Why do normies hate smoking cigarettes so much?

Was just revisiting the eggman "take the black pill" classic because i haven't looked at it for about 2 years and i wanted to see the bluepilled comments since. There are a plethora of comments telling him "stop smoking bro", "it's only you who can make the change bro stop smoking", "stop smoking those disgusting cigarettes first" etc

And i'm thinking to myself, of all the problems he likely has, why would you highlight smoking as one of the main things that he needs to fix?

You can still lift, have a nice physique, clean diet, etc and smoke cigarettes. Quitting cigarettes is not a necessity to improving your circumstances and mindset.

And it's the same on other normie forums and videos. Any hint of someone smoking cigarettes is met with revulsion as if the person is somehow deficient for enjoying a cigarette.

Unironically the cigarette hanging out of mouth used to symbolize the edgy bad boy that women liked and chased after prior to the 00s.

The only women i noticed who don't pull men up about smoking are the "alternative" goth whore types but even they rarely smoke themselves these days.

Only women i see smoking in the UK are chav women.

What's with the normie war on cigarettes?

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it a bad thing for lung, or sumthin

also heart attacks

it increases your stresslevels when not smoking

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But some of the same people who attack cigarettes use steroids themselves. If health is the argument, why inject roids and test into your ass every few months?

source for that vid?

because normans have no true meaning in their life they have been sold the idea that the goal of life is to live as long as possible and avoid getting cancer

with reasons ranging from curb teen smoking to dismantling the tobacco industry. There's no specific cause for all the anti-smoking wave. What we have now is a result of all those people with different causes joining together to produce an environment where smoking is a taboo.

>normies hate smoking
I think you got that all wrong and the other way around you incompetent shit head, you're not special.

>everyone that doesn't smoke cigarettes inject roids
Are you straight outta compton?

I smoked cigs for 8 years and the only reason I can still pass the toilet paper test with the head of my dick is because I'm half black and did lots of track when I was a teenager

I pity smokers, watch it, your head gets smaller

I quit smoking cigs

It fucks your hormones up or something. Is actually a cause of microdick in men who were the babies of mothers who smoked during pregnancy.

>Normies hate smoking
It's not even normies, smoking is fucking retarded. Imagine paying for something that causes a plethora of health problems and actually defending it. I had a relative die of emphysema from smoking her entire life, it was not a pretty end. Imagine putting your family through that, watching you die a prolonged awful death because you thought smoking was a good thing to do. OP is a fag.

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it's not a good thing to do. i've been doing it for nearly 9 years. i think boredom is the main reason why. as i'm a shut in neet who never talks to anyone

Smoking is the most normie thing you can do you fucking moron. There is literally no upside to it other than the small rush you get, which you likely don't even experience anymore. You are literally killing yourself slowly for no reason at all. The most retarded habit of all time.

The insane amount of health problems caused by it are a good start. Every person who has to go on chemo who otherwise wouldn't have due to smoking takes money away that could be spent on other things.

It's also just unattractive as fuck. You look like a fucking chav, the smell is disgusting to the average person, the reason there are smoking rooms are because the average person doens't want to be near that gross shit.

people might've seen smoking as cool and edgy one day, but now the average person is just put off by it

>You are literally killing yourself slowly for no reason at all

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>be on Jow Forums
>people larp about melancholy and pretend theyre going to an hero
>"b-but dont smoke because you'll get kanker"
If I die of cancer Ive lived a longer life than I expected.
Smoking is infinitely better than drinking in my opinion. Pissheads can hardly talk, are fat and get liver aids. Smokers might smell and have fucked lungs but its cheaper and they retain their faculties
>your head gets smaller
Guess how I know youre a nigger

All the normies chain smoke you dumb faggot they like smoking, smoking is normie shit

I've been vaping for the last few years and lit up a cig just because I had a pack I bought for some stupid reason while out and about getting more liquor. While I enjoyed it I got back into my and I had to strip and take a shower. Fug I don't miss that at all. I'll stick to my robot cock.

why don't you just grab the rope and make it quicker then

Got back into my room*

If you want to die just kys, dont make people feel bad for you. If you want to smoke, get some helium and only breathe that in with a mask for 30 min and youll die.

Tobacco is a WASP run industry, so naturally the jews set out to vehemently attack and destroyed it within the past ~50 years.

>immensely weakened respiratory system
>retain their faculties

how does that make sense?

you can't even climb stairs without breathing heavily. what kind of life is that?

I'll give you an example. Get drunk at work, can't work very good, too drunk. Smoke at work, can still work.

Not really it obviously isnt good for your lungs but I've smoked for 10 years and go for 30km hikes. Most people are fat I'd rather be addicted to cigs then food

You fucking sheep. The elites tell you smoking is bad so you follow right along with the normies "muh smoking is bad for health". Cars are bad for the environment, how about everyone just stops driving then? Steroids are bad for your heart and long term health. Got anything to say about the fags injecting steroids in their ass? What about alcohol? How many people have died from alcoholism fucking up their liver? huh?

smokers are lost, saw a scuba diver light up after getting out of the water

I smok and dive, though I never smoke immediately after or before but thats because my cigs are never with me. Idk if it means I breathe well but I use less air than my buddies normally. I also go hiking and walking all the time. Im in better shape than most people I know.
I dont smoke that much though because it makes my clothes smell.

Besides the health risks, it's not a great drug anyway.
Smoking is a normie thing to begin with, a lot of people smoked to fit in and then get addicted to it.

idk I stopped doing it because it was expensive, money means work and I hate work more than I like smoking

I literally don't care if others smoke though. The only people that smell bad because of smoking have horrible hygeine and would have smelled bad either way, and passive smoking seems like a huge meme. If you live in a city your lungs are fucked anyways.

>drugies here regularly discuss doing H regularly here
>maybe 2-3 people complaining about it
>op makes thread about smoking cigs
>everyone goes muh cancur

Doing H is litterally more acceptable than smoking on this board

You know when you inhale smoke and your bodies natural reaction is to fucking cough, to expel smoke and draw in more oxygen? If that isn't proof enough that inhaling smoke is bad for you, I don't know what the fuck is. But if you think smoking isn't bad for you, then go right ahead.

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It's because the government spend billions to propaganda us into hating smokers.

The same people that hate smoking now would have chain smoked constantly when it first started and berated anyone who didn't.

He knows it's bad, his point is that people do shit that's bad for them all the time. Even if we all lived a puritan lifestyle we'd still die, most of us from cancer regardless.

Cause i said I was a nigger? Retard

have you ever even smoked a cigarette?

Do you think alcohol, candy and fast food is good for you or do you avoid them all and anything else bad entirely?
Nobody is saying smoking isnt bad for you.

Because there's no pros when smoking, only cons, big cons.