How do I deal with having avoidant personality disorder?

How do I deal with having avoidant personality disorder?

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Im looking for an answer to the same question user
Avpd sucks

What is complex PTSD?

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD, sometimes abbreviated to c-PTSD or CPTSD) is a condition where you experience some symptoms of PTSD along with some additional symptoms, such as:

difficulty controlling your emotions
feeling very hostile or distrustful towards the world
constant feelings of emptiness or hopelessness
feeling as if you are permanently damaged or worthless
feeling as if you are completely different to other people
feeling like nobody can understand what happened to you
avoiding friendships and relationships, or finding them very difficult
often experiencing dissociative symptoms such as depersonalisation or derealisation
regular suicidal feelings.

what the fuck I checked off all of these but agoraphobia

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all you fags going through symptom checklists on mental illness need to stop
just chalk it up to something is wrong with you and you need to fix it

How can you fix yourself if you don't specifically know what's wrong with you?

You just need to snap out if it.

jesus christ
this is me all over
fucking kill me

based, have you considered being a phychologist. no of course not who needs those when they can just "snap out of it". at the same time some of these traits are just synonymous with being a loser like everyone else here

I'm all of those, but I swear it seems like they're just trying to describe introverted losers with those "symptoms". If you search social anxiety or autism it's literally the same thing. Normalfags just want robots to feel bad so they keep giving us mental illnesses

be a different person who was not constantly bullied/rejected their entire life and developed a mental disorder as a result

its funny how parents expect you to do normal things that normal functioning humans do even though they had no interest in taking the responsibility of raising a normal functioning human being

It's really strange that they just sort of assume you'll pick it up. Like, it couldn't have hurt to have tried to make us more normal, no? Parents are all retards.

Would Avpd be a type of general anxiety? Would anxiety meds help?

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normie tier advice like "b urself"
dumb nigger

meds are the weak way out user. live with this and own it. Dr Goldstein could hook you up with nice melancholy pills or you could just throw yourself at the wall until it breaks. Get out there and try. I believe in you user

by seeing a professional and not self diagnosing yourself like a 13 year old

I'm tired, man. I've been putting my pride first for 25 years and nothing's worked. At some point I think you've just gotta suck it up and get help from an outside source. Not all things are beatable alone, as much as I wish that was the case.

I think the "weak way out" would be to just simply sit here and live in complacency and fear, like I've been doing this entire time. To be strong is to actually realize when it's time to ask for help. I think it has gotten to that point for me, honestly.

Jus avoid it, it'll go away

youre doing what i do man. it doesn't matter if you fail. you have another what 10-15 years of good chance left until its game over. its not about failure its about grabbing life by the balls and aking it your bitch. take what you please and when you feel the twisting knife embrace it and keep moving. beleive me. my day has been shitier and this month has been even worse. its time for people like me and you and other loser people to stop sitting around and to show that we have just as much drive as anyone else

>constant feelings of emptiness or hopelessness
>feeling as if you are permanently damaged or worthless
>avoiding friendships and relationships, or finding them very difficult
>often experiencing dissociative symptoms such as depersonalisation or derealisation
regular suicidal feelings
nailed it on the fucking head user
but i have never experienced any trauma that's "PTSD-worthy", can someone have CPTSD without experiecing a heavily traumatic event?

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i have no friends. the only person i talk to now really is my dad but he's a total narcissist. alone is when i feel like a person, and if im surrounded by at least two people, then my turbo autism kicks in full force, and i can barely function. this usually results in the third party thinking that i don't like them so i choose to have no friends to avoid social drama bullshit. for what it's worth, in my shoes it's better this way. i became delusional thinking ancient aliens selected me as their chosen one to lead the world out of darkness from some cataclysm.
i once walked for 30 miles as a juvenile to get to my house from my cousin's because i thought my cousin was going to kill me. i ran away from a missing persons report and ended up back at my dads, and he sorted it out with a phonecall to let the police know i was in his custody. my only friend for a period of time was my other cousin, but he let a girl get between us, and that girl i didn't even like her from the beginning because i knew she was a bitch. yet he, for some reason saw me as a "threat" and started to spread rumors around my town to friends on my facebook that i hadnt even spoken to since my freshman year in highschool. i was harassed, which just led to myself alienating from society even further. i remember it being really bad. seeing a thread on /x/ about this thing called "gangstalking" just made my already crippled state even worse, but that's all behind me now. it was years ago. what does it matter when here i am again all alone posting on an anonymous basket weaving board for no good reason. i've had girls approach me but i can't give them an inch because i'm socially retarded. they just conclude that im a creepy fucking retard and move on. another day in paradise. it sure used to be. now i believe that music narrates events in my life. it can be specific, but i know on the surface that i just read too much into it.
>inb4 failed normalfag
just the sharp end of the stick is all

