Comfy thread

post comfortable images, videos, etc..

Attached: 1532220628479.jpg (720x540, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

just graduated
feels comfy I dont have to go back to school on Monday desu

Attached: 64thn426420.jpg (225x350, 14K)

hello there fellow comfy robot!
how's it going?

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what did you study, user? have you got a job lined up?

Attached: unIAsc5.gif (377x194, 1.54M)

My background image. Calms me down for some reason...

Attached: backg.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

tfw there's a comfy thread going on Jow Forums

it's been a while guys

Attached: 1510430985358.jpg (2000x1333, 357K)

I fell for the muh intellectual challenging meme
got a BS in Physics but my GPA is shit so cant even go to grad school desu
gonna be a hikkiNEET for a while and wageslave somewhere near home later

>I'm about to pass out for the day, but not before making my small contribution of /comfiness/.
Wrong one, pic related is the correct version >:)

Attached: empty-bliss.jpg (699x429, 165K)

Thanks for the new lock screen

sharing a lil bit of comfyness with y'all 1/?

Attached: tumblr_ndrdampvNW1s13wj2o2_1280.jpg (1280x853, 315K)

sharing a lil bit of comfyness with y'all 2/?

Attached: tumblr_ndrdampvNW1s13wj2o8_1280.jpg (1280x854, 478K)

sharing a lil bit of comfyness with y'all 3/?

Attached: tumblr_nru6wuXRIl1rua561o1_1280.jpg (1280x857, 528K)

sharing a lil bit of comfyness with y'all 4/?

Attached: tumblr_oequ02Px9V1vhiccto1_1280.jpg (1280x1280, 341K)

sharing a lil bit of comfyness with y'all 5/?

Attached: tumblr_of1pkz8seN1vhiccto1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 384K)

i have some oc analogue pics to share, which i have taken on different occasions in germany

Attached: 2018-10-30 21.00.52.jpg (1015x1535, 760K)

neptune statue, located in munich

Attached: 2019-01-05 17.45.58.jpg (1007x1520, 510K)

statue at the max joseph square

Attached: 2019-01-05 17.45.30.jpg (1020x1542, 572K)

sunset from a medieval tower in a small village named "cadolzburg"

Attached: 2019-01-05 17.44.57.jpg (1565x1038, 292K)

some more from my personal collection

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a forest close to where this picture was taken

Attached: 2019-01-05 17.44.43.jpg (1011x1529, 1.06M)

watching the fireworks go off, while sitting in my room alone on new year eve

Attached: 2019-01-05 17.54.53.jpg (1565x1038, 473K)

not OP, but awesome pics man!

this one is my favourite

Attached: tumblr_oxs97z2jkz1s5kjwoo1_1280.jpg (1280x853, 577K)

alone on the highest point in europe at night

Attached: 2018-08-26 00.35.43.jpg (1616x1995, 1.36M)

thank you, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy them

many people told me that this one is comfy too

Attached: 2018-08-03 12.27.16.jpg (2077x1879, 744K)

are you a collector of comfy pics man? Because I'd like to invite you to our server, which is basically a big archive of comfy pictures.

If you want, come give it a look and maybe post some of your oc, it's gonna be appreciated

here's the invite code

Attached: 1497827922434.jpg (1352x730, 298K)

Oh sure thing user. These were all taken by me tho

oh sorry didn't read the whole comment, excuse me.
I also have many many more wallpapers and stuff, because i amassed them since 2013 or something

Attached: 2018-07-31 16.56.10.jpg (1949x1399, 601K)

which camera do you use? an old one? do you scan the photos then or?

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I have used many different cameras over the last years.

Some were taken with a 13y old Nikon D80 + 50mm
the colorful ones were taken on my nikon d7100 + 18-50mm

and all the film shots were taken on yashica FX d quartz + some different lesesn, a medium format camera and another point n shoot

damn i can't text because my cat is sitting on my arms

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now I want a pic of your cat mate
you have pics of your pet, don't you?

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luckily enough i have tons of pictures of my big boy. He is really attached to me and i don't want to disturb his peace right now

Attached: 2019-01-05 18.16.10.jpg (1111x1484, 251K)
Aphex Twin and Boards of Canada are good.

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another one

also bump

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How does one get a comfy place like this?

Attached: u9a8k4x524821.jpg (960x536, 112K)

Is this poland?

Miss these threads. orignaliaoto

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I'll be posting some more of my film shots to keep the thread up

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posting as well

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I'll contribute what I can.

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another one of the sunset from another watchtower close to this one

Attached: 653645w.jpg (1000x1000, 475K)

another sunset pic. I can also post the same one without a white border, but i have to post them with, because the file size would be too big otherwise

Attached: 0015_19A.jpg (1000x1000, 228K)

Pic semi-related. My bedroom is pretty girly with red/blue lights but whatever it's comfy.

Attached: 013d579c0ef1d079c1c4e852ebe8ab47.jpg (500x378, 23K)

What's the source of your depression anons?

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no comfier music than nujabes

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i really like this one, user. You're right, it is strangely calming.

i don't remember posting this. This is literally exactly what i would post.

Checking these Holy Trips

>What's the source of your depression anons?

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if you ever have a chance I recommend going for a winter vacation in the alpes. It is as comfy as it looks

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another one
my post is original

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thinking about times when I liked and cared about snow

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oregano post

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Any more images with this feel?
overcast small towns are comfy

Attached: groceries.jpg (2000x1418, 427K)

name a more perfect day

Attached: perfect day.png (802x832, 1.36M)