Who here is a military cuck

Who here is a military cuck.

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Im in the navy but Im not a cuck

Army reserve fag here. Was regular army and navy before that.

Armyfag in 2 weeks boiks, what was you guys' experience with the military so far?

Thinking about becoming one, I hate my life. Red pill me on the military.

I'm in the Navy too user, I can guarantee we're cucks. Everyones wife/gf gets plowed while we're deployed it just gets ignored.

Itll fix your autism and you wont come back to Jow Forums unironically, unless to reminisce your autist days, that is if youre not already here ironically

Not military but I hate my life and am in shape. Red pill me on the military

You dont go for anything serious bro, just wait patiently until youre out for something long term

I wish I could red pill you. Im from a very liberal country, you have to hide your red pill and bend over for the Queen and liberals. Hence why we're cucked

Hey elite assault sniper commando task force detachment unit OMEGA here just got back from the frontlines yep shit was cash XD

Thats why im single.. I mean. Im also retarded. But I tell myself its because of the Navy

SeeIts hard to deal with rules, but it will make you a normalfag, if youre incel you will probably stop being one, that said you still remain a weeb if you are one

Have you deployed yet? Its really not hard to get laid once overseas desu, serious long term stuff is hard for sure

Can confirm. A lot of the guys serving with me are weebs, some guys sacrifice phone data so we can watch anime when we have service. Good times

That sounds amazing and will definitely benefit me in the long run. My recruiter scared the living fuck out of me with the SHARP and EO class after signing my contract. How serious are they regarding that? I got into trouble in school too many times for """"""harassing"""""" females (as in being a fuckugly poorfag sperg and still having the gut to talk to them).
Planning on avoiding any and all contact with females to get through basic safely.

Im still going through my trade training, im far away from home but still in my homeland. It's hell, I cant wait for my next posting or Asian rubtug parlors

Dont get pressured by your recruiters to do anything, special forces isnt anything I have experience in so I cant tell you that, but research what you want, preferably a tech job and tell your recruiter thats what you want

Also dont fuck with any females in boot, people get kicked out for that shit, no pussy is worth that. Theres way more chance once youre out of training

You can add me on discord if you want more advice

Do you guys have bars on your bases? We have a bar in our Garrison. Ive stuck around til closing far too many times and saw way too much fraternization in boot. A lot of people got in shit, but the pussy is so easy and seems tempting

>in the navy
>not a cuck

Wow, didn't know the mind-control actually worked. Only the goyim must be vulnerable to it.

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Training is complete garbo, are you still in Great Lakes? Retards be doing drugs there and its not different from college frat boys following elementary school tier rules.
It gets way better once youre out of A-school
Make sure to get a beater car or something if you know how to drive, you wont be assblasted by rules forever

Midshipman reporting.
Have yet to run into any other mids or army/AF cadets on here, and only one or two officer candidates.

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Im actually Canadian. Idk how your salaries are but I can afford a fairly decent newer car, but im gonna get it when im posted on the west coast. Training here is still garbage, and everyone here are still immature assholes doing drugs, and obviously binge drinking

Yeah we do, some bases, the one im in is too small to have one, theres a bar out of town.
People do get frat troubles like e7 fucking junior boots, they both got adsepped.

Dont do it though, it really isnt worth it, you will be swimming in pussies overseas, they really dig american money, but again serious relationship is hard to talk about since I havent been in one yet in the navy, my old roommate did though, hes married for 5 months so far, but I honestly dont think itll last once he deploys, his wife being 19 and all

Itll make you and or break you. I went from being a khv to a losing my virginty and ahcad in recruit school. Then when we graduated all my friends moved on and made new friends and I realized none of it was real. Ive some extreme lows and some extreme highs. Take it one day at a time and dont be surprised when your dreams and goals dont get achieved. Remember you joined the army it didnt join you. And stay fit and save your money.

There's 0 good pussy in our bases, they're all "desert queens" and I can see through that. Trust me im waiting for foreign pussy, just gotta rub one out in the toilet stalls for a few more weeks. Im trying my best

100% every military girl has had 10 miles of cock. Stay away.

I know about one girl that regularly has 3 ways with 2 random recruits almost every weekend. Its fucked how legitimately every single female soldier/sailor is a whore

Army recruit here. My OPAT results are Heavy (best) category but I'm borderline underweight and my stamina and immune system are at an all time low (puked after half a mile run) due to being a hobo for months. Will I make it in basic? How much exercise happens per day? If you need to shit, how long do you have to hold it back? Fast metabolism is a curse.

Boot will fix your weight and stamina, as long as you past the minimum requirements youre set, its more mental than anything

> over weight recruit checking in

Dude its honestly all mental, we run 8km runs in the morning, yeah some guys throw up, have to go a bit slower, but its the effort that your instructors are looking for. Its a completely mental challenge, just keep throwing yourself back in and trying your best and you'll make it through.

Shitting isnt too bad here, we dont get breaks, but the most I've ever had to hold my shit was around 2 or 3 hours. Maybe 4. I sacrificed lunch one time to take a huge shit cause I was hungover. Worst day of basic by far

It's basically a mental torture camp and they will kill your personality and replace it with a traumatised drone.
You will not be given time to shit, you must make time, I recomment after lights out so you can actually take a few minutes rather than anally spew is out at light speed before your NCO ends your life for not doing some other gay shit on time.

