You know deep down that she's right.
You know deep down that she's right
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Alpha's fuck who they want, betas fuck who they can.
I don't think any men here would disagree. In fact, it's the root of the problem.
Men marry who they want. Roasties marry who they can.
>guy says women have it easy
>pathetic incel
>woman says women have it easy
>so true
This. Nobody refutes this but that imbalance is what causes the power dynamic around sex
Male prostitutes are earning less and less in recent years
I would know, I'm their best client
We need to bring male prostitution wages up in this country, and the only way to do that is to reduce the minimum wage and start making women a more expensive fuck
>women fuck who they want, men fuck who they love. Remember that
>nobody wants me
Looks like it checks out.
I wouldn't fuck that uggo even though she would want to fuck me. There, she's been proven wrong.
>"Hey, men, you're all disgusting garbage and we hate you! Worthless fucking losers!"
>"H-Hey, come on, that's not fair"
>"Wow, look at all this male fragility, god, you're so weak, fucking weak fragile garbage males with tiny dicks and also no one loves you"
Bitch looks like a fucking egg, someone was playing russian roulette with their sperm
This is the actual issue here, along with sluts exploiting the dynamic for literally everything they can
Let women be big and loud and arrogant while they're in their 20s and 30s. Just remember what happens when they hit 40 and be content in the knowledge that society will actually value you by that point if you play your cards right while most of them will be scrambling to find purchase as their looks disappear.
Every time I see this I just get upset. Sex is a connection between human beings. It implies that women should be able to fuck 40,000 men without consequences or criticism, while men should follow in the woman's footsteps like "cucks".
Because she is a star, she feels she is correct and is demanding that you take her seriously when she says that. That's the only real basis of the argument. That's the only thing that's giving her statement weight.
She is completely ignoring how important sex is. She is ignoring the importance of human connection, and treating it like a transaction.
It's her arrogance that upsets, in the end.
>t. not a virgin and have a wonderful girlfriend of 5 years.
jokes on you women have no sexual power over me and that makes them desperate.
Imagine living in a society where anything that ever comes out of that person's mouth is considered cogent or even slightly worthwhile.
The only way we can think about it is by not considering it as women having it easy. Women can have sex? So what I say. I can too apparently. It just turns out that I really don't want that life. It's empty and it makes you feel disgusting. I mean, I envy the people who are perfectly content with living those kinds of lives, it'd be nice to be so easily content, but it's too animalistic for me and it really made me feel less than human.
I just want a real connection and I don't think the type of woman I want exists, and I don't really deserve her anymore anyway.
She's an EMPOWERED FEMINIST!! Let her have a voice you misogynist!
you're one based motherfucker
This is worth mentioning
Until women hit the wall, of course
Yes, and? We know women live on easy mode.
If anything it's women who get angry about what she's saying. They're the ones who don't like being told they have it easy.
>You know deep down that she's right.
All women are sluts yeah we get it.
I like you user, have some scripture.
Take, for an example, the beasts devoid of reason. Thou wilt blush to find the brutes possessed of finer feelings than thyself. The mare asks no gift of the stallion, nor the heifer of the bull; the ram payeth not the ewe on whom he wreaks his passion. Woman alone loves to flaunt the spoils she wrests from man. She alone setteth a price upon her favours; she alone offereth herself for hire. She selleth a pleasure that bringeth delight to both, a pleasure which both have longed for, and she maketh him pay for the bliss he giveth her. When love hath equal charms for both, wherefore should one sell it and the other buy? Wherefore should I lose, and thou win at a game wherein we both minister to our mutual bliss?
A witness may not sell his testimony for money; nor must a judge take bribes. It is a disgrace for an advocate to sell his services to a pauper or for a tribunal to grow fat on the proceeds of justice. So, too, it is shameful for a woman to augment her patrimony by bartering her charms and by selling her body to the highest bidder
okay champ
Third post best post. Love how celebs are unwittingly putting out Jow Forums talking points
she looks like a goddamn alien lol, more like a dude than a chick. I honestly wouldn't put my dick in that. This girl is supposedly fought over by famous people? I don't get it
Sadly nobody cares anymore, this is is age of instant gratification and lack of self control.
women fuck who they want because men let them lol. Imagine if men decided to reverse roles and became "prude" and denying women who wanted just to fuck and take their money.
