How to solve the incel problem? Government assigned girlfriends?

How to solve the incel problem? Government assigned girlfriends?

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Re-education camps.

Gulags even


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Give young men a place in society again. We can't do that though because woman are half of the work force and a protected class so just enjoy the ride into collapse.

>Imagine your sister getting assigned to some ugly retard on this board

You can't. There is always certain group of men who are designed to die alone. Losers are losing winners are winning. Simple as that.

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Enforced monogamy like we used to have.

l hope it's me

Nah, National Socialism

Unironically abolish female rights. Whoever thought that the desired, sheltered, sought after sex needed to """liberated""" and endowed with explicit, codified legal and political powers in addition to their natural biologically-inherent sexual advantages over men was a fucking retard of the highest magnitude.

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Wow man you're negative, hope you finally get laid in the near future

The incel problem will fix itself eventually, incels and normalfags don't give enough of a shit to fix it, neither do the robots who'll live through it, and the people solving problems have more important things to worry about.

>have more important things to worry about.
Like what? The fact that roasties aren't having nearly enough children to maintain the systems of welfare and healthcare that babyboomers are going to drive to collapse over the next 5-10 years?

eugenics so Gattaca can become a reality
no more ugly and frail losers, no more incels

Fuck off faggot r9k is pol
Yeah for normies, sluts and degenerates

Outlaw feminism

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I'm a khv but i don't want any women to be assigned to me, that would make me feel bad.
I'd let her down because i'm awkward even though i'd love her for who she really is.

With our luck we'd get some pretty ugly fucking girlfriends though.


You know how the government always skimps on quality. And then it's going to take years to asks for an exchange.

Take women out of the workplace
Suddenly you have millions of women who are in need of a provider, and tons of jobs that are now vacant to be filled by men who have had trouble finding employment

This was pretty much how the system worked all through history

Alternate but less effective partial solution:
Ban internet dating so women can't source a constant supply of Chad cock
Stop the government from feeding and caring for single mother retards

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>How to solve the incel problem
Literally put chemicals in the water that make it so more girls are born than boys. Make it legal to have multiple wives.

This would also force incels to leave the basement and get a shitty low wage job.

yes desu


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I think I would rather be alone than to have a "government assigned GF" who will most likely hate my guts and only stick around because she feels obligated to.

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So, Chad's Harem then....

Nah, the goal is to have such a gender imbalance that it kinda becomes like post war societies (but better). Where every man has at least one partner.

ban condoms, abortions, birth control and tax women for having kids. Then they will stop being whores

Just make prostitution legal for fucks sake, I have money for so many whores but I just hate how sketchy the whole ordeal is at the moment. That would solve my incel problem anyway.

>the goal is to have such a gender imbalance that it kinda becomes like post war societies
You're gonna have to deal with the faaaar more significant issue in pic related if that is your ultimate goal, champ.

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How come, please explain to this brainlet.

One of the main reasons females didn't act like roastie whore pieces of shit to such an extent in the past is because their behavior was often checked by their very biology. If you were a promiscuous fucking whore, you'd probably get knocked up eventually, and then not only would all your family and friends judge you for being a wanton, irresponsible slut, but you would have to deal with the financial and practical logistics of raising a child, probably by yourself alone. The threat of this outcome acted as a huge deterent to roastiehood and consequently to female hypergamy as a whole. Because they couldn't just fuck anybody they wanted to with no virtually no immediate consequences, females had to be realistic and grounded about their potential partners.

Thank you for taking your time.

You are welcome. Did that clear things up at all?

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If you don't force women to settle for incels by enforcing monogamy you will end up with Chad and his 10+ partners while your average incel will still remain an incel.

They're not incels obviously, but even men of above average attractiveness often struggle compared to females to get laid or find meaningful partnerships. Competition for female attention is pretty much out of control and the definition of what constitutes a "alpha chad" is only getting more and more narrow and exclusive all the time and concurrently more and more men are being pushed into inceldom.

correct answer
this would create an economy that is well supplied and end unemployment, while convincing hikkis and neets to work so they can get a wife. With their contribution to society, the economy can still function without women in it. And with less workers, wages will increase. its a genius system that has worked consistently throughout history

How is it going to fix itself

Incels will either an hero or grow up and stop being incels.

stop playing fucking videogames you retards. do the job better than women, women will still need to get pregnant at some point, whereas men will persist and eventually get better at everything eventually. when there is huge gap in social ladder, women will be forced to get seductive and claim their share of social standing. you dont realize it but men are naturally better at everything due to our expendability and our ability to take risk, which capitalism rewards greatly. we have fitter bodies, unlike women, we can naturally ooze confidence and leadership with not as much effort. we have more time and resources, we are in objectively more rewarding institutions and we have the power to share and strenghten our privileges. sure, women have the power of seduction and just for being women, they have the monopoly on reproductive system which everyone strives for, but we have everything else.

videogames, useless garbage immaturities, masturbating to porn and japanese animations are what's actually holding us back from playing our cards and being in a position where femoids would have no choice but to mate with you because it'd be in their best interest.

But you just said they don't give enough of a shit to fix it. So you're answer is "eh they'll all kill themselves". Because you're an idiot.

>t. tradcuck cope

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>not realizing you have been emasculated by (((their))) stimulis and you can do nothing but consume, like a woman. im just trying to make you see the light, you are wasting your potential on garbage that has been designed to keep you docile, letting them push you to the corner, to the point that you start worshipping to the idea of women's sexuality. this process of worshipping is now being easily exploited by gratifying stimuli of very distorted idea of female sexuality that has been groomed and grown inside you by (((them))) the moment you were born. you are not competing with women and your instincts are being exploited day by day, by women or literally anyone else smarter than you, who realize your inability to see things as it really is.

There is no escaping female entitlement and hypergamy

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>femoids would have no choice but to mate with you because it'd be in their best interest.

Absolute brainlet. Better to cope than to give those entitled snots any chance

you can make the arrangement where you'll get your fair share of power. what else do you want? entitled retards will naturaly become endangered species, where women who know their place will be at your disposal. it's a win-win for everyone except thots

>r9k is pol
No actually by definition pol is pol and r9k is r9k
So kill yourself

No. Death and imprisonment.
You incels are a lost cause.

Gulags for you incel.
Every day you awake in the gulag, you get a beating.
Every night you go to sleep,you get a beating.
You deserve no consideration.

You do realise that the success of the West in recent history is because of contraception, which meant that people (not just women) could have sex without having to risk taking a break in life to take care of a kid, time and resources that otherwise would have been spent on working and doing other things that add to the economy and advance society, as well as mobilizing women, 50% of your population, into the workforce.

Read above

You guys are people who argue about the superiority of the West and have a deep hatred for non Western societies, while also trying to destroy specifically all things that make it different from places like the Middle East.

Don't really see a problem. They used to be called "single".