The truth is slowly spreading and they're finally opening their eyes, robots

The truth is slowly spreading and they're finally opening their eyes, robots.

Some of you claim to hate women and see them as something lesser, while at the same time you constantly discuss them and not leave them alone.


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Other urls found in this thread:

The only reason we ever talk about women is to discuss how shitty they are. As much as we hate newfags, it's better to inform them and integrate them than to let them spread their white knight cuck views fresh off reddit. If we could only get the word across to not talk about this place in public or anywhere else, then it'd be perfect.
Having said that, fuck women. All of these women will die alone surrounded by cats, while we'll be having good times with our friends. Women's friendships are always hollow and shallow, based on superficialities and back-stabbing. Men's friendships are based on loyalty and respect, which is why male friendgroups are nearly inseparable if they are truly close. Mine survived an attempt by a woman to break us apart, so I can say that's it's truly stood the test.

I mean, this board is built on you talking about women. That's the main topic on almost every thread.

>Women's friendships are always hollow and shallow, based on superficialities and back-stabbing.

I feel like you've never actually seen women interact with each other behind closed doors. Or outside highschool, for that matter.

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Has anyone ever noticed the majority of people aren't like this offline? Even the people posting this shit are probably the most timid motherfuckers you will ever meet. Why do people like op always try to craft some nightmare world where people actually care about any of this shit? Is it just to drive people mentally ill?

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lol, this white knight shit
Women are constantly talking shit about people behind their backs. Saw it happen all the time at work, even if they were just taking to them seconds ago. The minute they're gone, it's slander and complaining the whole time. My friends never do that. We keep shit out in the open if there's a problem.
>That's the main topic on almost every thread.
Try about two or three threads every few days, unless you mean the "fembot" threads.

>we are so privileged
>we don't need men teehee
>let's exploit and degrade them further despite being expendable and victimized under capitalism

>when men were privileged they provided, housed, and supported women

this is why every women deserves 0 support

>male-hatred is 99% whining online
>female-hatred is 99% whining online

wym the screenshots aren't even that extreme. It's common for women to trash talk men in their lives.

I'm a lesbian, user.
Also you can't seriously tell me that you don't talk badly about your boss with your friends etc.

> My friends never do that.
> We keep shit out in the open if there's a problem
:) I seriously doubt that

Women deserve support because men have spent their whole lives suppressing women.
>when men were privileged they provided, housed, and supported women
did you just forget about girls being married off to people they don't love and the spousal abuse/rape of women in the household? And the fact that they were forced to stay with their abusers due to not being able to support themselves due to the way society worked/works?

nah im open about it irl as well
Also who do you think is more harmful in their hate? Men are constantly physically harming and murdering women.

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I'm not talking about shittalking anyone behind their backs, I mean shit talking friends behind their backs. I've had male coworkers that, while not exactly friends, we kept up good relations with one another and were respectful towards each other. We also showed the same courtesy towards our female coworkers. I haven't met a single woman that doesn't shit talk her friends on a regular basis, let alone her female coworkers.

>It's common for women to trash talk men in their lives.

yeah, no. Go get yourself a better environment

>nah im open about it irl as well
brave and stunning
>Also who do you think is more harmful in their hate? Men are constantly physically harming and murdering women.
objectively wrong

t. Rustled McTriggered
You're a gay that thonks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case

denying it won't make it go away. Even my own grandmother, who is extremely religious and old fashioned has confided that she regrets being so devoted to her husband that she has gotten sick and not getting the same energy back. A lot of women in your life are tired of your shit but they don't want to be rude/have grown used to it.

You haven't met me, then. I can't remember a single occurrence in which I'm shit-talking a friend after the age of 16. Don't mistake coworkers for friends.


eh, I already stated that I'm a lesbian

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We are superior, your image complains about men being broke and talks about scamming them right next to eachother, the only bigger joke is that you're serious

Either it's a psyops disinformation campaign or the impotent ramblings caused by one.

