Why don't girls like being around you?

Why don't girls like being around you?

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I like to think we're all just awkward humans and they don't actually hate me but I have no proof

Feel you, but trust me that's not how it is. Just try not to go full nihilist.

I have brutal scars on my face and sleep deprived eyes.

When I pass girls or short men in the hallway at work they usually look down at the ground for some reason

I see number 2 a lot. But I do this with attractive girls because I think they are cute and I'm insecure, so I trick myself into thinking thats what they do too. haha

They just don't. I'm fucked up. My life kinda always shit. I just cope with it.

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i used to know one girl who felt ok talking to me and i liked talking to her

she referenced memes in real life and talked about computers and weeb shit

but she friend zoned me hard but we still talk on steam

One time I was have a shit day so when this happened to me I walked up and asked if I she diverted her eyes when I walked in. She said I contact with strangers makes me feel awkward.

I don't know. I think it's something about my face.

I know they don't find me attractive so I don't pander to them in the hopes they will have sex with me.

Oh god the painful memories.

no swag

you either got it or you dont

I don't know and I can't fucking take it. I shower twice a day, I'm not hideously ugly, and I lift weights. Every time I interact with a girl, even when I maintain an upbeat demeanor they give me this look like "ugh, why the fuck do I have to deal with YOU?" They always give me this look as if my very presence is some grand inconvenience to them. The worst part is than it is the same fucking look my mother kept giving me when I was a child. She only showed me affection when she wanted something.

They do, just not in a sexual context. I'm funny and fun to be around but I'm uglier sin.

Surprising originalo to be sure

found the bad ass

>not hideously ugly
so.. normal ugly?

>She only showed me affection when she wanted something.
She was just preparing you for how every woman you ever meet will treat you.

Huh, I act like this with my female coworkers. One time one of them hit their hip on a metal table and cried in pain for a bit and I couldn't help but laugh in her face.

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congrats autist

Post brutal scars pls

Apparently I look intimidating. People liken my appearance to a serial killer or a school shooter. One girl even said to me that if she met me late at night in a dark alley and she didn't know who I was she would be terrified because I look like a rapist.
So that's probably why.

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I heard some of the horrible things you say about girls and believe you.

They do if im drunk.

>walking along the street
>old couple walking by
>old lady hides behind old man as I walk past

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>because I look like a rapist.
That's just code word for "you are ugly"
Literally shorthand for "you are so unattractive the only sex you could possibly acquire is through violence"
I hope you do't talk to that thing anymore.

Are you my lost brother? Since I have a similar story. When I went to my new school I overheard a group of my female classmate saying "user could be a Serial Killer" "Yea it's like user came straight out of a horror movie " Lucky tho nobody said I could be a rapist

>I contact

Send scars please

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The upside if they did say it and if things strangers said about you somehow magically came true would be that you wouldn't still be a virgin but that's not going to happen so your still a virgin

I've had female internet friends before that were nice to me and wanted my company, so I know 100% it's my awkward behavior IRL and my appearance.

Appearance is regular robot stuff (overweight, sleepless eyes, etc.), my awkward weird IRL behavior is what truly fucks me.

>Swaying in place like a fucking retard
>Sensitivity to touch and strong sounds
>Heavy breathing
>Blank stare
>Slow emotional reactions
>Occasionally twitching and other anxiety-related movements

Basically I'm fucked for life

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Me too so does my falcon which is the same falcon I trained when I spent 10 years in the mountains training and honing my skills as a mercenary assassin...

faggot cut that out and find a girl in or below your league and get laid you'll feel like a new man

>uglier than sin
so basically a waste of time and cells? you should end it. if you're ugly it's all over you will never reproduce and unless you're happy there's no point in your existence

you people need to learn to smile and with your eyes as well I'm 25 a drug addict I'm big have ance scarred skin fucked teeth andgoing bald and I still have had 3 long term girlfriends and a daughter. for a man it's all about how you present your self and how you act. let your nuts hang and be happy kind and assertive. wake the fuck up strength feels a lot better than weakness

I am boring. I'm awkward. I have a deep monotone voice. I have low eyebrows that make me look angry. But that's just how my face is.

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I'd ask if theres a name for this sort of behaviour but I'm already pretty sure its some form of autism.

I do all of those when my friends bring a girl with them.

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I do that to girls all the time because I get nervous around them.
Haven't had that happen to me much at all, really.
I have been told I have a "natural glare" when I take off my glasses.

Good, only shit friends invite roasties to bro hang out time

It's not the girls that are a problem it's me.
Im not comfortable being near them.
Fuck my late blooming and shyness that ruined my formative years.
Now I'm stunted with 0 skills to engage women with being anything but a friend.

Because not only am I biologically a male. Socially I seem to be some sort of "anti-female".

>Hates the concept of full dependancy
>Hates dishonesty even if it's to make someone happy. Don't like giving people false hope.
>Love competition and show of physical strength/metal power.
>Judge people by thier actions, not thier looks
>Stay a virgin until married Sex is important for relatioonships, not just something you can do willy nilly.
>Self Dicipline is key to everything. If you can't resist the temptations of this world, you are weak.
>Murder is wrong and you should own up to your responsibilities.