I can rape women
these trips can't lie
Females may be able to fuck who they want, but those boys ain't calling back. They date who then can.
Now stop giving attention to internet thots you dipshit, this is exactly what they want.
SeeNo one with any sense is refuting that women know they can whore around ez.
Turning down women is a good feeling.
>*she suddenly hit the wall*
prostitutes fuck who they can for money.
there are no women on the internet.
This girl has made herself a hideous nightmare and still gets constant male attention because she's figured out this simple fact.
Fine. I'd rather have a conversation with an honest whore than some deluded woman or a generic guy always after pushy.
>a whore trying to justify women being a whore
>women get angry when people point out that they are whores
Not all of us guys can get laid easily, is it your first day on the internet?
She is 100% correct, its common in almost all species. The men compete over women to pass on their genes, and the women pick the superior men. It's just the way it works.
When you apply it to monogamous relationships, though, it creates all kinds of issues. When she is in her 40s and settles down with some mid 20s uber Chad, he will no doubt be off fucking more attractive women because he can, and its in his nature to pass on his genes so to speak.
Heh, you may choose who you can fuck, but I choose who I can harm.
>this article
>posts a cancer patient dressed like Roy Koopa
>implying if roles were reversed, which they were for centuries, the world wouldn't be as fucked up as it is today
The root of the problem is that the men here are little bitches and whine about not having a gf. They should have some fucking standards. They should be happy to not have a gf and only want to be with a girl if she's got some worth about her. That way the scale tips back the other way.
Try telling that to the faggots on here though. They're the same as they were 10 years ago. It's like talking to a depressed person: they never see reason.
I legit lol'd hard, most of the women men catch oneitis over are unworldly pieces of human shit that don't deserve to be kept alive let alone have some cuck obsess over her
This is true but it has gotten a lot more extreme over the recent decades compared to the rest of history due to there being more men than women under the age of 55.
Well that dosn't bother me since I got to fuck women I wanted.
disagree I know many cunts that fuck only who they can, and I know men who fuck what they want.
Maybe, but there are definetly exceptions because I know women who have been rejected.
>which they were for centuries
Whores have existed for centuries.
She forgot men have porn
>Whores have existed for centuries.
Do you actually think prostitutes have sex with who they want? Why do you think they charge ... ?
What are you even trying to say
wrong wiz Khalifa dumped her. Mgk dumped her. Kanye West dumped her. Roastie cope
Yep she's right. Even a lazy, ugly woman like her can pick and choose who they want to fuck. But a guy who's a 7 or 8 still has put effort land 4 or 5. Why is this even a debate, thought everyone know this.
I mean, it's not really true. Most animals have to work hard for pussy, whether it's constructing elaborate patterns on the sea bed, providing a fancier nest than all the others, fighting off dozens or others or even getting their heads bitten off, humans aren't alone in having to work for it. Generally speaking women are the gatekeepers because they have to bear the child. Takes longer for them to be able to do so again whereas sperm is easily restored and redistributed. I don't believe in 80/ 20 but on paper it is far easier to breed wwith many people as a man.
Jesus what a track record, no wonder she is a millionaire who isn't too embarrassed to make fun of basement dwelling mentally disabled NEETs just because they are allowed to voice their problematic opinions on the internet.
The problem is that men would be cull through wars. Now, nobody is dying anymore from plagues and warfare. We even import foreign men to increase competition.
Societal collapse is inevitable and I wouldn't be surprised if the transgender question is being pushed to solve incels from chimping.
The ideal sex ratio is 6 childbearing women for every 4 men. Otherwise, society is fucked.
why would incels be *less* likely to chimpout because they are being encouraged to go prison gay ...
b-b-but we're human men we was kangz, we deserve an unnatural level of respect
She acts like what she said is controversial. It's common sense in most cases, unless you're a chad with a large bank account.
This can be interpreted another way, though. Women fuck people who want it. But men have the physical power and intelligence to rape and get away with it. Throughout time no woman has ever been able to escape it once it is targeted upon her. That is why it is portrayed by female influenced media as so horrific, not because of the act itself but because it represents their weakness manifest. Women can ask for whomever they want, but men can take what they want. Remember this always, women. You are ultimately our prey, not our equals.
