Hey Ceasar, I just want to apologize for my behavior in the past year...

Hey Ceasar, I just want to apologize for my behavior in the past year. You don't have to worry about me stalking you anymore. Sometimes I get so lost in my fantasies I forget where I am. Sometimes I get so caught up in my daydreams that I forget that I'm interacting with real people. I'm not right in the head. I'm not in love with you. I'm not obsessed with you . I'm not particularly good at anything and I have no life goals, but you know that. Playing as the villain in your story just made me feel important. I threw away your electric toothbrush along with a lot of gifts you bestowed upon me 10 years ago when we dated. I've found a new job and it pays okay and manager likes how focused I am. I guess I'll continue leeching off my parents until they die then I don't really know what to do after that. I don't have a sense of self which is why I liked you so much. You're so certain of everything you want to do and I wanted to tag along. I'm pretty sure if I had friends I'd try to move in with them after my parents are dead. With that said I hope this isn't goodbye. I hope one day we can be friends again.

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I'm not Ceasar but it would be cool if you became my gf

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Who the fuck is called Ceasar in this day and age

It's my favourite obsessive insane bot that's self aware enough to realise her own mistakes!

I wish you best of luck on your travels; you're too pure for this world and you're mind was unluckily ruined. I pray that your quench for love is sated in the afterlife or another day.

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who the fuck is ceasar who the fuck are you? why should we care about you and your problems?

Thank you. You are berry kind , user.

>treating a dumb whore with respect

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shut up attention whore and get off my board

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I wouldn't describe her as stupid. I'm on the same level, although I'm a male so I'm fucked. I just act impulsively with a hint of delusion. All though it's rare to find types like this that then react agreeably about their actions and try to fix it.

She's pure in the heart, no so much in the mind. I wish her best of luck.

no part of her is pure she can't be fixed she will never change she's just another degenerate cum dump

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I only had sex with my first boyfriend, then I tried dating and the new guy said I was too unfeeling.

>fw you will never be Ceasar and start a family with OP
y live

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Almost certain she's going to go back to taking chad cock after posting this - that is if OP is even female

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good for you I give it a year before you become a slut to fill the hole where your soul should be

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why would want to start a family with this crazy bitch? do you want your kids to be fucked up in the head?


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I don't really like sex and I don't mean that in a "sex is overrated" way. I've been alone for so long that I don't really crave sex much anymore. I still masturbate, but mainly just to relieve stress or kill boredom. Body gets all wonky if it doesn't have an orgasm at least once every 2 weeks or so.


jaj jej jij joj juj

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She's either an incredible PSY-OP or female. She's been posting for a pretty good amount of time regarding this Caesar guy in other posts. I'm a disgusting orbiter that follows her posts.

probably some discordnigger that no one cares about.

cringe, kys, fuck off

you say that but I have seen this situation many times before so pretty soon the only thing you will be saying is "OH GOD DADDY FUCK MY SLUT HOLE HARDER"

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she's to pure for that
and presumably ugly

how is she pure? do you actually believe that or are you just defending her because you think she'll have sex with you?

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I think she's pure because from her stories she's made the same mistakes as I have. I know i'm pure at heart (although greatly autistic) and therefore have come to the barely passable conclusion she's pure too.

AKA Just let me believe in something for once you fuck

>just believe something even though there is evidence to prove otherwise

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what's the evidence besides blatant autism?

>constantly stalks her ex
>trys to fuck up his current relationship
>breaks into his house to cuddle with him
sounds like she is just a cunt who can't get over the fact she got dumped girls like that don't care about love they only want someone to own and leech off the validation they get from them

>constantly stalks her ex
Can't dispute.
>trys to fuck up his current relationship
From her stories it doesn't appear that way, however we can always doubt it. It sounds just like female jealousy though as OP is probably to passive to do anything.
>breaks into his house to cuddle with him
Pretty sure this was from stress induced psychosis rather then running onto the house for cuddles. I can remember something bad happening to trigger it although not any specifics; thus lead to OP's delusion of their relationship continuing.

All in all, we do know that nothing can actually be proven True or False. I'd like to hope everything she tells is at least 99% true. Fair facts brother, I appreciate the points.

>she was stressed that's why she broke in to a guy's to cuddle with him she is a good girl she did dumb nofin
I'm stressed all the time but I don't run around committing crimes

Well clearly you have excellent fortitude or were not under the same circumstances. Maybe even both.

Do you have a compilation of this crazy bitch?, it's the kind of crazy shit that is perfect for killing boredom.

no we are not under the same circumstances you have to deal with some break up drama I have been in a existential crissis since I was 16

I thought this was going to be a sort of uh, smarter conversation. This seems to have steered into edgy shit. Wanna defend yourself or cut your losses? Tell me what makes it an existential crisis for X amount of time.

>somebody has something bad happen to them
>stop being edgy
oh because I'm not happy go lucky all the time I'm being edgy? are people suffering from depression just being edgy?

>Doesn't believe OP
>"Don't believe what people write"
>I don't believe You
>Your response.

