It bothers me that the dicks touch

It bothers me that the dicks touch

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You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case

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It doesnt for me I think it's hot

>tfw no qt bf to touch dicks with

you're a retard
t. not you

the touching dicks make it better. Actually, the girl shouldn't be there at all

>t. Rustled McTriggered
P.S. I'l severely LMFAOing at you.

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>>t. Rustled McTriggered

kill yourself

>Imagine being this much of a fully butthurt entity.
gay yourself

PROTIP, pic related tells it all about your projections and fear on cock, keep thinking about penises and being triggered and rustled, you closeted homo gay faggot pansy bottom bitch boy, keks.

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you're an idiot, thank god you're not breeding

Touching dicks is bro-tier and shows that your are confident in your masculinity.

>Doesn't knows about Jung
>Gets triggered by the sole idea of penises touching
>Counter attacks people that are way more hetero and tells him how gay he is by calling them gay.
You're not even normie levels of smart, lel, that or you're underaged, I hope you'll enjoy being such a dumb closeted homo who secretly craves for AIDS cum in your rectum.

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I hope you enjoy posting shit no reads

also holy fuck are you autistic lol

>shit no reads
Are you a pajeet?
Learn some good english, poo-in-the-loo-skin.

>also holy fuck are you autistic lol
The thing is, you're retarded, everybody else looks autistic to you.

Also, you are still very triggered by the sole idea of penises touching, and rustled at people making fun of that, that tells a lot about you.

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hows moms house? hahaha

Just some bros being guys

autistic fucking loser posting meme pop psychology, kill youself lmaoooo

>oonga boonga moms hows haha house? me make funny of you
>But penises touching scary
My mom's house is fine, is not as big as mine, it's debt-free and tax-low.

How's living in an asylum for retarded people that barely know how to read and write, besides having anxiety about cocks and getting super triggered at internet?

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who the fuck is this autist?

lol dude no one cares about you and by extention what you're saying, just like irl

how autistic are you tho for real?

There should be more porn of girls making unwilling guys cum on eachother's dicks.

le ebin black president meme xDDDD

>kys for telling me how dumb I am
By how much you mention autism, I think you're also projecting your autism on others, not only your repressed homosexuality. I would pity you if you weren't just a dumb nigger.

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It is pretty gay since the precum are touching

l would pity you if you weren't so autistic, fucking hell

I hope your wrangler puts your autistic ass to bed soon

How's it feel to be this much of an out of touch virgin?

This level of sock puppeting is not even next level.

But keep enjoying your cock-phobia, retardo robocel.

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omg dude EPIC fucking pic, saved and labeled

Guys, guys, It bothers me that the dicks touch.

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>lol u-u gay haha!

fucking hell you are one autistic retard i'll give you that

It bothers me that you're a virgin in your 20s haha

That guy is a turbo autist. Lmao


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l kno lmaooo I'm actually having fun fucking with him

omg s-stop i'm n-not gay i swear!!

lol u sure showed me bro, you realize no one cares right? god damn we could be playing your autistic ass all night lmao

Guys, did I told you how much it bothers me that dicks touch, I cannot get any sleep thinking that somewhere in the universe, there are a pair of cocks touching, I cannot bear it!

I had to tell you all, because it's the only place I could tell this.

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I'll keep saying it, this is why I made this thread.
Dicks touching.
It bothers me, both the dicks and the touching.
The bothering makes it so hard to live free of this idea, hard as a bothersome diamond erection dicks touching!

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seriously tho, have you gotten tested?

Why do dicks had to touch in porn?
It really bothers me so much, it bothers me when I'm fapping, but also when I'm not, just thinking about them, touching, skin to skin, precum sharing!

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dude stop doing this I cant take it anymore!

What are your thoughts on this?
Original titties

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You robots keep making fun of me, but you cannot understand a fellow robot who simply gets bothered by seeing 2 dicks touching each other.

You fucking autists retards, kill yourselves!

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want to talk about it man?


Dicks weren't made to touch dicks.
That's no normal, you fucking autists retards.
You should kys by not saying the obvious, dicks should not touch dicks!!!

You cannot understand!

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You get your ideal woman, but in exchange you have to let her rub your dick on chad's dick until you both cum. Do you accept?

ok seriously tho autist please kill yourself hahahaha

Why dicks, why?

Dick, you don't touch your fellow dick, that's so unnatural, it's so BOTHERING!

If dicks would not touch dick in porn, this world would be just perfect, and would never really bother me anymore, except for autists and retards that don't understand why dicks should not touch dicks!

There are important things in life, and being bothered by dicks touching is one of those.

the amount of effort your putting into this is honorable you autistic little retard

Oh look at me!! I'm posting about how much I get bothered by dicks touching

Kill yourself retard! DICKS!! they are so bothersome I tell you! lmaoooo


how autistic are you hahahaha fucking virgin kill yourself

why are you so mad loI

Dicks, 2019 should be a year of no dick touching another dick.

This is an important issue, robots, it is, that's why I made this thread, you all should be against dicks touching.

If you're not, you should kill yourself for being a retarded autist that doesn't think dicks touching is so bothersome.

I'm not here to save face, nor to show how I'm right and you're wrong, but to tell you all about dicks.

Dicks, they should not touch, never.

Specially in porn, my porn.
I should get a triggering warning about dicks touching, why I don't have that? you fucking retards, I need my trigger warning when dicks will touch.

You fucking smarty autists nerds that make porn webs, why you don't make a nerdy thing like a dicks-touching filter for us people who get easily bothered by that awful thing called "dicks touching".

You know I'm right, and you all are wrong, so:

This bothering, this bothering is problematic I tell you.

