is it autistic to eat raw garlic?
I love this shit I put it on everything. I even love just nibbling on a clove
is it autistic to eat raw garlic?
I love this shit I put it on everything. I even love just nibbling on a clove
that's intriguing. do you also like to eat raw onions? how about tomatoes?
No, if anything, it's actually good for you because it's an anti-oxidant. Most people don't do it because it can cause stomach pain and bad breath.
who the fuck cooks tomatoes
those are fine raw too
Marinara sauce is but one popular example of cooked tomatoes
I knew a Turkish guy who started eating a bulb of raw garlic a day to fight cholesterol. His doctor said it worked.
Madonna puttana americani di merda
based op
i eat it with bread alone almost every week. i actually get really hyped up as i do it, it's really fun experience to eat hot things
a lot of recipes have cooked tomatoes bro
pretty based
also reminds me how i havent eaten garlic in a long time
rye bread with butter and slices of garlic is pretty good
It's *extremely* good for you but makes your breath stink for hours on end and stinks up the room, so it's only good to eat if you're NEETing it up for a few hours or just spending the day by yourself at home.
they are healthier when cooked, they have more lycopene
Its delicious. Its not uncommon on the continent either.
as long as u cut it open and let that alison release :^)
Unironically yes, nobody answered your question.
My 100% legit diagnosed friend has an obsession with eating lemons, raw. Buys those lemon juice cartons too and just drinks them, to the point the dentist said you can't do that, you'll fuck your teeth.
That said, I love mincing garlic and spreading it on toast. Mum used to make it for me when I was ill.
Found the autist.
A ton of people answered his question. It's more common than you think, sperglet.
boy this is the only one who actually answered it, the rest just gave their dumb opinion on garlic, not whether it's autistic or not.
Unless OP was using autistic in the zoomer sense, in that is it generally socially acceptable.
Learn to read, sperg. I'm not gonna hold your hand and teach you English. Lurk moar.
doc says, it helps against cancer, vampires and girls.
>anti fembot defence shield