What's the suicide tier height IRL?

What's the suicide tier height IRL?

Attached: manletsaresubhumans.png (990x592, 747K)

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I dunno, but I want to roughly fuck a manlet's woman while he sits in the corner crying. Bonus points if she's petite so I can use her like a doll.
t. 6'4" chad

Funny, shes probably wearing high heels while making fun of someone for their height. It's like they have zero self-awareness, who would have guessed?

Also he looks shopped in

Nice LARP "Chad"

im 6'3 with good features and am a 28 year old virgin.

Believe what you want, kiddo. I just came here to laugh at you pathetic incels.

Chad doesnt even know what an incel is

Anything below 9 feet and you may as well kill yourself.

Attached: 139d925417ebb26b3439dbb03f535519.jpg (3000x3900, 776K)

Anything above 6'4" and you have nothing to live for.

You fucked up badly then. I don't know what you're doing.

How can you fuck up so badly dude

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I'd estimate about 5'9" is the point where you should either man up and kill yourself or man up and become a woman

Isn't Jake Galahal like 5'9 and most of you unvirgin scum would lose your gf's wifes mothers and isters to him? I know, celebrity actor, but still 5'9.

exceptions exist as with all things
but if you're not completely extraordinary otherwise, height will fuck you over

>under 5'6
At this height almost nobody will take you seriously, and you are forced to accept that you are a lesser being.

>5'6 - 5'7
Noticeably shorter than everybody else but still just about liveable if you have a high tolerance for being judged and mocked. Unless you are a 8+/10 facially, your quality of life will be low.

>5'8 - 5'10
Around normal height, probably won't get too much shit for your height but you will be forever haunted by the fact you so almost made it to being a good height, but were cucked by a couple inches. Can be a good height if you are good looking.

>5'11 - 6'1
Decent height, generally a bit taller than most but not noticeably so. Still, you will forever be haunted that you ALMOST made it to the best male height.

>6'2 - 6'4
Objectively best male height range, almost no downsides other than being too big for stuff occasionally, and having bitter manlets try to mock you.

>6'5 - 6'6
Diminishing returns begins, unless you are an ultra Chad this is starting to get too tall and you will probably be mocked for being a lanklet regularly. This is also where head hitting and knee knocking really begins.

This is the steep drop off in quality of life. You might be able to pull it off if you have godlike genetics and are somehow able to fill out well and have a good looking face. Otherwise you will be mocked relentlessly, continuously badgered about how tall you are, constantly hunched over and frustrated trying to appear smaller and fit in cars and under doors etc.

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Your scale is off. Diminishing returns and downsides start at 6'2" and up.

>under 5'6
At this height almost nobody will take you seriously, and you are forced to accept that you are a lesser being.
Not as bad as you say because most people irl dont really know someone height when looking at them but still true.

>5'6 - 5'7
Noticeably shorter than everybody else but still just about liveable if you have a high tolerance for being judged and mocked. Unless you are a 8+/10 facially, your quality of life will be low.
This height is actually fine most people I know are around this height and are happy/ have gf. None of them are 8/10 but i wouldnt say they are 2/10 either it more comes down to your other shortcomings that will make or brake it.

'8 - 5'10
>Around normal height, probably won't get too much shit for your height but you will be forever haunted by the fact you so almost made it to being a good height, but were cucked by a couple inches. Can be a good height if you are good looking.
This one is a nightmare because like you said only a few inches of the fable 6ft. however even though alot of women say they will only date men that are 6ft as only as you are good looking enough you might get a pass because they are dumb cunt.

I'll agree to disagree on that, you could argue maybe 6'4 is pushing it a bit, but 6'2/6'3 is top tier.

Below 5'6 is only my interpretation based on what I've read online and heard from people, maybe a slight over exageration but I think the reason that height sucks so much is because you have entered the average female height.

5'6-5'7 obviously can make it work, you can get a gf at any height because its far from the only factor in living a good life, but its a big knockback that many struggle to get past.

5'8-5'10 isn't too bad in the sense that you could stick some boots on and look almost 6ft, and if you are good looking and broad most people will view you as taller than you are anyway. But yeah it must be very frustrating to have almost made it to the upper echelon.

height plays little to no role in the grandscheme of thing other than self confidence unless you are freakishly small or tall, really the only genetic based things can be argued that play a role in life is intelligence, looks, penis size and stamina in bed with the last two only applying to the final stages of courting a women.

None of those are related to height. I know one study about intelligence was posted but it was bunk. There have been studies about penis size and it's been found to have no correlation with height.

never said any of them had to do with height. I said they matter more that height as unless you are a literal giant or dwarf the only real affect of not being a certain height self confidence.

>t. 6'4" chad
Yea sure whatever you say.

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Intelligence and charisma are what really matter the most.

>all the manlet propaganda in this thread

sub 6 foot is suicide tier

Attached: tfw over 6 foot.jpg (1200x1195, 98K)

Fucking elf.

T. Hobbit.

Why you gotta call out lanklets like that?

i was talking about genetics only so charisma was purposely left out but yes. however if you cant last in bed you're not going to hit a wall when it comes to settling down same with penis size but again aslong as you don't occupy the its so small its a joke zone its ok, stamina is more important in bed over all.

6'3" here. Probably depends on where you live. I do fine in western Europe but other places might be a struggle with low doors/ceilings, small clothes etc.

>always thought I was 6'7"
>got measured a few weeks ago

FUCK its literally hell, I would chop my fucking dick off to be like 6'4", at least manlets can hide their ugly faces in the crowd, I get stared at literally everywhere i go

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Right on cue, the bitter virgin lanklet shows up.

Suicide is not caused by being short.


i'm only 6'1 you pathetic little man, but not skinny or fat, wide

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Was obvious you were going to post that link. He committed suicide because he was a retard, like all incels.

>trust me guys I'm 6'1 here's a picture to prove it.

Attached: wl83HDb.jpg (350x513, 46K)

t. 5'7 basedmen

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Im 5ft3 and Ive fucked 12 different women. Its not great and they werent all exactly super models but I did alot better than I thought I would have.

DESU I believe there is entrenched heightism in women and its paid off by society. Ove overheard women talking about they hate short men and find them creepy, ugly or straight up threatening. Like the idea of a small mans seed getting near their eggs is worse than death. Then again last girl I dated was a 9/10 and said she didnt care about height. Ive also dated a tall chick before.

>implying this guy was an incel
You're the only retard here mate. He was going to be apart of Birmingham's take on the Only Way is Essex and incel would never do that for starters. What pushed his depression that only came about because he was short was people making funny of height and women saying they will only date 6ft plus men, we live in a time where people still wont help you on this issue and just say lol no big when they have image problems revolving around height.

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He looks like the guy that made Family Guy

Yes, really, or otherwise all short people would selfdestruct which is not what we observe.

He was a retarded incel. Every other man at his height is enjoying lots of pussy.

I have a tiny friend who eat pussy like mad.

dont choke on all that cope

I didnt know you could be 5ft7 at 27. Did he have a disease?

Yeah he had a chronic case of manletism.