Post yours and rate others gogogogo

Post yours and rate others gogogogo

Attached: Favorites.jpg (1286x1241, 641K)

and here is the original template

Attached: template.png (1286x1241, 321K)

What am I making this in

Very original comment

My name jeff

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What os the name of that anime?

Its ashame the hollow man movies were such trash

Photoshop, paint, doesn't matter
I think I've rated you before,
+Muse, ++Breaking Bad, +Watamote
+Burgers +Coke, +Dog
Kino's Journey

Oh thankgod, for a minute i thought it might be clockwork planet

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do drugs you absolute pussy faggot

Drugs are for faggots who are too pussy to face the real world

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+the eric andre show, +loli hentai, +shrooms
+evil dead 2, +south park, +lego

Attached: E85NbIt3.png (1301x918, 1.51M)

that is exactly how a pussy faggot would respond

P u s s y F a g g o t


>persona 5
>Yoko taro
>Bojack horseman
>Eric Andre
I like you user

instrument, knife +
breaking bad, hamburger +
alan watts +

Attached: awdawdgrdd.jpg (1286x1241, 418K)

Evil Dead 2 is absolute shit and I have absolutely no idea what the appeal of it could possibly be care to enlighten me?

It's literally the most entertaining film I have ever seen. I don't think that there is a single dull moment in the film

To me it just felt like the first with no tension, only existing to set up the third installment. To each their own I suppose.

you seem like 22

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+mad max, +tintin, +some sort of fried cutlet(?)
+fallout 3, +sten, +batman TAS

rate me

>fucking captcha

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Anyone have any advice on how to permanently filter these shit threads?

Who knew being a wageslave would score me so many points?

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Oh my fucking god wrong thread.
I'm going to bed, not posting in the right one.

fuck janitors. they got no bussy.

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you have excellent tastes my man, best in thread. can you post your chart template if you are still around?

I'm a boring person.

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