Best way to an hero if I do not have a gun or car?

Best way to an hero if I do not have a gun or car?

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Stabbing spree
Then suicide by cop

Cops in my country rarely use guns. I would just end up in jail.

You could make a bomb and explode yourself
Plenty of guides on the internet
Though, you shouldnt an hero.

breathe in pure argon or another gas that displaces oxygen but doesnt trigger out of oxygen response

I am way too stupid for that guys. I failed chemistry classes when I was in middle school so I would end up only hurting myself.

find a tall building and topple over the edge

Lay your skull on train tracks and wait for a train to splatter your brains into liquid instantly.

I am afraid of heights and I dont want to cause problems to other people like cleaning the pavement.
Same as above, my grandpa worked as train conductor and he said cleaning takes 5 hours and is very traumatizing for everyone involved.

I just want to go away without causing further troubles.

okay how do you feel about drowning

Thats okay. I have lake nearby but isnt it scary and painful as fuck? Especially in cold weather.

I've had this idea of harakiri for years, now.
Have never been able to drive myself to do it.

Had got to the point where the only step left is to stab my gut, but of course pussied out.

I'll be happy if someone actually succeed in this.

post it and I may do it

It may be useless to say so now, but don't kill yourself user.

kek i'm no hero. I do stuff off-camera.
Just giving suggestion.

I tried it with a 1" fishing falchion. It does penetrate skins.

>excuses excuses excuses
Just admit you're not going to do anything or just hang yourself
>no mess
>barely any cleanup

People mock and make jokes about anything possible, my money is on ssri killing their mental faculties.

why are jews so mentally ill?

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>being this much of a newfag in 2019

Exit bag is your friend. Also, stop the excuses

that's a good idea but I would have to do it on a door knob because there aren't any other things I could put a line on.
is it even possible to hang yourself on a fucking door knob?

Helium tank to fill a hood over your head.

ensure its pure helium otherwise youre wasting a lot of time

Take sleeping pills on a mountain top and let yourself drift asleep.

Learn metalworking and woodworking and fashion yourself a bigass guillotine

jumping off a building
bridge even better

Easiest way is to mix a boat load of opiates, sleeping pills and benzos with a bit of liquor. You're going to peacefully fade off into a slumber you will never wake up from. Quite comfy tbqh.

hey op whats the story on this image, i feel like its fake but i really hope its not
i mean he obviously didnt kill anyone or anything but knowing that he scared that cunt with a funny instagram post would make me happy

Yhere arent any trees in your shithole country?
Just go out in the middle of nowhere throw your noose over a branch and be done eith it. Japanese people do it like this all the time in that suicide forest.

But we all know you arent actually going to do it anyway and youll just make up another excuse.

No, that's dying by strangulation, which is incredibly painful, drawn out, and if you get interrupted you'll have to live with permanent brain damage. You want to die by a noose long drop, around 5 feet of drop, more or less depending on your weight, it cleanly severs the spine without any pain.

This is the only way to go

You mean backstory? He is a husband of Mary Elizabeth Winstead, she cucked him with Ewan McGregor (Kenobi from prequels) on set of Fargo third season. She divorced him and now he wants revenge.