>list of women heroes
>a bunch of scammers and liars
The Rick and Morty sauce one was fair game, though.

You're a lesbian, so you're probably different than straight women are. They're all loads of trash, for the most part.
I just focus on what I want to do, being around women made me realize that I'd just be miserable. Stuff posted here is just icing on the cake.

We criticize those we have expectations of. You do not lament or complain about the gutter trash, you ignore it. When someone capable of more falls to baseness, that is when men lose hope and lash out with vitriol.

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just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I didn't get to experience the same upbringing as most girls did.
Also I have eyes and ears, so I see how the women around me live.

>I just focus on what I want to do, being around women made me realize that I'd just be miserable. Stuff posted here is just icing on the cake.

so why come here? sounds like you're miserable already

it's a lighthearted post

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ITT people who don't represent the views of almost everyone else assume they do and project on everyone else while creating increasingly ridiculous caricatures to embody their own repressed complexes.

Tldr; women haters and men haters - Just meet up and fuck each other.

I meant that you likely think differently than a straight woman might. You like women rather than men, which some might say is a rather masculine trait. One might conclude that you may also have some other masculine traits about you, such as your process of thought. This isn't always the case, but I've found that women who possess masculine traits tend to be more bearable in general.

>Some of you claim to hate women
Actually it was mostly Jow Forumss detractors that claimed Jow Forums hates women. The reason they do that is because Jow Forums is obsessed with women, and in particular with their approval, so it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they can be trolled by claiming they come over as hating women.

I'm as femme as they come, and thought I was hetero/bi when I was growing up, so I have experienced the whole process of hetero courtship

nah I've been on this board for years(sad, I know) and the weird hate/love relationship they have with women is weird. They generally love seeing women in distress but at the same time they claim men are the true victims.

>Women's friendships are always hollow and shallow, based on superficialities and back-stabbing.
I have been friends with few girls since my childhood (I am in my 20s now). We are extremely close both physically and mentally, they helped me during the worst times, and I created the only good memories of my life with them. I love them so much. I would advise to not base your opinion on silly highschool movies.

had a woman trying to convince me to marry her last year
good feel

Ah, but you did find women attractive in your youth. Might that not be a good indicator of some level of masculine thought? Not specifically "I like big trucks and shit" or whatever, but simply the thought process of the average male. The logic, if that makes sense.
This is why the same men who don't like women have the same dislike of many gay males, they utilize the same thought processes as women in most cases, and many (especially traps and trannies) embody female mannerisms as well.
Many males' ideal woman is a tomboy for this very reason. They are biologically attracted to women and their bodies, but prefer their thought processes to be like theirs, so as to get along with them.

Don't samefag. Otherwise, read the rest of the thread

Good thing I don't give a shit about what some literal who women think about.

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I have read it and I still don't get your point. You seriously haven't ever met a woman who didn't shittalk her own close friends? Of course, colleagues and co-workers don't count, I mean true, geniue friendship. Do you cuddle with your male friends often? Do they support you emotionally? Can you cry in their presence?

Fat man hating dyke hates men more news at 11

>Do you cuddle with your male friends often?
No, that's gay.
>Do they support you emotionally?
Yeah, I can really talk to them about anything
>Can you cry in their presence?
Probably, but I'm broken beyond that ability anymore from a lifetime of pain

Its very much the human condition in itself tough,
To claim women are oppressed is a falsehood,to claim men are opressed is also a falsehood.
The idea of pairing existed as a force of survival,whatever form it took.Some women ended up losing,some men ended up losing.

The same women who claim to be stronk and independent are usually the same ones that want to get choked and call the dude daddy.

The same men who want to be babied,loved and reassured usually also harbor quite violent urges.