It's like women these days are for everything Im against and vice versa. The only conversation we ever have is the "hi how are you?" type because It would seem awkward otherwise.

I can't even blame them for this "all guys want is sex" mentality because if they were a guy I would actively shun them.

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck why do they do this why do they do this why do they do this
I just want an answer I don't want them to make me feel like this anymore I'm just a normal guy I've never done anything wrong I've never even said anything to them at all they just alienate me for no reason and without any explanation I swear they do just do it because they need to let it out on someone they're so fucking cruel why

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Because I'm too OwOful? :3

Because I'm fat.
Thats really the only reason.

I've been told many times that my eyes are "off" and that i seem like a serial killer or cult leader

I'm 6'2 and slim. I wear pretty much all black and my nickname from a friend has been slenderman. I wonder if most people see it

>cult leader

This one is good though?
Isnt it?
Cult leaders are usually sociopathic cyborgs who ascended past alpha chads.

Its not good to normies

Because i am a ugly cunt that is on a dead end job, plus i don't have money or social status.
Basically i don't have anything that a female would look on man

Joke's on you.
I have never met with a female before.
Neither alone nor in a group.
Always just hang out with the same outsider friends from highschool. If i don't try i can't get rejected.

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Criminally underrated post right fuckin here.

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I always look annoyed and to be honest there's nothing to talk about with most of them.

why don't you use tinder? like it's obviously filled with slutty normies but it might help you get over the initial nervousness of being around girls (even if you maintain an upbeat demeanour people can sense if you're ultimately nervous)

They actually do.
When I we're studying in high school and university all of the girls in my classes wanted to pair up with me in projects.

And now after university having a job where I deal with women pretty much all the time, being around women feels easy and comfortable.

being a tough guy is cool though

>When I we are studying in high school
What did he mean by this?

I'm not confident so they think I'm creepy

this type of shit it literally why i started skipping school. can't handle it

I remember using Omegle. People told me that there was something wrong with me. Had to do with my eyes, I think

I guess I come across as kind of creepy to them, since I'm not like any of the other guys they don't know what to make of me. Then again, yesterday a pretty girl I know said hi and smiled at me, so they can't dislike me that much.

>Why don't girls like being around you?
Might just be overthinking it, but seems to me they do at first. As in getting close and trying eye-contact games.
Then they quickly stop liking being around me, once they notice I will not make any first moves or approach.

She absolutely can actually, and doing so would lead to her promotion to priestess. She just couldnt have sex as a miko, and would have to stop being a miko and become a priestess.

maybe because if you don't look like a hollywood chad you're automatically a rapist villain.

show me. i'm pretty sure my eyes aren't normal looking either

I am not deformed or anything, but I tend to glare at people.

I'm only funny and interesting for about a minute and then I have nothing to talk about making it awkward.

some do like being around me, it's just that i am too socially retarded to get myself in a situation with having them around me often

I often hate being in social situations and show it by being detached and distant. Maybe it's because of all the rejection or maybe because I'm constantly horny, girls just amplify these feelings and the detached behaviors.

I'm also extremely sexist and by default dislike a woman.

Ah.. so you are the one I have been searching for.

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Honestly, those kind of men are the biggest scumbags around. Bro hangouts are for bros only, never bring a girl to them.

but they do, it's never seizes to amaze me how easily I get female orbiters.

the chosen one
we have found him

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I remember as part of P.E we had to do social dancing for a couple of weeks every year. I was the fat ginger retard and girls would look at me with disgust when they were paired up with me.

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>I'm just a normal guy
There's your problem right there. Anything less than a chad repulses them.

Hi Wyatt

Oh fug

I have had people tell me I am good looking, in the ,im going to cut toy sort of way. So basically, I apparently scare people with my appearance and then the spaghetti spills and they are disappointed.

I tend to ignore everyone, I did that especially during school, now it's way more easy to avoid being near people at work, I work in a small office where I always leave the door locked. People only come to me when they need help with something.

Let me guess, you think women find you "too nice". And you are a nice guy. But no longer, they will see your dark side now.

fucking alpha HH

Girls are fine being around me, I don't really bother to interact with them just because I'm really shy of who I am

Girls love being around me. That's the problem. I'm just another guy friend to them.

Actually never got diagnosed with autism. I went to an autism and Asperger's expert when I was 8 and he said he highly doubts I have autism of any sort.

I graduated highschool with good grades and all, I had IRL friends throughout my life etc.

There's probably no name yet for whatever I have.

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I'm just ugly. I got one female friend that I chill with, and even then I'm at a certain number of points. I think she likes my money.

Another ginger huh?

Has any girl ever liked you? Ever?

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Probably due to living in an overcrowded city, like what happened in those mice overpopulation experiments.

I haven't been around girls since I left high school, the only exceptions are my friends' and I only like traps anyway

i don't care about any sort of interaction with females and they don't care about me