One big mistake a lot of new military people make is getting a good long term car, usually a sports one at that and then forget to move around a lot, I only recommend an old beater because you really only need it to commute or socialize with it, not something you want to keep long into your life

How slutty are your female ship mates?

Forget they move around*

Yeah now that you mention it, it does seem like a mistake. However ill probably be at home port 6/8 months out of the year, I cant tell what I should get

yup, they are treated like goddess in the military. Crap stinks, and so do they. I just want to find a qt gf to comfort me while Im staintioned in japan before I get sent to iraq.


Its sad but i wouldnt recommend a qt gf until you're done serving, I know far too many Navy dudes with wives that cheat on them, im pretty black pilled but, they probably will almost always cheat

The mental part is gonna be fine. I WANT to succeed. I WANT to change, into anything that's not my current self.
I just don't want to be the joke of the battalion, the token pantshitter for example.

Yeah, I know female nature, but it sucks being surronded by so many dudes. I just wanna cuddle then tell her bye once I'm shipped off.

But knowing my dumb self, since I've never even said hello to a girl my age (no joke home schooled), It won't happen and if I do i'll become a squish ball and won't be able to do anything.

Dude, I thought that going into basic too. No matter how hard someone is, it could be the Zyzz man, but youll ALWAYS ask yourself "what'd i get myself into? I wanna go home"
Its hard to say if youll be the shit pump of the platoon, but in my Experience, there will always be another guy having a harder time than you with something, whether its polishing boots, cleaning your barracks, or physical activities, there's gonna be something youre good at user

Honestly, find a smaller soldier / sailor and make him your bitch, I have a cuddle bitch for after lights out. It kinda helps. Its gay, yes, but it's survival out here.

Nothing sexual ever happened
I dont support frat... But I do support having a bitch

>youll ALWAYS ask yourself "what'd i get myself into? I wanna go home"
This. You think you're gonna make it right now because you aren't there. You don't know, how could you, they don't let you see just what a fucking mistake it is that you're making until it's too late.
For God's sake don't do it man, but I know you will, I know you won't listen to me, because you don't know. But you will.
Think of me when you're in that dark place user. Think of me and know that I tried to save you from yourself and now you're alone and you have nothing.

nah, i'd rather get a body pillow. Thats more respectable than being a fag. Plust at 5'8 not many people are smaller than me

Holy shit you sound like a faggot. Let the dude make his own decisions and takeaways

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But ... He's completely right y'know

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Kinda. Odds are the user will regret his decision but projection from that other user was insufferable

Enlisted life sucks but its not THAT bad bro cmon, I would be in my moms basement rn if i hadnt

I'm trying to save a man's life you mentally reconstructed military zombie.
The Army took you and abused you and the man who's skin you're wearing died at their hands.
Recruit user, do not listen to these people, this military mindset is like stockholm syndrome but contagious.

Same board that tells you to be a NEET thinking its the best life ever, listen to what you think its right

I know what you mean, but, lets be real, there hasn't been a single soul thats enjoyed basic training

I'm a soldier in a mandatory army in my country

t. Garbage NEET

Thats interesting, I've never spoken to an user in this situation. My only question is, whats the attitude between you and fellow soldiers? Do you think your military is capable?

it was an Israel joke lol

I work and study and life is actually worth living now.

Recruit here. I appreciate your concern, but honestly man, I see the military as the only way to get out of this homeless social circleless opportunityless nonlife. My family is trying to find me and take away all my possessions, make me their property, and use me for their gain. I am 22 and haven't been taught how to drive a car, or any necessary life skill for that matter, haven't had one conversation with my parents that wasn't one sided degrading yelling, I learned to live off the streets with 200 dollars per month this fall and winter. South Cali has comfy weather and it almost never rains, which was a nice surprise.
Being abused is nothing new. Being beaten down and having Stockholm syndrome is nothing new. I am resilient to that shit at this point.
I'll be glad to live 5000 miles from the family I didn't choose. I just pray I won't be the laughing stock or punching bag in the new family I'll be part of. That is my only wish.

Yea, you sound like a better person than me, you'll do alright.
Disregard all my other posts and good luck.

We have two suicides a year on average at my basic training location, mostly from guys in your situation that realize the military was their last situation but wont work out. I think you should join to better yourself, because you will, but give me your contact info and Ill talk you through the hard times user

Airman in Yokota, spend most of my weekends in Akihabara.

Could of been a military cuck but got rejected so Im just a neet cuck

me too my boyo
/fuckup/ life

Why'd you all get rejected? We have a legitimately retarded man in our platoon, curious as to how you two fucked up so bad

Get ready for Guard duties my friend, what type of rifle your country uses

T. FALfag assigned to guard duty

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I'm neither of them but I was rejected at the psychologist interview on my assessment day as I didn't appear to be confident enough.

just the way she goes sometimes

not op but mine uses 5.56 AKs, wanna trade? i'd love to cosplay rhodesian farmer

No problem, although now that you have mentioned Rhodesia, I've seen a fn fal with the same muzzle braker the rhodeisans used in our arsenal