To claim one can exist without the other is nonsense.Maybe the everlasting march of technology and industry will bring possibilites of separation,but it will also bring many more possibilites of cohesion.Only time will tell.
Singularity seems the only possibility.

male/female brain thing isn't real btw, it's just our society appointing us to different interests
I was raised in a fairly conservative family, and never got the feeling that I was masculine
> traps and trannies
same thing, isn't it

they're not me

well then this thread isn't for you

whatever helps you sleep at night. Imagine having to convince yourself anyone who doesn't like you is ugly because your ego is too damn high.

>To claim women are oppressed is a falsehood
women are still being killed just because they're women, from infancy to adulthood.
Nothing in this life is 50/50, and it seems as though you refuse to acknowledge it

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That orgy was kind of funny I guess.

>muh oppression
Yup, tell that to men forced to die in wars to keep woemen and children safe, or to reap resources off other for them.
>forced marriange and love
Only happens in sandnigger countries and old nobility, most women were never forced to marry someone, you had to settle, just like we do now, nobody's forcing women to marry betabux but you do because most women are inherently whores, exchaning their companionship for resource, love barely exists.
>abuse, rape
While i do not deny this exists, most men love women, why would nature make us hate the only reason we exist.
On top of that, my grandma told me that, when she was a kid, it wasn't unheard of husbands being jumped by wife's brothers, fathers and cousing because she accused him of abuse.
The mob has always sided with women, only rich people can get away with it, just like today, surprise, nothing's changed, you still believe every bullshit they tell you so common men and women fighting each other are easily controlled.
Reality works differently, the only men who had it good were the rich ones.
Most non wealthy men were held by the balls by their women, they always were the most disposable of humans, we still are.
How many women would die for their man? How many did?
Loyalty, honor, respect, justice, honesty are all manborn values forced on men, not women.
You do not posses the minimum idea how brutal it is to be a man.
But hey, apparently being constantly harrassed and rarely raped is the worst thing that can ever happen.

The future is heading toward single gender societies. Artificial wombs and sexbots will allow for sustainable all-male societies to exist without any need for women.

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There will always be a retarded minority of each gender who hates the other and seeks to exploit them. These losers who sit on tumblr all day posting about "how woke they is" are just the other end of the horseshoe away from some of the r9k posters who do the same thing. Nobody is "catching on", it's just 2 groups of people who are never going anywhere in life and are setting themselves up for failure.

>tell that to men forced to die in wars
Who started said wars? Who came up with the idea that only men should participate? Who still suffers due to war, even when they have no say in it?

>Only happens in sandnigger countries and old nobility
Tell that to my European mother. And you just admitted to it happening. Stop being so self centred.

>The mob has always sided with women

>wasn't unheard of husbands being jumped by wife's brothers, fathers and cousing because she accused him of abuse.
so who's to tell that said accusations were false? I saw/experienced quite a couple of men abusing my friends, family and myself, and everyone acted like it was normal and ignored it.

>Loyalty, honor, respect, justice, honesty are all manborn values forced on men, not women.

Realistically I know this will never happen, but I wish we all came to a conclusion that we're better off separated and could actually figure out how to do it. I've talked about sex dolls/AI with at least 4 women and they were all open to the idea and seemed interested.

>2 groups of people who are never going anywhere in life and are setting themselves up for failure.
except that women who are into this ideology have become more confident and aware of their own feelings.

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I never implied such. Some people are just naturally predisposed to certain behaviors. They say that almost 70% of your personality is caused by genetics. Not nearly as black and white as male/female brain, but that some people pick up a variety of behaviors, be they considered masculine or feminine.
Which brings me to my point. A masculine train of thought isn't necessarily an overt thing, nor a feminine one. It tends to be that men and women follow separate processes of logical thought.
Put simply, men tend to be more logical than women. You may simply have acquired a more masculine logic.

It never is and it never will be 50/50.
Women being killed for being women by random Islamists and stone age subhumans does not really denote any type of purely male based oppression,rather than a culturologically based oppression.European culture and civilization is well known for protecting women,even the most savage vikings had to sleep outside in the dirt if his wife did not find the loot brought back from the raid satisfactory.

