I want to eat a girl's pussy after she gets home from a hard day at work to make her feel better

I want to eat a girl's pussy after she gets home from a hard day at work to make her feel better

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i want to blast a log of shit in your mouth for making this thread, fuckboi bitch

Jeez, rude

This but after giving her a massage.

do something about it. oh wait, you cant and you wont.

I don't want to do anything about it though.
What's with the hostility, user? Are things ok at home?

lick her clit with the same motion, and don't stop until she says :P

Ok, I will try and remember that (though I'll probably never get a gf, so I doubt your advice will ever come in handy)

lol get a load of this internet tough guy, trying to pick an e-fight. Why does people liking women make you so angry? Are you upset because he won't munch your ass?

I mean, if we're talking about Satsuki-sama here I totally agree

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He's probably just new and assumes that everyone just yells at each other on Jow Forums because that's what he's seen in some epic screencaps on reddit

You forgot your image.

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I'm gonna be real, I had no idea who the character was. I was just looking for a picture to use and found that in my folder.

lol, not starting anything you spam guzzling fat fucking retard. btw you 're the dickless wonder that backdowned from your own imaginary fight. pussy.

user, that wasn't me. I was the first one to respond to you.
You should probably lurk more.

>no YOU started it
Damn, this is some next level reverse psychology. I bet this destroys the kids on the playground.

This. I want to take her clothes off, lay her on the couch, and lick her pussy for hours.

did i ask ur opening? NO!!!

Um what?
I'd report you for being clearly underaged, but I'd feel too bad.

blahblahblah just a little pussy shit talker until some real shit comes your way and you become a tumbleweed blown away on a blustery day. just stop kid

youre mental age is 5 while my physical age is more than triple that

I bet your dad told that one to you lmao
Either you're embarrassing yourself, or this is a pretty top tier troll

Sorry, it was a typo. What I actually wanted to say was that you're a fucking faggot

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lmaoing @ ur life rite now

>not directly stating your age
You're 16 aren't you

>talk about eating pussy

lmaoing @ ur virginity rite now

dam you got me haha

>using virginity as an insult on r9k
I see my assumption that you are new was correct

at least i have a dad. the closest thing u have is an uncle that makes u call him daddy every family get together.

You didn't deny it holy shit

>this tho
a step in the right direction unlike the other shitheads here who demand love without having something to offer

i dont have to deny shit you biscuit eater. it was so farfetched there was no reason to even acknowledge it. how do you people like you even exist? shits baffling

Unfortunately, sex (I guess) and affection are probably the only things I have to offer.

eh I'm not into pussy eating, but she can get a pussy massage if she want

I'm really enjoying this. I'm near positive you're a troll, and I have to say you're doing a pretty good job. I think you come on a bit to hard though, you act a bit too confrontational. Tone it down a bit and it'd be really fuckin great.

I've never done it (I'm on this board aren't I) but I'd like to give it a shot

at least you neets study trolls instead something useful

Some real shit like a preteen boy with unsupervised internet access? I'm shakin in my boots over here.

bro if this shit was unsupervised, you wouldnt even be on the internet anymore. you would be in a mental rehab facility. im holding back because you're a fucking dweeb and i feel sorry for you.

youre not enjoying anything except a life size dragon dildo. "hes shitting on my life" must be a troll. keep telling yourself that.

Holy shit that was a fucking good one, pretty obvious trolling but it's also really funny.

what are you retards even arguing about, this thread is about worshipping divine delicious pussy with your tongue

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Eh that one wasn't as good, but I guess they can't all be hits

Oh so your mom IS there watching you. Tell her I'll see her again tonight.

user decided to troll in my thread and I'm enjoying it
Plus it helps keep the thread alive, which is a bonus

eating pussy is beta af anyways

youre so fucking retarded you cant distinguish irl from ur fake r9k internet life. youre a lost cause.

i'm not a comedian.i am telling you how things are. if you are A: not a virgin: B: not drinking or smoking C: do not own a copy of gta 5, i will leave you alone. its fucking clear all of the above apply to you tho, so whats the point

you woudn't know what to do with my mom. lol. i can imagine you dropping your pants and my mom laughing and u cant even get hard. or if u do get hard u start cumming immediately.

This one seemed more like a stock response, rather than an actual response to what I said. I like the last part though
Not drinking or smoking, nor do I play GTA V

there was nothing good about my original post. you obviously need professional help and a 2nd grade reading tutor. you dont understand basic communication. oh and ofc youre a virgin. bet you lied about the other 2 as well. i dont evne care anymore. i will give you 1 more chance. if you dont have a r9k folder i will stop.

I was not lying, and I don't have an r9k folder. I'm not organized enough to have dedicated folders. I just have like 3 main "everything folders" with legit everything I download in them.

you just admitted you have an r9k folder. i dont even care at this point. im done with you. you belong in a fucking zoo being fed cup o noodles. i have to get off this board. holy fuck.

>you just admitted you have an r9k folder

Fuck, this was meant for origatoni

just look at yourself. lmao!! your brain is short circuiting and scrambling to find fault with what i said. this shit is just too much for your peanut brain to handle. just move on bro.

I just asked where I said I had an r9k folder

I would really like to eat that

bro just read your own post. it's right fucking there. youre fucking braindead dude. u could drown yourelf in a thimble. this little back n forth has been fucking pointless. i am going to go drink a coke. fuck this and fuck this board and fuck you.

>I don't have an r9k folder
> just read your own post. it's right fucking there.
Ok. Enjoy your diabetes.

Bye user :)

This board looks identical /b/

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i have been here for many many years but this shit has pushed me to the edge. i am deleting this site from my history and never returning. hope youre proud of yourself.

You're a funny dude user, interactions like ours are what makes Jow Forums worth it

You will gag on the salty sweatyness

That doesn't sound too bad, I'm sure I could get used to it