Yet another day here in fucking subsaharan africa

>yet another day here in fucking subsaharan africa
why the fuck was i born here

Attached: Pepe Rhojak.jpg (599x795, 595K)

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How the fuck do you even have internet access in that shithole

Attached: 10-Mealie-Bag-Wall[1].jpg (1200x798, 232K)

be grateful for what you have. not because what you have is good, or better than what others have. you may be the worst off person on the planet and you should still be grateful because being grateful is the happier way to live. you have nothing to gain from self pity.

we aren't all bushmen you know
hell I'm not even bantu or even black

at least you're not born in upstate NY. all I do is want to cry every day. I do cry every day. all I wanted to do was live in a warm big city with palm trees and all I do is spend all my days finding ways to get there and one by one god strikes me down and rips them all away. god has devoted 100% of his life to trapping me in my small town for whatever fucking reason.

>we aren't all bushmen
Africa is only shitskins, chinese, and belgians.

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x694, 64K)

at least you don't live in the desert surrounded by mexicans and mountains. and cactus.

you can come and live in harare! We have lots of palm trees here, just make sure to boil your drinking water or you might die of cholera or typhus

Are there any other whites living in haire or whatever the capitol is called?

Yeah there are about 30,000 of us left in harare and about the same in bulawayo

>I'm an amerifat and was never taught about rhodesia
fucking figures

Attached: African Flagbearers.png (790x654, 235K)

Wow. That's much more than I expected. Do you all tend to live in gated suburbs with each other?


I believe you mean Salisbury, bru

Attached: Leonardo-Dicaprio-in-Blood-Diamond-leonardo-dicaprio-3800794-400-298[1].jpg (400x298, 14K)

>I believe you mean Salisbury, bru
if only

Attached: every fucking day.png (944x389, 582K)

To be fair, it appears no one else in the world today get the memo about Rhodesia, either.

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and the kids get sent to boarding school

And why do you think that is my american friend?

Attached: Ian Smith Gun Range.png (513x388, 283K)

That pic reminds me of

How's the new guy?

I am unfortunately aware, if you have seen the demographics in the former British Colonies.

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Damn I want some black qt 3.14. Would they go for a western for a green card? Is it frown upon for a western to come to your shit hole country and date one of you women?

Mnangagwa? Has been mugabe's right hand man since the 60s.

More of the same. Same bullshit. I was really hoping Chamisa and MDC could pull it out but alas.

no I cant go. god wont let me. every time I find a way out god traps me and ruins my life worse.

>Damn I want some black qt 3.14.
No you don't. The africans have AIDS. we literally do not misceginate under any circumstances.

try the FFL then

hello fellow african user
it's a nice day here in pretoria

Nigger just move to Belize.

It's in the same fucking hemisphere, is hot with palm trees, welcomes fucking Americans (or really anyone with a respectable bank account), and they speak English as a former British colony.

Hell Anglosphere geriatrics are moving to Belize City for retirement.

LOL Belize City....that would be pretty fucking dumb. Also to move to Belize you have to be okey with black people, Mexicans, guads and other central Americans. You can't go to a place where they really don't speak English or at least in the way you know it and be a racist.

>Black people
>Central Americans

So, the US.

If you want a real white state it'll cost money and either require learning another language or heading off to NZ/Aus given the state of the UK and whatever the fuck Canada is.

I cant god would still trap me

this is really interesting I think about it non stop I might do it if I can bring my cat. I have no friends here my family is meh dont care that much I wouldn't live a shit life just to be around them forever its just I make my money with American business models my payment processors wouldn't work out there I dont think

it sucks my legal problems are like just not bad enough where running away and starting a new life is a bit much. I think id be facing like a year in jail at max so I dont think its worth flying across the country for. but then again palm trees warm country and no more American bull shit.

is it like asia where they have innocent women and not sluts?

would a few grand really go far there?

Stop your bitching, it's very unflattering...

t. White south african

>1.2% of population is white
>40% of population is Black
>50% of population is Latin
>Everyone that speaks "English" really just speaks creole (slave english).
>Can you Amerifats stop being retarded for once?