What i find the most fucking despicable is that women like you and most feminists just wash away everything that happened in history and pin it on men.You paint a picture of women who are dainty little flowers who are incapable of hurting anyone else and any hurt they do dispense is apsolutely minimized and justified,while all the hurt they do recieve is a crime against existance itself.

Truth be told,survival was always violent,the betterment of oneself always came on the expense of an "other",the "other" is always dependant on who the "you" or the "we" are and those terms are always very relativistic and subjective.
Feminism is not about equality because equality is a lie,women are actively ascending because men are being penalized and taxed.
The system we had until now which you call "oppressive patriarchy" caused mild discomfort and hurt pride for women,meanwhile what you are bringing about means death for men such as robots and incels,who see what is happening and are reacting properly with violence and disgust.
Where as you say men reduce women to their vaginas,women can and will reduce a man to NOTHING.Having a vagina which is a very valuable asset to civilization and human survival puts you ahead always and at every turn,despite many women being of very poor quality as people,therefore all women must be reduced in value to arrive at an equal situation.

In short
Vaginas are very valuable therefore you must be put down into a role of submissivness.

>don't forget the woman who charged a bunch of dudes money to attend an orgy but never promised any women would be there so they all just showed up to find nothing but men

That's actually hilarious and the men's fault for falling for that.

>so who's to tell that said accusations were false? I saw/experienced quite a couple of men abusing my friends, family and myself, and everyone acted like it was normal and ignored it.

Yea sometimes its true but dont act like false accusation arent a thing.
Guess you wouldnt admit to that happening huh since it doesnt fit your narrative

1. Go back to tumblr.
2. I don't think it's fair that people hate woman or men but Jow Forums is more of a woman hating thing. So ye you won't get a lot of good response if you post something like that here newfag.

I mean, you could still have an orgy and prove something to her.

being more confident and aware is meaningless because they're bitter, dumb people. anyone who's dumb enough to believe gender demonization bullshit isn't going to be smart enough to get a good job. likewise, anyone who is bitter enough to believe gender demonization bullshit is going to be unpleasant to be around and work with, so even if they are compenent in their job they won't be able to elevate themselves because they'll lose promotions to people who are just as competent but less shitty to work with.

Be honest, the best thing these people can hope for is to be adjunct gender studies professor #624 at generic university state.

Oilgarchy bread

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>Saw it happen all the time at work, even if they were just taking to them seconds ago. The minute they're gone, it's slander and complaining the whole time.

Men always like to circlejerk themselves into thinking they are hardworking, straightforward and serious like their grandfathers when in reality they're low-T manchildren who are just as catty, gossipy and petty as women but worse because they give themselves the power to act on it.

>work in places that are usually over 70% male
>most of the day are men grouping together to gossip about sex, cars or sports
>tfw most of the "heavy lifting" men will do is when they can gather up a large group of men to do a 1-2 person job
>tfw they call anyone who isn't them lazy for attempting the same
>men in power spend all their time trying to find out how to delegate the most cumblersome tasks to minority groups (women, immigrants, betas)
>when the alpha males can't target women and foreigners they turn on one another
>guys denying other guys the chance to be promoted just because they don't like him is a frequent occurrence
>often hear unwanted gossip about guys...from other guys
>one male boss fired a guy for having a nicer watch than him
>watched another guy get his work friends together to file bullshit reports to get another dude fired
>the watercooler talks is a very male thing that still exists today in the form of cigarette breaks or just shooting the breeze when they should be working

I'm not an SJW or man hater or anything but the whole "women are so much cattier than men" thing at work is total bullshit. Especially when men consider the workplace THEIR stomping grounds and will utilize any bit of power (even through privileged information aka gossip) to feel a bit more confident in their roles as working men.

