Need a place to vent

>be me
>meet girl, petite, no tits but good ass, plus great personality solid 8/10
>catch feelings
>we talk everyday
>live with it, happens to everyone
>ff a year
>feelings still exist even a year after
>go bowling with a bunch of friends
>it's summer so she wears a short sleeve blouse instead of a large sweater like she normally does
>notice cuts on her wrist
>try to talk to her about it
>doesn't say shit, pretends to not know what I'm talking about
>after that she ignores me for a week
>worst week of my life, she's the only one who talks to me


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No please shut up and die

Continue OP I'm ready for the autism or the feels

continue, i wanna listen to this and cry


fuck off

yeah sure go ahead, i want to laugh at your suffering

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>she texts me, says she isn't comfortable talking abiut that yet but promises that she will one day
>respect her choice
>we start talking again like normal
>"user there's something i need to get off my chest, i'm bi"
>whatever, doesn't change who she is
>I'm the first one she came out to
>tell her that if she ever needs anything she can always come to me
>calls me her closet friend

I'll cont in a bit, but I gotta eat something before I fucking pass out

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Hah, that sounds like my story, but as soon as she came out as bi i told mine to kill herself and go to hell. Also mine is a obsessed with kpop and idolises bts.. Here is the full story

>be me
>girl i have been chatting with for 2 years comes out as lesbian and becomes obsessed with k pop
> cuts contact
>exams arrive
>pass exams
>summer break
>girls gets bored of lesbian and she textes me again
>speak for the rest of the summer everyday from 8 pm to 3 am, play WoW together and shit, she still obsessed with k pop, but meh.
>starts actually liking her
>uni starts again
>be her friend, have fun together
>octomber comes, falls in love with a faggot she meet.
>cuts contact again
>they break up or something
>i dont care anymore
>ignore her because i wasted way too much time already
>gets mad at me
>winter break
>we get on a fight because i calles her idols gay and retarded while speaking to someone else
>currently waiting for 2019. She still hates me.

Pretty much sums it up. Nothing important happened this year besides that. Now she is in love with another ugly nerd, im an higher level nerd and an chad looking dude and it would piss me off if he would get that cutie i couldn't

>she talks to me about everything, including all her problems
>nornally I wouldn't care but because it's her I do
>one day she brings uo crushes
>"you know user, I don't think we've ever talked about this kind of stuff"
>pic related, it's me
>tellsme she likes a girl who's a friend of ours, 6/10, no ass no tiits
>pretend not to care
>care more than anything else
>there's no way that 6/10 is gay
>they're dating
>happens thesame time all my other friends start drifting away from me
>literally have no one
>qt3.14 texts me
>we talk
>first time I've felt happy in months
>"if you ever doubt how meaningful you are to me user just remember that, I really honest to god don't know where I would be without you user. you saved me."
>tells ne I'm the only reason she didn't kill herself over the summer
>start crying
>never felt so happy in my life
>she's not depressed anymore
>mfw we swapped places
>mfw it's their 7 month anniversary next week
>mfw i am literally in love with her but there's nothing I can do

what the fuck man. Don't I deserve one person? That's literally all I want. But I guess if she's happy, I

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don't let ger crawl back into your life, user. she seens toxic.

Just... Dump her and go for another one... Life goes on. Do not get stuck on one girl.

Wow you're a cuck.
Cut ties now. Ghost her an move on you need to forget about her so you can think about someone else and not be hung up on her.

I've tried, honestly. There was one girl who was interested in me that was pretty cute, but we both lost interest.

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>be me
>autistic beta with no social life or career
>stay at home all and browse memes
>find out greetext memes
>find so many autistic betas like me
>mfw i dont feel alone as an autistic beta anymore

Thank you 4 chan faggots

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She indeed is toxic, and likes profiting out of people, also is annoying as fuck and retarded. Got over it and already speaking to another one. (solid 7/10, nice person, moderate tits and ass)
Still dissapointed about the first one due to the 2 years of her being normal and an actual decent human being. Never bothered to ask why she gone insane over kpop and other crap

it literally takes 13 seconds in paint to cover up the google images x

Just cut contact with her, go out with your friends, meet new people, DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE OVER AN UNGRATEFUL PIECE OF SHIT

She's not an ungrateful shit tho, I'm just too expectant.

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yeah you probably are too expectant. you did a good thing by being there for her but that doesn't mean you deserve shit. just keep doing your stuff and move on with your life. eventually something will happen if you put in the effort.

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You're 100% right. There will be times where she doesn't know better and says dumb things that insinuate something different from what she means, though. Thanks user :]

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Ehh, some people never truly move on. Just suck it up and try to find another girl.

no worries man. she's a friend like any other. you can be there to help her and that's alright. but it's not your life's purpose to devote everything you have to this one person. You have your own shit to worry about. Your own life to do. And if you are a genuinely good person as you seem to be, good things will happen.

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>she's the only one who talks to me
No she's the only person you talk to and that is different and something you can control.

Hm, I don't know. I feel like I have pretty shit luck.

While you are technically correct, it's only because others don't initiate the conversation and when they do it's because they need something of me. Not her, though.

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