Have any of you guys been through cancer? I'm really scared right now and don't know who to talk to...

Have any of you guys been through cancer? I'm really scared right now and don't know who to talk to. I'm 21 and I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (DLBCL). Has anyone been through this before? Or knew anyone that has gone through this? The next week for me is full of tests and doctors visits, and chemo as soon as possible. Are there any medfags here? I'm just scared.

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Never had experience with cancer, just wanted to say I hope things get better. Gf's mom was in it for the long haul and she beat it, hang in there user

hope you get well soon bud

Hang in there man. You'll be in my prayers. Maybe do some reading on the subject.

Youre strong enough to get through whatever comes your way. Good luck bro

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bluepilled responses, refuse treatment and die

have a good friend with lymphoma, very treatable if its early.

What happens before you die if you don't even try to get cancer treated? is it painful?

I had cancer as a baby.

They told my parents I was going to die, but I lived.

Fucked me up for life, but whatever. I'd rather be alive and fucked up than dead.

its not pleasant they will pump you full of more and more painkillers until you die from either the painkillers or cancer

don't quote me


Dying from cancer is extremely painful the point you will be screaming and crying at the same time from its good youre getting on that shit asap. If I got diagnosed used with cancer I have no insurance so Id just go OD on fentanyl. If it comes to a point you cant win fentanyl is your best way out OP good luck

Do what the doctor suggests. Also eat healthy and exercise. Natural food, as unprocessed as you can get it, veggies and fruit and meat and so on. Try to exercise every day. If all you can do is walk, walk. If you can lift, great, 3 days a week and never two days in a row, then walk other days. If you can't do that, walk. If you can't walk, walk around the block. If you can't walk around the block, pace around your room. The chemo will probably make you weak, so just do what you can.

The body's simple, feed it the right shit and use frequently to keep the pipes unclogged.

Good luck robot.

How did they find out that you have it

as long as it wasn't found really late, it's chance of survival is quite high, especially for someone as young as 21
there's numerous resources you can find online about all kinds of NHL, even the specific diffuse large B cell something-or-other you are afflicted by

Thank you guys, feels nice knowing r9k can be wholesome sometimes.

How did it fuck you up?

Thank you for the tips. I was just diagnosed yesterday so I don't really know many things about chemo or what to expect or what's gonna happen to me, but I'll be sure to eat healthier and be serious about working out.

I had pain in my lower right abdomen, went to the hospital and was hospitalized for a few days and they said it was probably crohn's disease. The next week I had a colonoscopy done and they took biopsies. A week later, I got a call saying it wasn't crohn's, it's lymphoma, and I need to see an oncologist right away. My doctor pulled a few strings so I could see a great oncologist the same day.

The thing is that if they found it in the lower right of my abdomen, it's more likely than not spread somewhere else. I don't think I'm gonna be at stage 1.

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Well you're pretty safe then
Good luck with your treatment and stay healthy
Make sure to live your life to the fullest after you get your treatment
Didn't you have any lymph nodes swollen too?

Thank you user. I didn't have any other lymph nodes swollen, at least not ones that would show on my skin.

Do you really have cancer, OP? Can you show us the diagnosis?
I'm sorry for you brother if this is true.

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its a shame someone like you, who is afraid of death got cancer.
if i caught something terminal id consider myself blessed, i wouldn't have to try anymore and i wouldnt have to put the gun to my head myself.

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Gotta provide proof for internet strangers. This is the best I could do, idk how else I could show it.

Don't cut yourself on that edge, friend.

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They caught it really early, most likely. You have a good chance to live a long and healthy life. Just follow their suggestions to the letter. Can't tell you how many people think they're unique, don't follow medical advice, then end up right back in the same boat.
t. RN

I'm hoping it was caught early. I know for a fact i'm following everything my doctor tells me to do to a T, fuck the homeopathy bullshit some people suggest to do.

Hey OP. I've heard fasting does wonders against this shit. Look up the studies. If I were you, I'd start fasting today. It does work. It really does work. Fasting eats away the cancer cells. It's very healthy for you, no kidding.

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