Tfw since learned about Chad and Beta jawlines can't stop staring at the jaws of coworkers and people on the street

>tfw since learned about Chad and Beta jawlines can't stop staring at the jaws of coworkers and people on the street

What is your jaw like?

Attached: jawlines.jpg (1100x1944, 373K)

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Honestly? Literally like the average woman's, not alpha or beta. Just feminine. At least it helps me be a cute tranny

>weak jaw
>can't grow a thick beard to hide it


Attached: images.jpg (220x229, 5K)

I think my jaw is too strong desu. It juts out and I look like an orc in profile.

I have a slightly better than average jaw but I still get no puss so.......

It's fucked, though not as severely as the guys in the right of the pic.

I can grow a short beard though and it looks okay. Sort of like the 3rd guy on the left.

Not that i'm chad by any means. I have other, more severe problems.

Attached: 1544949351694.jpg (882x731, 132K)

neither weak nor strong, like my cheekbones or my eye area, or my height

all so painfully average and unremarkable

Nothing good because i'm fat and i have receded chin, nothing like those guys on the right but it's still noticeable.

It's good. Not perfect but good.
If you want advice try and stop focussing on your imperfections. This will make you more and more insecure and hold you back a lot.
Instead find something you're good at. This will make you happier than falling for memes and obsessing about chins.

try minoxidil


Top left for me. It's okay. Could be sharper, but what are you gonna do.

>Instead find something you're good at.
I'm good at nothing.

I have a great profile. My eyes and mouth are too small to fit my face. I am too unattractive to deserve any woman lusting after me. Oh well I will yesdev and make h-games to satisfy me.

rate my jaw pls

Attached: p145cfvugqx28k8w.jpg (848x1414, 164K)

average as fuck

oregano, bitch

Jow Forums told me that I look like Brad Pitt so guessing I'm good? Obviously not overall as attractive but still above average.

good enough, you have potential
now do something about your pencil neck and start lifting

i was once told i looked like the gos in 2049
feels like the greatest insult desu

>those thin anglo lips

>anglo lips
I don't know how to feel about this.

I have a strong jawline but everybody still hates me on sight

>rate my jaw pls
>posts a picture of chin form the front
Give a side pic nigg

>tfw irish chin
I fucking hate G*rmans

>irish chin
whats that?

Small and slightly recessed.

keep your mouths closed and start mewing anons

Attached: chad mew.png (269x437, 273K)

minoxidil is a meme. save your $30

this meme again

been mewing for a year, works like a charm and no one will ever tell you otherwise

post picture of progress

LOL it all comes down to genetics. I am Scandinavian so my face feature is more lean and sharp, bright hair and blue eyes. Chances are nearly 90% that my kids will be the same.

So if you're part of the mongol slavic mixbreed stepp semite, then you're just racially inferior no matter what you tell yourself. Maybe you shouldnt have kids so they are forced to live with your weak genetics.

post scientific article with before and after pics.

I have Chad skullshape and body type, but I'm bordering obese. I always look in the mirror thinking to myself how much better I'd look if I actually lost weight.

you guys should check out the orthotropics channel on youtube which gives out a lot of information and before/after pics on the subject. Anyways here's my jaw before and after mewing with about 10 months of separation left to right.

Attached: before after mewing.png (1500x996, 987K)

>channel on youtube
its still snake oil

What do you have to lose again, chinlet?


It won't cost you shit, it'll improve you jaw, breathing, zygomatics and maxillar bones and improve your facial beauty in general. What do you have to lost just trying it out for a few months?

Just post the profile pic, mr. mew.

all that matters is prenatal testosterone

Attached: inceltochadscale.jpg (288x175, 11K)

This is the only profile pic I use.

Attached: hq2PvnD.jpg (960x960, 119K)

>tfw cheekbones but no jaw

Attached: Screenshot_20190105-132136_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 283K)

You are not a robot, you are just fucking lazy. Get out Chad

I'm the same age and mine still comes in patchy on the sides and looks like shit if I just grow it out some men just cant grow beard, thats probably why they're clean shaven all the time. Mine does grows in fine on my chin and mustache so I can grow like goatee and it would look fine also it grows in red and black despite me having no red hair anywhere else on my body so when people notice it they think it looks cool.

>tfw not even beard can hide weak chin

Attached: chin.png (321x465, 249K)

Shave that thing off, it somehow looks worse than my patchy shit. Your chin isn't even that bad, but that beard is a turn-off even for men.

>Shave that thing off
Cant do user. My lower third of face is small in comparison with others and beard gives length.

don't have a jaw, looks like this pretty much

Attached: Capture70.png (926x613, 1.06M)

Mou's chin isn't even bad. You're obsessing over things nobody even notices.
>Cant do user. My lower third of face is small in comparison with others and beard gives length.
Then find a way to grow a beard on your cheeks. You'll look like a hillbilly child rapist with your chin and only your chin covered in weak unkempt beard.

My jaw? Pretty good, the only thing wrong with me is my lack of confidence, autism and my oversized nose

his chin is fine, i mean the angle between chin and neck. i don't have the excuse of being old though

Attached: gettyimages-82641695-1024x1024.jpg (684x1024, 370K)

>find a way to grow a beard on your cheeks
I wish i'd grow on cheeks. If i look bad with shaggy beard then i look even worse when clean shaven.

my jaw is average sized but poorly defined. in high school somebody told me that I had no jawline and I have been bummed about it ever since.

if it's poorly defined you could try losing weight.