>Oh thanks, I never guessed I could simply snap out of it. If only I knew this sooner.
Get off this board normo

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>just another way of saying "just bee urself user hehe EKSDEE"
fuck off, get the fuck out of my board and never come back you disgusting waste of skin.

So in other words... Op is a bitch?

I have no idea whatsoever but at least you're not paying money to hear this answer.

like this

>Hypersensitive to rejection/criticism
When has anyone taken kindly to being slandered and labeled with illness.
>Self-imposed social isolation
Them normies are out on the prowl looking for an easy target, i better step out their way
>Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations tough the person feels a strong desire for close relationships
Fuck wish i had a partner , but these normies keep fucking my shit up .. left right and center i better play it low to not arouse attention.
>Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant stimulus
Oh bitch please. i am trying but nobody wants me..its not like i don't want it because im not getting it
>Feelings of inadequacy
yeah its being rational and not living in a delusion, It is clear the normies dont like me around
>Severe low self-esteem
What? speak for yourself , it just not fucking working and i dont know why
Normie, stop projecting
>Mistrust of others
You would be suspicious too if you are getting fucked from all facets of reality on a constant basis
>Emotional distancing related to intimacy
Argh, if only i wasnt labeled as such
>Highly self-conscious
why these normies keep fucking with me , if only i knew how to make them stop
>Self critical about their problems relating to others
Its not me its you, dont force your own bullshit onto me
>Problems in occupational functioning
capitalistic dog eat dog world , coworker stabbed me in the back
>Lonely self-perception, although others my find the relationship with them meaningful.
Yeah, its great having half-baked friends mootching off your stuff and money
>Feeling inferior to others
Normies get easy ride , while i toil in pain and hardship. Just calling it out for what it is.
>In some extreme cases, agoraphobia
Them normies are out and about again. This time in greater numbers.. I better hide out here while this shit passes.
>Uses fantacy
It would be nice living in a world without normies

Avoidants are just vulnerable narcissists

I am sorry you go through this user

The advice "just bee yourself" is really the only solution. It's bad advice, but it's the best advice.

>blocked another person so i could abandon them before they abandon me
heh take that....

Wrong, one of the main problems of avoidants is their extremely low self-esteem.

>uses fantasy as a form of escapism
sometimes I accidentally take a step back and look at my life then compare it to other people of my age. it hurts me so much every time I do it
where did it all go wrong

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Being avoidant is fucking suffering. I feel fucked in the head

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>sometimes I accidentally take a step back and look at my life then compare it to other people of my age. it hurts me so much every time I do it

people from my class in highschool are getting married, graduating with an undergrad, having kids. im sitting on my pc browsing r9k everyday still living with my parents and having panic attacks whenever i leave the house

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>meds are the weak way out user. live with this and own it
I dont think this works at all. My parents were asking me to go to a doctor for a long time before I told them to stop talking to me and they stopped, but now I regret it severly. I dont have enough energy to do anything, i barely stand up from my bed. Eating and washing is all I can do nowadays, I havent had the strenght to go out or excersise in days. Every time i have to be outside i feel like vomiting and nearly fainted last time I had to go shopping. Probably gonna end it all soon.
If you know somethings wrong with you go get help, don't end up like me.

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cPTSD exists aside from PTSD. PTSD being the heavily traumatic event type. cPTSD forms as a result pf consistent exposure to traumatic experience such as emotionally neglectful parents.