Why are there so many lesbians on r9k? What are your lives like and why are you here?
Why are there so many lesbians on r9k? What are your lives like and why are you here?
lesbians are romantically unsuccessful too. They're kind of on the same level as beta men
Probably all the same reasons as regular fembots, what's the difference really it's not like either wants to have sex with us
I didn't say anything about being robots or unsuccessful you fucking losers
Cuz girls are hot? Every woman should be a lesbian desu.
It's hard to attract women. Doesn't matter of fact you're a man or woman, it'll be difficult.
but i liek peines desu.....
Ever woman is a lesbian, they just don't know it.
I didn't ask why they're lesbians
There isnt and if there is, why?
Lesbians are just jaded women who got abused by their fathers and now hate all men out of spite. Theyre worse than faggots
>regular fembots
Doesnt exist cunt
All lesbians are straight they just hate men
I'm like semi in the closest and also hella autistic, so it's pretty much a recipe for disaster. I haven't had sex since 2014. I did manage to get a kiss on new years, but it was only because a girl was making out with my guy friend and i called him a slut or something similar and she was like "it's new years it doesn't mean anything" and i was just like "well alright kiss me then" and she did. I was even surprised that worked because before that I don't even think I kissed someone since 2016.
It's 2017. Come out already.
I am to my close friends, but not to my family, so I don't make it public knowledge. Family is very religious so I can't
I have a brain injury that makes me unable to speak correctly. It's near impossible to find other dykes and even then who would want to deal with me?
If you don't live with them, waiting won't help anything.
I'm sorry user. Don't be a defeatist though. I hope you find a qt who likes you :)
What is your brain injury?
aggressive glioblastoma?
Can you still work a pussy with your tongue?
You must be talking about some other board, its not lesbians but gay traps that make up the bulk of posters
People who constantly complain about the board seem to be some of the worst posters
I hate you dumb incels who always post things related to being an incel. Get a life and look for a woman to marry before thinking about having sex.
Why did you guess that?
Most of the ones I know have cute wives
I hate lesbians so goddamn much