When those dicks, so erect and hard, lascivously touching each other, you know it bothers me!!

You all should know about my bothering, about my feelings on dicks touching. Dicks touching is bothersome, it bothers!

If you don't think like me, you should kill yourself autist retard, because dicks are serious stuff, serious enough to make a whole thread about it, and fight people on internet because I'm never wrong, and you all basement dwellers autists should kys.

It bothers me that the dicks touch.
it bothers me in so many ways, bothers me how they look at the right moment of touching each other, before that it's just perfect, no touching means it's ok, even if they are so close to each other, but at the time dicks touch, it's a deal breaker for me!

Why ruining such a perfect porn scene, with 2 big juicy dicks on screen, so hard and swollen, and then, when they touch, I want to tell them to kys!

kys you dicks, you ruined my porn when you touched.

People saying otherwise is retarded and autist.

kys autists retards. dicks aren't made to touch dicks. hahaha


2 hard and huge dicks on screen should not bother me by touching each, hahaha

Did I already said how bothersome it is?

I know, I know, not all of you think the same or care about dicks touching, but dicks touching should be a manly topic to discuss! you fucking gay retard autists!

Dicks touching bothers me, and it should bother you too, if not, kys.

Had you find the perfect porn to satiate your yellow fever, but then those 2 manly huge erect dicks get to touch each and that ruins it for you?

Yes! That's how I feel. It bothers me that the dicks touch.

I keep telling me how perfect would that scene be without the dicks touching, touching is off-limits, no dicks should touch.

A threesome with dicks touching is such a bummer, but I cannot watch simpler porn with just 1 dick on screen, it has to be 2 dicks or it doesn't gives me a boner at all, but at the very second those 2 dicks touch each other, lmaoooo

kys faggots


dicks touching bothers me

2 dicks are more than ok, but not when they touch.

you autists making fun of me are gay and you all should kys.

You'll never be as hetero as I am, watching 2 juicy cocks on screen, but when they touch I feel this bothering, that is telling me how much hetero I am, and you all telling otherwise are just gay, retarded and autist, you'll never know how wonderful porn is when there are 2 beautiful, veiny dicks in it, but not touching, so close but not touching, all potentiality but not touching, dicks not touching doesn't bothers me.

Make fun of me, and you're gay and retarded.

when dicks touch, the deal breaks. I don't keep watching this porn because that's gay, no sir I'm not a faggot, you all are gay, not me.

2 dicks, big, strong, long, thick, precum dripping from the tip, pulsating, throbing wonderfully on screen, so ready to unload so close to each other, discharging their rich, hot, thick, sticky, beautiful semen as they twitch with pleasure, so close to each other, but not touching, no sir, touching is a deal breaker, that's gay.

It bothers me that the dicks touch, kys gay retards.

>being this autistic


OP here, I hope my sacrifice, rustling and triggering would be a warning tale to all of you, retards, gays and autists. Dicks should not touch, that's gay, and gay isn't ok.

Anyway, those sexy lovely dicks, fuck yess, aren't gay if they don't touch, they are totally hetero, and I'm very hetero too when watching them, because I'm identifying with them, being so close, sweaty, slimy, hard as diamonds dicks so close to each other, so perfect. BUT NO TOUCH, that's gay, so kys you all autists gay retards.

How's your mom's basement? virgins.
You don't even think this is bothersome, when dicks touch? kys faggot.

Also, if you don't watch porn with 2 dicks on it, you're the gayest, because you're insecure of your sexuality, you all should get tested!

You all are the problem, not me!!! lmaoooo


id touch dicks with a dude to get some head.

kys inceloregano
dicks touching is bothering

lol autist

please kill yourself autist!

(((Oregangutan You)))

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bump so everyone sees the autist, this is like going to circus freak show lmaooo

kys autist retard! AFAP!

Bump so we can keep making fun of OP the autist lmaooo

kys autistic freak virgin hahaha

why are you this mad?
kys autist circus dick obsessed freak

hows ir feel to be a closet case tho? hahaha

Why are you such a closet case?

lol you virgin autist kys freak lmaooo


It's only you, fucking retard

>t. Autistic Closet Case :P

Phew, good thing they blurred it out.

Are you still this butthurt? kys autist homo retard, you should get so tested for autism. Come everybody see this circus freak autist!

why are you still posting? what mental illness do you have besides autism?

You retard, you should kys, freak, this level of effort is so autistic, go back to your mom's basement

t. Autistic Closet Case

t. Autistic Closet Case


lol this autist retard, kill yourself please
you're so oregano gay

and you're an autistic closet case lmaooo

this menta ill gay autist freak lmaooo


t. gay homo autist retard

t. Autistic Closet Case, I hope you die thinking your 100% hetero but you're actually a closet case lol

you're such a freak gay autist dick poster lmaooo

kys lol

t. original poster

You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Autistic CIoset Case

lol gay homo virgin autist, cannot stop posting from mom's basement

lmaooo mental illness

come everybody watch this freak being so autist!

You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case with autism

Holy fucking quads but is this the same guy arguing with himself lmao

oof, this virgin freak is posting like autism is not his only disease

lmaooo the absolute state of this thread


You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. CIoset Case

this autist dick poster lmaooo
t. gay closeted 2 dicks bothered

I pity this homo


You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a Iegit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case

lmaooo virgin, mom's basement isn't healthy for you, t. gay autist

kys but not before we keep making fun of you

You're a gay that thinks you're totaIIy hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case

You're a virgin that thinks he's not totally autist, kys lmaooo circus freak dicks touch bother moms basement lol

t. gay poster