Is it true weed is the drug that will make you lazy and think everything's fine but never solve your problems?

Is it true weed is the drug that will make you lazy and think everything's fine but never solve your problems?

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It makes it easier to accept problems you can't fix (like eventualy dying) but also harder to fix ones that you can (like giving a shit about being a normalfag).

It just makes people zone out and either feel better or worse when they do zone out. It changes your thoughts and feelings, for better or worse. Tingly all over and seeing life more colorful, or being paranoid and feeling twisted and too distracted to pay attention.

It's how you use it. It all depends. It's not some sedative that harms your body thus creating problems while numbing you to them like booze is.

That's pretty much exactly how it is. Pretty good anti-depressant when things are hopeless. No matter how terrible your day is, if you can look forward to getting high, it's tolerable.

It can motivate you to do shit which has nothing to do with stuff you actually need to do and make you feel like you should postpone the actual important shit so you can give the less important shit your full, undivided attention. Until you realize you're too hungry to work right now, so you go to the fridge to make some food. Now that your brain is on the subject of work, you think that you should at least cook some damn good food so that it's worth putting your other shit off for. So you spend about 30 more minutes in the kitchen melting mozzarella cheese over a hotdog drowned in ketchup and mustard, then top it off with copious amounts of paprika and other kinds of cheese, then bring the monstrosity back to your room to realize you forgot what you were doing in the first place. you realize it about and hour later, but by then you're already in the middle of some other shit and the cycle continues

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yea itll make you an annoying retard and soon your only friends will be other weed addicted annoying retards
on the plus side you wont realize youre an annoying retard

>the goyim feel hopeless
>we should legalize weed

>can't even do that right as most places it's still illegal

I hate society so much.

This post is ironic projection something tells me.

no, that would be opiates

If you feel like a problem's gone, then isn't it? Problems are only problems because they make us feel bad. If you're indifferent or happy about the situation, then you no longer have a problem.

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Cannabis frys ur brain and you slowly get addicted to it

Do yoga its way better than smoking

You people are ignoring the fact that weed affects everyone differently. When I smoke weed, I get super anxious and self-conscious. I think MORE about my life and it usually causes me to panic.

Alcohol, on the other hand? That makes life okay for a night, usually. And I'm not even a shill, I know the latter is much worse for you.

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Sounds like you're smoking the wrong shit man, you tried any indica recently? Or better yet, have a drink and get a nice crossfade going

Arkansas medical marijuana got voted in 3 years ago, and the old motherfuckers in the state congress are still delaying it. Recreational will be legal before I can get a prescription.

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Here's the way to smoke weed
Solve all of your life's problems
Then smoke weed
If you're not happy with yourself you could end up smoking weed and accepting your own mediocrity then in the back of your mind you realize you're just a poor drugged up loser.

Weed makes me feel like shit too occasionally. Sometimes I feel really guilty for smoking, but there are moments of bliss that make it worth it. I drink pretty regularly too, but it's much more of an event than just smoking. With a high tolerance, you can smoke and be sober enough to go to class or work perfectly fine after an hour. Drinking seems harder to do throughout the day.

Same boat here man.

Alcohol makes me confident, funny, outgoing and actually feel happy for the first time.

Weed? Makes me awkward, on edge, anxious and depressed. Unless I'm alone then it's not as bad but unless it's high CBD I can't hang with too much weed. Alcohol > Weed anyday, and benzos > both but its too addictive so I can't fuck with em :/

I've gotten insanely energetic every time I've smoked weed
I felt much more carefree and less self-loathing though, so I guess I was chiller in that regard

depends on the person. for me weed makes me painfully aware of my problems and causes intense anxiety and dread. It does the complete opposite of making me think everything is fine, it makes it feel like absolutely nothing is fine and i cant stop panicking or calm down

Anything with too much THC gives me anxiety and makes me feel too out of it.

In general, I find regular usage of weed makes me tired all the time, lazier for sure and have less motivation. It also makes me feel more socially awkward and some stoners are really annoying to be around

it makes me make really stupid social mistakes. Also if I overdo It i puke

on weed right now ama
can confirm it alleviates my anxiety (diagnosed anxiety disorder) and relaxes me while also turning me into a dumb fuck

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I've also puked too and yeah it just makes me overthink every single social interaction to the point where I doubt that i want to say what's in my head so I'm either too quiet and awkward or I say something dumb and goofy or existential then I have a panic attack and question every life decision and then I feel my heart beating and wonder why I ever smoked that shit, in fact I just walked out of a situation cause I was too high and it was fucked up. I was freaking out man

I've tried so many different strains from everywhere. Smoked 3-5 times a week when I was teenager. It all makes me feel like shit

Same exact situation, brother. Sucks because I will concede that music and movies while high are amazing

what's the issue? sounds great to me, user

>Sucks because I will concede that music and movies while high are amazing

Dude I know right? That's the best part of weed for me, it makes music way more enjoyable and immersive and movies are also way less boring and I get right into them.

Unfortunately it's hit or miss with the effects being pleasant overall or not. I used to smoke a lot heavier stuff but after doing psychs smoking got less enjoyable I think

Not trying to sound pretentious or edgy but how long have you been smoking? I feel like I've destroyed my ability to completely enjoy music sober, but even when I'm high it no longer gives the same euphoria.

Been smoking for a few years. Sometimes I'll take breaks. Took a year break in 2017. Last year, I'd take 2 months off then smoked a bunch every so often.

Used to only use bongs and pipes. After my lungs were pretty bad I switched to vaping. Now I vape every few weeks or use a tincture. But I've cut back a lot after having some bad experiences and dealing with a lot of laziness/money issues.

Also I agree, it is harder for me to enjoy music and I know what you mean. It's not as good as it once was, the high overall but that's why I drink sometimes or look for other highs although I try not to. (Did a microdose of shrooms 4 months ago and did a light dose of DXM and booze a week ago)

if you smoke it all day long, yes, but if you smoke one hit per day, it'll act very differently on your mentality and thinking

Pretty much, and I'm fine with that.

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Did all my college exams high, doing my first uni exam while high, so no, not necessarily

I think youre just a fatass

I can't smoke weed and not want to fap. Did it once and now it's like a side effect. Those orgasms are the best.

yeah I wish I lived in a legal state so I could get the strains that make you feel happy, but the weed I smoke always elevates my anxiety and makes me over analyze things and just ruins my high. I eventually find myself trying to drown out my high more than enjoying it.

Someone needs to use source and create a heavy short mov like this.
Slaps me on the knee/10

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