Saying "I've been having a existential crisis sinc I was 16" is a large fucking claim retard. Yes, that is really fucking edgy. You could have at least described some of what caused that pain to gain sympathy (that you may or may not like) but to at least have a decently defendable point.

You've... you've really gone and shot yourself on the foot on this one haven't you? It's just very hypocritical. Just respond with a bit more intelligence behind it and I'm sure we can make a fair end game.

>he believes op for no reason
>hey dude believe her
>come on believe her
>because I want to believe here
maybe I am being edgy I should have said I have had depression for years thats more accurate anyway but you seem pretty upset are you mad I disrespected the crazy bitch

Are you seriously just repeating what I said? Sure I just want to believe her, but not once did I try to impose my own beliefs onto you. Unless you've gone totally brain dead and think somebody spouting an opinion immediately means they're assaulting you.

Also lets stick to the argument please; trying to pull a "YOU MAD" card doesn't work on Jow Forums. I really can't even tell why this spiraled into an argument, you posed a counter argument and then I just placed down my rebuttal.

>why did this spiral in to a argument
because I said something you consider edgy and you took as a person insult you know people who aren't happy have a tendency to act edgy to mask how vulnerable they and also you turned this into a argument instead of calling me a edgy retard you could have asked me why I'm depressed but I forget I'm not op so I have to prove the stupid shit I say for people to believe me

Damn wish I had my own stalker

Bro bro, you fucking blew your hole leg off with this post.
Do you ACTUALLY think that I was in the slightest way offended by 'edge'. I'm reading back on it and I see in now way that it implies anger.
>you could have asked me why I'm depressed
my response to you first opening up about being depressed
>Tell me what makes it an existential crisis for X amount of time.
I did ask, not in a sentimental manner, but I asked.

You're really trying a bit too hard on the special snow flake move bro. Cool it down a bit, doesn't work.

>obsessive stalker gets obsessive orbiters
i know that Jow Forums was always shit but orbiters smehow managed to make it worse

I have a similar situation, I've been in love with someone for seven years now, and obsessed, she almost got married a year ago but she started being mean to the guy and that fell apart. I understand your plight. It's very hard when you can't even tell the someone who love happy birthday because they've blocked you on every common communication platform. All I can do now is glance on her tumblr that she posts on to keep myself updated. It really sucks, and I'll keep trying to connect with her until it's impossible to see her, since we're in our second year of college. All I want to do is give my love to her, but she's been hurt by others so much she doesn't trust me to help her. It doesn't help that we dated in the 9th grade and I spazzed out one day out of the blue. The relationship had recently gotten sexual after six months of dating and at 15, I wasn't prepared for it. After that I went on a year long depressive episode which almost failed a grade, almost dropped out of college but was saved by (wait for it) obtaining literal cancer, which was eventually cured. Thus far I've been wageslaving for six months, and the new semester starts the 7th. I can't wait to see her and gradually attempt to connect with her again. I know it probably won't work out, but I've loved her for so long that she is the only thing I look forward to living in this world. I never really had any ambition in the first place before her, and I'm really easygoing when I'm not stressed out. I just hope she will open up to me this time.

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>do you actually I was offended by edge
well you call me retard and a hypocrite it seems you did get offended or at least angry
>I did ask, not in a sentimental manner, but I asked.
you just dismissed my problems as edgy shit why would I want to open up to you after that
>trying a bit to hard on the special snow flake bro
oh look another ad hominem

Don't go crawling back to a girl that rejected you. Ever.

Find a new girl... you've ruined your chance with this one.

Their is legit no way this is not bait at this point; am I stupid for falling for this?

>well you call me retard and a hypocrite it seems you did get offended or at least angry
I was amazed at the idiocy, in fact stunned
>you just dismissed my problems as edgy shit why would I want to open up to you after that
You literally just pointed out the flaw in my argument being that I never asked, I then proceeded to show you I did and that is your response. Usually edgy shit implies it's something normalniggers experience and blow out of proportion, otherwise its spamming gore. In your case I believed it was something pathetic but you never decided to pontificate.
>oh look another ad hominem
Could've used that one a little earlier to sound a bit smarter m8 but at the moment you're fucked.

look dude I don't know why your being so serious but I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot I never really wanted to get into a debate and I'm sorry for being edgy I just do that so I don't have to talk about my real feelings and so I don't seem weak and I'm sorry If i offended or annoyed you or whatever I did

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I'm autistic and take everything seriously. From my point of view you were being edgy and on your point of view you were not; theirs no need to apologise, that's alright. I'm not offended in anyway, just uh go live life and 1v1 me AOE in 3 days.


>1v1 me AOE
sorry bro but I don't have a pc capable of running games or any pc infact I don't even have a gaming console

I guess that's why you're having a crisis. RIP

well I did have a PS4 but my mom stole it for drug money I didn't play it that much anyway but now I game I want is coming out soon

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This poster echoes a lot of my personality problems. It hits close to home.

>I don't have a sense of self which is why I liked you so much. You're so certain of everything you want to do and I wanted to tag along.

This has been my life day in, day out, since I was a child. Is there a cure?

Yes there is. It's called "amphetamine".