Sister wants to convert to islam

>Sister wants to convert to islam

Help me robots, how the fuck do i stop this crazy bitch?

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Teach her that Islam is bad by treating her the same way men devoted to Islam treat women, like a slave

Honour killing as she would accept

Just let the righteous pimp hand of Muhammad sort out her bullshit.

Let her convert, as painful as it would be. Then, lock her in a shed with no food. Leave a bacon sandwich in there, and grab some popcorn

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If she is your only sister then I'm sorry user but if you got some other siblings then invest your time to make sure they won't become like that. You can't help your sister at this point, let her destroy her life as an example to members of your family.

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she has seen the light, praise allah

Why does she want to convert?

Tell her that she can suck dick all day long and god will forgive her but if she throws his son away to be cute and trendy she'll burn like the rest of them.

Show her some ISIS beheadings.

Rape and honor killing. She will approve

Atheism and christianity are normie religions.

Al-Islam is the pious robot's way.

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Her best friend from school is muslim and i think she has been convinced by her and her family. I think they might be trying to marry her off to one of their sons

Well, she has been brainwashed.
Ask her why Islam specifically, you need to make her realize it isn't her decision.

First beat the shit out of her. Tell her that's what being a muslim woman is like. Keep doing that every day until she no longer wants to convert

This, this so fucking much

Why is it that it's weird when white people convert to Islam? White people convert to all kinds of weird religions, I've seen white people who are into Hinduism, native european religions, West African spirituality but I've always just seen them as weird hippies who were tired of Christianity and wanted something new with more lenient rules that isn't focused so much on repentance and punishment.

Is it the fact that Islam is basically just hardcore Christianity? Why would anyone want to convert to the more extreme version of their already strict religion?

The big question is what is worse.
Your sister converting to Islam or becoming a vegan?
I'd probably say option number one is more
preferable. So look on the bright side, OP. She could have become a vegan.

Just wait until she inevitably ends up gangraped and/or beaten
Then laugh at her

Uncle Ted predicted this

>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

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>implying women don't want to be treated as slaves
>implying feminism isn't just a giant shit test

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She's not crazy, she's actually pretty based

Praise God that at least one western woman has been saved from western degeneracy

Would you rather seeing your sister being a slut then you fucking cuck
Let her be. She has seen the light.

>Hey, wouldn't it be funny to have Donald Trump as President just to fuck everything up and who cares about the way the country runs kek wouldn't it be just the biggest MEME

Show her gang rape videos on goats and children's.

tell her you'll convert too.

then find her a nice husband, like yourself.

Tell her that she is based and redpilled as she believes that there is lord except God and Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger.

>mfw these faggots are still believing in fairy tales
Kill her, then yourself.

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>self-pattroling thot
You should be thankful

>the absolute state of western society

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You can't do shit unless you know something about Islam and are willing to ask her why she believe Islam is true

Islam isn't even that bad compared to the alternatives that teenage girls do at her age

There was a study that showed most converts apostate within the next 3 years (too lazy to find it)

Don't worry OP everything will be fine. Just ask her reasons for joining Islam and explain to her, your viewpoints (or just shit you copy and pasted from anti Mislim sites).

I'm am ex-Muslim as well. You might want to check if she has any Muslim friends who are boys or anything because usually marriage is a big thing.

Depending on how serious she takes it, there shouldn't be a problem.
>Oh no, my sister won't drink, do drugs, and will stay in a monogamous relationship instead of sleeping around
There are worse things, even if it would be preferable for her to join a conservative christian denomination. You did kind of mess up there as her brother.

Now if she's the meme western feminist kind of muslim ("Mohammad would be a feminist today and fight the gender wage gap!"), then you should put some sense into her. Even being an atheist roastie is better than that

If she's a whore, just let her. Then after she marries, tell her husband what she did before they met.

Based, atleast she wont end up as generic white thot#53566.

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You cant.
My sister went off to college and drank all of the sjw/feminist koolaid and shr also converted to paganism and new age wiccan bs.

European Pagans allowed people to believe in many gods and many faiths, Christianity did not. This one-way conversion over time caused Paganism to die out. With all sorts of other traditional pagan/spiritual beliefs I imagine it is the same, there is no intimidation out of converting/exploring other ideas - her conversion will only go one way. Also I'm sure a shallow appreciation of Buddhism has less impact on your behaviour and life. It should be obvious, but Islam is explicitly anti-Western and is it's own sub-society within our own. They aren't integrated in any way, as evidenced by OP stating they wish to marry off his sister to one of their sons. Unlike with perhaps Buddhism, she won't be viewed as a convert but as an idiot willingly embracing the Muslim's goal of world domination.

>implying Islam isn't redpilled on women

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Tell her they will cut off her clit