I have run the gamut from 130-200lbs and my stupid fucking face hasn't changed.

>receding hairline
>weak chin

Attached: E582D766-DF38-413B-BB1C-D7B551719365.jpg (872x1162, 142K)

You're like depression incarnate.

maybe put down that Big Mac then idiot
3 out of 4 problems stem out of eating like a pig and being an overweight fuck

eating healthy wont give him chinbone

i can't figure out which 3 problems are from being "fat". also that guy has a pencil neck so he's probably just got a bloated potato face and lanklet body.

Is this passable? Rate?
Feel like I'm a jawlet and my zygo isn't very good. People notice it a bit though.
What do I do? Mew hard as fuck?
Or do I grow a beard? (both of my brothers do)

Attached: jawlet.jpg (619x592, 43K)

I actually have a strong jawline but I'm short so no chicks like me, expect for fat ass short chicks and this one actually hot girl where we actually fucked, but then she moved away and no one attractive has liked me since so hooray

hot. I wouldnt worry

But yeah second to top left

post proper photo either front or side profile.

your profile and hair don't look that bad, you'd look a lot better if you lost some weight tubby

I have a soft, feminine jawline. Makes trapping easy as shit.

I'm the same way but with hairlines

2/10 rip me. I'm NOT fat by the way.

Attached: IMG_20190105_125804.jpg (1458x2592, 647K)

Doesn't show. bf% too high. I can try if you want me to but this is what it looks like exactly except slightly, very slightly less defined. If I flex it too hard it looks odd because my chin is small.
I don't even know why girls like it

>chin is small
post side profile pic then

3rd from the left but I'm a 5'7 manlet piece of garbage subhuman who should be shot on sight so I'm fucked regardless.

>posts most flattering angle possible
fuck off faggot

how can you have "since learned" about jawlines? are you only just finding out that masculine features are attractive on men?

i remember looking at my face and never being able to put a finger on issue why it looks so weird. once i learned about "chinletism" everything clicked.

>posts most flattering angle possible
How are these flattering angles? It's relaxed and unflexed
excuse the disgusting hair and dirt on my face (haven't showered in 9 days, haven't shaved for 2)
is losing bf% even worth the hard work? Or should I just say fuck it

Attached: itsogre.jpg (418x572, 30K)

Here you can see probably the worst possible gene that can be passed on and that I got passed on
my mother doesn't necessarily have a recessed chin but it's so fucking small that I'm confused as to how that fucking bitch chews.
And I am confused why my father, as a man, voluntarily wifed and had so many kids with her.

It doesnt look small like if anything it's normal looking one.

my jawline is a catfish.

it looks good from the front, but its ugliness is exposed in the profile shot

About halfway between. My chin is longer on one side. My chinlinr runs at a 25 degree angle.

I always preferred Celts and Anglos over Nords.

If I relax it too much (see the #3 in the compilation picture) it looks like that. It's as if my face has literal ingrained fucking fat in the chin or something. I have zygos and yet it doesnt show because I have ''fat'' on my cheek/ It's bizarre as fuck.
I wondered if stopping bread and dairy would help this. I feel like the hair on my neck and facial hair hinder my looks quite a bit as well.

Ironically most scandinavians I've met had shitty bone structure and weak facial structure
depends on what slavs you mean

i want those lips over my cock

Lift your tongue up, will fix your entire face

It's only good in perfect lighting desu

Attached: WIN_20180701_22_23_15_Pro.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Scandinavians often appear to be too extreme in their features in my eyes. They look more like woodcarving statues than actual people.

>it looks good from the front, but its ugliness is exposed in the profile shot

Attached: meeks.png (1126x577, 1.37M)


Attached: 1546039194836.jpg (1032x780, 609K)

Depends on the person I suppose.
Some women look pretty chiseled. Thing is most guys I met were fat (even the slightly taller ones - they are still shorter than southern ''slavic'' (dinaric) people)
But I'd agree. I guess if the fat guys lost their weight they'd look like that. I think they might be susceptible to fat gains because of the cold and vitamin D storage, and a diet with fish.

if I can duck down far enough to reach it

Oversized nose you say?

Attached: 4d6d6ec27dc4d827526fe74b0adf9a6a061a8fb2161643d8c1db063b3ceb382b.gif (452x523, 3K)

he wasn't talking about intellectual achievements he was talking about looks and genetics
if any of that mattered that would make italians and greeks superior (lol now)

>Jow Forums say I should shave it off and grow a beard
>But I've got a godlike Chad-worthy jawline and don't want to hide it

I keep reading about this, even watched some videos, but nobody can explain exactly what it is.

Just have it off and don't grow a beard then, under the right circumstances it can look good.

Stop trolling. Too bad your jaw will never make up for you being bad with girls

How bad is it guys? Am I doomed?

Attached: sketch-1546704152535.png (720x1024, 540K)

Inb4 why the long face. Front profile

Attached: sketch-1546704007501.png (842x720, 513K)

that's some strong chin holy moly.

Why do people care so much about their profile?
I have a top tier profile but still get no action.
It's all about the front brahs.