Whines about how awful western women are

>Whines about how awful western women are
>lowered his standards
>got himself a great girl with a beautiful soul
>no longer lonely and gets regular sex

See how it works?

Want a girlfriend? Be prepared to fish in a different pond and lower your darn standards ! there are good women out there !!

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Hook me the fuck up

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I can't even imagine the feel after sex with such a pig. I must be worse than post masturbation feeling.

This is what hypergamy looks like now. Jesus

More like a runners high from bouncing her on your dick for 15 minutes. Its like doing crunches with a 300 pound wait on your chest at rapid fire until shes screaming.

As if I could even lift this planet let alone make it bounce.

Too much. One roll is allright, two or more is too many

>lowered his standards
Standards exist for a reason. Even robots are worth more than hamplanet animals like that.

>no longer lonely and gets regular sex
Imagine how deadly her ass and pussy smell
Count me out.

>got himself a great girl with a beautiful soul
Her bloated body is a manifestation of her corrupt and vile soul. This poor man has no idea what he's gotten himself into.

>Want a girlfriend? Be prepared to fish in a different pond and lower your darn standards ! there are good women out there !!
None of us want a girlfriend that much. Even running over and shooting pedestrians isn't as bad as this. Go away.

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>Even robots are worth more than hamplanet animals like that.
Are we though

This is the 80/20 rule in effect

absolutely not. the guy in OP knew this.

>Are we though
Yes, we are.
We have inherently been through more struggles than 99% of women regardless of economic background, and these women managed to fuck up their lives on easymode to the point that they're bloated monsters that can't even rinse out their yeasty, shitty cunts properly.

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Thats just nasty

Do not want!!!

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you have not had any struggles. you are on the level of the fat girls

Would rather be alone then be with a fat pig woman desu.

you know, i'm still not going to date you fatso. no matter how much you try to shame me.

I have had an immense struggles as both a man and an individual with lofty and eccentric aspirations. You know nothing about me, darling.

That'd have to be a big fucking pond.

nah you didn't, don't worry about it.

My best friend and I made a deal to never lower standards.
Once every 2 years one of us gets a 9-10/10
How are you gonna find the real good girls when you're preoccupied at a pig pen?
I see no reason to lower standards.
If you lower standards, it teaches women it's okay to be fat.
Opinion discarded OP

>shallow dummy who doesn't have relationships that last long

Gay bait. Try harder or kys, fag

>nah you didn't,
Prove it.

I made a deal with myself to never be with a girl below my level of attractiveness as well. I'm not looking to find a new one every two years, but I'm not going to stay with my current girl if she turns fat or ugly. That's unforgivable.

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I feel like if someone isn't willing to stay presentable for you, they don't care about you.
Two way street.
Don't let her not want to be impressive for you user. You do deserve better.

i can tell you from experience that if you're ever feeling suicidal and need a little push to finally attempt it, do yourself a favor and shamelessly fuck a whale. it'll hit you in the morning like a ton of bricks

nah sorry im not gonna be fucking landwhales

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Don't know if the fat spilling from her waist is a roll or if that crease in the middle is her pussy.
I'm afraid

You sick fuck! Four tits Is considered a genetic mutation. You may have lowered your standards, but you don't lower them too far you fucking freak!

Only thing that's gonna be keeping her alive is modern medicine. Be prepared to pay out the ass for heart pills, physical therapy, and food.
Get yourself a skinny girl and pay less for it.

how do you even get near her pussy? or do you just fuck lard????

Mfw my dick isn't long enough to reach pussy.

can't even imagine how it would smell

Probably smells as bad as she looks.
Something like a sweaty, dumpster fire.

Huh so r9k is just a bunch of choosing beggars. Makes sense, it's not like any of you are actual robots anyway.

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I'd rather be with a human, I don't fuck whales

Imagine being this retarded.
Imagine sympathizing with fatties

Imagine her sitting on you haha

Imagine frequenting r9k and thinking you're better than anyone. Get outta here normscum.

Imagine falling for bait this hard.
But I can see you're already living out that scenario.

That guy propably isn't even a robot
women really do live on tutorial mode

I tried dating a fat SJW girl and It's NOT WORTH IT DONT DO IT. People would laugh at us in public, and we were shown general disrespect. I never wanted to fuck her either. She wanted an open relationship too. IT's so bad I'll never try it again.