Tfw literally the only thing I'm looking forward to these days is the release of new vidya games

>tfw literally the only thing I'm looking forward to these days is the release of new vidya games
>tfw even that is fading due to how shit games are becoming these days
>tfw becoming too jaded to believe that I'll live long enough to see my favorite anime and manga ending in my lifetime so I can't get that excited about the new manga chapters anymore

Anyone else kinda know this feel? I'm a fan of Jojolion, One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, One Piece, and other series but I get depressed when I think about the fact that I'm likely gonna commit suicide before seeing the end of these series.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Hyped up about shity AAA copy pasta releases with DLC ready before launch

This reminds me. After my exams I said I was gonna spend the entire month of December catching up on vidya. School starts next week. Fuck.

You misunderstand. There are like 6 games I'm excited for this year. Like only 5 of them are AAA.

>Mortal Kombat 11
>Kingdom Hearts 3
>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>Devil May Cry 5
>Doom Eternal
>Fight knight

I don't usually go after AAA games anymore, but these are all exceptions, especially since only 3 of them are made by Japanese developers, and Fight Knight is an indy game anyway.

>>Mortal Kombat 11
>>Kingdom Hearts 3
>>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>>Devil May Cry 5
>>Doom Eternal
>>Fight knight
Those are all shit games.

Alright buddy, tell me what "good" game you're planning to get this year? That you totally haven't even played either, but somehow know it's good enough to buy?

Been like half an hour and this faggot still hasn't answered to my post here... I guess he's not getting any "good" games this year.

That's because games aren't good, you manchild.

Fuck off, arrogant nigger.

Different guy. Not too many im excited about other than regularly keeping up with Path of Exile. There are tons of old games that are fun to go back through though. Recently enjoyed Diablo II and any old game is usually < $20 for its goty edition so thats what i enjoy playing.

Oh same for anime and manga btw. There are decades of great shows, why wait for some new one to air each episode.

t. Rustled McTriggered
You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexuality but thinkig you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case

Oh man, a racist suicidal weeb, that's a new one. Not really.

Next he'll accuse me of being a Jew-lover, lol.

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I cannot even enjoy movies and games anymore.
The only thing that gives me happy feelings is validation from other people, especially cute girls.

My personality is completely ruined.

yeah, i'm still waiting on half life 3. welcome to the club, fagit.

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I'm not necessarily waiting on any game, but I'm looking for something like PSN home but with MMORPG characteristic, and viable VR mechanics. It would probably never come to fruition. Singularity will probably happen before that.

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epic baiting my good sir

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My bad. I forgot about this thread. lol

That game was my shit back in the ps3 era. Sodium 2 racing was cash and I never found a Wipeout style game that felt quite like it.

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>Y-you're an NPC!
Oh man, those are some spicy virgin memes

You can play dominoes at for the points. Try to get 5000 points. It's addictive like cocaine but it doesn't kill.

I remember that game, but I mostly spent my time in the Konami Penthouse. The music was so rad, and I still listen to some of the songs every now and then
aaaaaaaaaah when life was easier.

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do heroin faggot

Says the NPC


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>plays too many video games
>is suicidal
wow what a surprise.

try ballisticng