Has there ever been a successful revolution in a 1st world country

has there ever been a successful revolution in a 1st world country

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Does Croatia count as first world? If so, as recently as the '90s.

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usa, texas, france, spain

I think he means in the modern political structure where nation states hadn't existed yet

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the notion of 1st world didn't arise until the cold war era

Industrial revolution?

No. Simply put our world, (1st woeld that is, internet access and all the goodness) probably coudnt handlw a societal collapse on that scale. Once one 1st world nation revolts, other nations will follow suite thatnks to the internet. But once all is said and done, we will be worae off then we began. Dictators will rise, large nations states will fracture to smaller nations with tension. What few technolofies we preserve, will be in high high demand. It would fuck the system

>Does xyz count as first world?
For your sake I hope not...
Most people online are east of Berlin now, trading mostly among each other, planning their own populations (even embryos...) So 2nd world (Sino-centric technocracy in particular) is going to be just fine, yet you are inevitably right aboot everyone else.

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The change of Yugoslavia to a capitalist state - maybe, but I wouldn't count the breaking of Yugoslavia as a revolution. Simply states of a federation in war with each other.
States like Romania and such would be better candidates - literally shooting the former head of state on national television is pretty revolutionary.
It's a shame my country (Czech republic) took the pussy way out and made a deal with the commies, basically letting them off the hook. Some sly ones still remain in power to this day, whilst saying they were the ones protesting and shit.

Chile in the 70s

>we into kapital now
Present-day bloc intervenes less in economy than western model... Because nannying 3rd world pets is more definitive of 1st world countries now (no different from past colonial entanglement).

I'm sure if some irrelevant european country started a civil war everyone would just watch

There is no irrelevant with a powder keg, something that Europe (and a whole lot of other people) observed ~100 years ago...

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The political climate is a lot different now than it was 100 years ago smart one

we have democracies now we dont need a revolution when we can just vote them out in 4 years, closest would probably be france in 68, it would happen through major organised nationwide strikes

Same people are pulling your purse strings (too far) whilst your peasants are reanimating 19th century ideas.

What does that even mean, the jews are a mobile bunch if that's what you're trying to say

How retrograde (You) are to single any 1 out... senpai we are able to overpopulate, overprint, and overexpand by ourselves.

Yes, I'd say the American Colonies seceding and forming The United States of America counts as a successful revolution in a 1st world country.

because any modern revolution would be put down in 5 seconds flat.

The present-day lower class has way more to lose in a revolution than it did 150 years ago. Besides the masses are very docile now. Even the very poor have TVs. You'll never start a first-world revolution in this day and age.

France was one of the top power in 1789

Sure thing kaiser, yet for many just 1 or 2 pipelines are keeping those teles glowing (something more difficult to replace than truck drivers) ...nova era indeed.

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