of truth. Preppy girl goes for bad boy, quirky girl becomes a norm and gets with Chad, and nerd virgin stays gfless and does everyone's work like a cuck.

Do you actually talk to them? I don't. I just expect them to show interest in me... somehow? The only place I see them is Walmart (I stock groceries during rush hour's 2pm-11pm). The only time I talk to people especially (((Them))) is when they ask for help with items and I just say the aisle number and move on.

Who knows maybe I will grow a pair one day and say hey.

The nerd ended up being 6'2" and swole, and the other two were doomed to be manlets.

>who gets outed as just another thot in the end?

She gets made into a princess by the princess. Not quite the same.

Exactly the same. She gets "made" (voluntarily) into a thot by the other thot. You're just sugarcoating it, whiteknight. It was all an act, she wants Chad cock like any other girl.

How do you call this a thot user?

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Breakfast club was a retarded movie and IIRC that bitch ended up with that vagrant chad with daddy issues while the nerd got nothing and that's also not what weed makes you feel like


At least Molly Ringwald didn't turn out as bad. Except her career.