Women have nothing to offer besides their vaginas, and are going to become obsolete soon. Remember that.
>We even import foreign men to increase competition.
Except that they aren't really competition.
You need to recognize the major impact social class has on people's minds.
well of course not
but saying that the average man was able to choose whoever he wanted to fuck centuries ago is dumb
>retarded chimp species learns to hijack it's hindbrain the way a bird can be tricked into thinking a plastic fake egg with rounder spots is more appealing than it's own eggs
>thinks the female half of the species will collectively decide that it's still a good idea to continue to exist
>they die off in a matter of decades and leave way for these next level turbojew numales who lower age of consent to 12 and create an entire class of retards bred only for fucking and service work
>this somehow falls apart too because, well, come on
If they had money it was on the table for the most part, that's why men today are chimping out because money is too hard to get and virtually worthless so they can't game what was the natural system before money came into play. Yes there was a lot of rape happening during our evolutionary years, but studies on monkeys show it's still better to have people voluntarily join your social circle because they'll be less likely to murder all your children in a fit of rage.
Whoever says that unironically is a dumbass. We're in an era where the most men get to reproduce. In previous times, emperors and feudal lords would father half of the next generation. Generally royalty had the upper hand and could breed as much as they wanted to, while a big chunk of the population were slaves who had no chance at all. And you were either born a noble or not, there was nothing you could do about it.
>You know deep down that she's right.
Except in the case of rape...
you really need to go outside more often
Don't forget to totally let this guy just go ahead and make men look like a bunch of even more pathetic simpering animals. He's just a victim right?
>emperors and feudal lords would father half of the next generation
rape is literally nature animals rape each other all the time
yes user simple creatures with literally no brain like ants and fish "rape" each other to survive
Who's disputing that? Everybody knows this. This is womens' power and they not only abuse it, but are encouraged to abuse it.
Once society accepts trannies as women, the incels will just be with them. It solves the issue of the shortage of women which is why the media pushes it.
Instead of importing foreign men when the nation is already a sausage fest, they could just allow any child-bearing single female to immigrate.
Maybe you are lucky to live in a non-degenerate area, but humanity is truly fucked.
>Once society accepts trannies as women
They've had a lot of time to get around to doing that one buddy, I don't think the shitposting of 2017 is ever going to be welcome back on this board again, cutegate exposed the majority of how traps really are even to normalfags.
Trannies are disgusting and should be put down in any civilized society. However, liberal degeneration is going full throttle and this is how they will deal with the unnatural sex imbalance.
I mean trans people have been around for a long time ... they didn't go anywhere since the 80s, it's just that internet identity politics took root in most of their younger communities and child predators were allowed to mobilize and organize their psyop in what was pretty much plain sight.
>lol I have more sex than you
And my life is happier and more fulfilling than yours. I win.
What do you mean? Most of r9k would agree with her.
>I can play both rolls
and in a few years you'll be able to play three and then four and so on. bitch is going to stop elevators before she's 30. single mother at 21 = future ham planet.
This is a woman that's famous for being a whore to famous men. Why should I care what it thinks?
that is just a very simplistic way of putting things, she is debasing every woman down to her level, I'm sure she doesn't give a fuck she has made a living out of this persona she seems to portray.
have a look at the women that associate with her way of thinking.
the type of girls that look for some cuck to settle with once they hit 30
Based and redpilled oegei
All you have to do is say.
Why did you use a nigger hand color emoji ?
And then watch her fragile ego explode.
checkt and kekd
Nah, why don't you tell me that on some nature trail as you walk past me knowing that none would hear your screams for help as I jab a fork into your windpipe while penetrating you dry.
Women are stupid
Why is she bald?
Is she sick?
if she used a fork and the element of surprise she could kill you, too, pussy.
No just black
>sleeve tattoo
>Deep down
Implying I wouldn't just agree with it outright
And the woman who wrote that article will also argue that "male privilege" exists without seeing any irony in her beliefs.
>people on r9k are depressed and lonely
Holy shit user how did you figure this out?
>this is considered hot in the muttland (?)
I'm ashamed to be American
Women fucks when she wants, man when he can.
Man merry when he wants, women when she can.
I was offered sex but I turned her down to play Sonic Adventure and I don't regret it.
But hes right shes a vile niggerbeast
If you would fuck her you are a normie