>based and wokepilled
Someone who isn't a sexist shit (misandrist or misogynist) will realize that the men in your post and the women in OP's picture are the same kind of human scum who should be shamed into removing themselves from the gene pool and leaving decent people behind to populate the world.

>What i find the most fucking despicable is that women like you and most feminists just wash away everything that happened in history and pin it on men

and who decided all of the things that happened in history?
>The system we had until now which you call "oppressive patriarchy" caused mild discomfort and hurt pride for women
>mild discomfort and hurt pride

(x) doubt
> you won't get a lot of good response
maybe that's why I'm here.

that's just stereotyping. I hold these views and I'm happy studying a STEM course. Feels much more productive and I would rather get the job done myself. I'm a fairly likeable and polite person who doesn't inject politics and personal beliefs in my academic life, at all

I unironically believe in this

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>did you just forget about girls being married off to people they don't love
Works both ways

>spousal abuse/rape of women in the household?
Not as common and universally looked down upon. Women often were the ones calling the shots about family/house affairs too

Yes, being able to have an independent income is good though we are getting cucked when you need 2 working parents to raise a kid and barely get by

Trash people are trashpeople. I wonder if those woman haters who spam the board all day never had negative interactions with men

Right. They are just underhanded people pretending they're making boss moves because they have no other way of accomplishing anything except to undercut other people. It's just too bad society sees this shit behavior as "powerful".

How can liberals sit there and generalize an entire population and not even flinch a little from the hypocrisy. I dont even feel anger just a kind of gnawing hopelessness when I see people who just dismiss an entire gender. What kind of schools will my grand children go to?

>Works both ways
yea but men aren't expected to ruin their bodies and mental states by carrying a child

I'm not a liberal.
am I saying something that's incorrect?

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So what's your problem with men? What did they do to you?

Women want to be led, they dont want to be with a guy that appeases what they say. They dont know what they want and dont know how to be happy. A guy can be happy picking up any number of hobbies. Girls go through life hoping and dreaming for love. Some realize they cant get love becuase they dont know how to get a guy that makes them happy. That comes down to women not being loveable or likeable for that matter. Women complain about men but still dream about the love they are incapable of earning.

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which PUA did you steal this from.

didn't leave me alone lol

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At this point its probably for the best if men and women separated. I dont really care what happens to women, maybe theyd do the same thing, but I do know men would have a new way to sate our desires pretty quickly. Probably artificial wombs and AI. Later even more complex stuff.
Women might do the same thing but maybe not, female sexuality is too different for me to understand.

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Lel at this tranny ITT

>women need to convince men to marry them
i literally thought it was the other way around, and i thought i was doing an empowered thing by being aloof and not actively pursuing women.

>female hatred is the complete exploitation of women
really? I mean the guys i know who are exploiting their women can only do so because the woman keeps coming back. The misogynists I know IRL haven't had a gf in years.

>my heroes
>women who are exploiting men using their sexuality
>male hatred is a complete lack of action

>lesbian has this picture saved
I swear women literally aren't people

Thanks for removing your defective genes from the gene pool. And I better not see you rape or molest any innocent young girls in hopes of conversion. Or u will suffer the fullest penalty under the law

I wouldnt call it pua at all its more like bitch management. Women are miserable and if allowed to run their mouths without check they will make everyone around them miserable as well. All a woman brings to a relationship is her body a guy has to make a bitch interesting

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>No one ever calls someones kid fucking ugly
>No one ever calls a nigger a nigger
>No one ever says that wearing a suit to an interview if fucking stupid and merely a shit test given that any monkey can wear a suit
>4-5,000 other examples of things that are never spoken aloud, in company.

Therefore no one ever thinks these things, obviously. Tell me, how long have you lived life on full-retard mode?

Women have been saying this shit for literally centuries. You can find feudal Japanese literature or ancient African songs or renaissance era european plays by or about women where they say this same shit. But they still continue to live for men.

Oh no. A woman says she wont fuck chads she's bluffing because of us. How terrible!