The actual reality of being a virgin

The actual reality of being a virgin

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Surprisingly accurate. Although the "choice of positive thoughts" is more like the result of your daily circumstances.

One can choose where to place their focus

The reality is this
>virgins are people who have not had sex
>Chad is a name
Now fuck off normalfag, stop blaming your victims for being affected by your shit.

I do not wish to interact with the outside world as they do. I never hard charm, but I was told that I had talent. I have not accomplished anything. I should have taken praise with a pound of salt. I do not like feeling like a failure, but I am not exceptional in any way. I used to think that I was.

Not that much. If you live in a shithole and your morning routine involves infernal traffic all you will be is about that misery.

I can't tell if I'm delusional or just confident thinking that I look good

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I was popular in university as in had friends. Didn't got me laid at all, just like dressing better, or trying pua, or self-help. All that got me laid was literally paying for it in the end it's that fucking pathetic.

I should clarify that I'm not blaming anyone for their shitty situation. Sometimes life sucks and that's not something anyone deserves to be shamed or criticized for. There IS though a pattern among virgins to not take responsibility

I was told in high school, that I would go on to accomplish something great. People seemed to like what I had to say, and the things that I made. I realized that I am not good enough to make a name for myself, so I live in isolation, hoping that I can just practice my way into greatness. I just cant get over the fact that I am average, boring, and mediocre at what I do. I am sorry that your life was not enough, as well.

this post just amounts to "dude just be confident" what a joke

>chooses not to think toxic thoughts
Though I disagree with the use of the word 'toxic', I get its intended meaning. Nihilism goes nowhere, the belief that you won't achieve something guarantees that you will never achieve your goals, whereas a chance still exist if you at least try.
It's best to leave the blackpill, take the whitepill instead and be optimistic for once in your damn life. Call me clueless, call me a know-it-all, it's your choice.
This is what I've learned, maybe the real advice was from the Chad who we all avoided.

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I am surviving day-by-day just like 99% of the people out there. But if people would honestly be telling you that this is your life will ever be decades from now even if you'd been doing this the right and pragmatic way, you would just simply stop going to school, church, maybe not even vote anymore. Let alone pay your taxes.
>get the money for the daily stuff
>somehow have sex
>try not to kill yourself from the pressure
Nothing more than that out there. Even in nice countries with nice places.

>I just cant get over the fact that I am average, boring, and mediocre at what I do.
There's more to life than just talent. You need hope, hope to overcome despair. Without hope, you're merely wasting your potential; I bet you've been told that countless times.

Was it fear of rejection or rejection itself that prevented you from getting laid?

Nah I fucking tried as hard as I could yet everyone got bored of me and left me it has been the same my whole life chads are born chads

It's literally "JUST WORLD FALLACY: THE MEME". This bitch is rife with internal contradictions, logical inconsistencies, and normie weasel words/phrases. There's next to nothing accurate about it.

Just world: the meme

i became more of a chad over time. being a lifelong manchild is a meme, even chad has periods of loneliness and video game addiction.

Just world meme:
>guy deserves to have bad luck because one time he was a rude person

Reality and logic:
>guy who doesn't talk to girls never gets a girlfriend

just helping a virgin loser out with understanding some of the basics. it's perfectly okay to prefer being alone.

Not specifically. I have been told to get over myself.

Makes sense to me. I dont wholeheartedly accept it, but it makes sense.

>guy who doesn't talk to girls never gets a girlfriend
Really doesn't matter anymore. Unless you plan to talk to blatantly uninterested women who will without a doubt turn you down for the rest of your life hoping one of them might show even a glimmer of interest in someone she holds in less regard than her shit.
When are you allowed to quit and just be happy in your distractions?

>weasel words/phrases
Okay whatever that means.

>just be happy in your distractions
can you read? nobody will ever care if you just watch cartoons all day, except maybe parents. but you can move out at 18 and not talk to them.

Fear of rejection and having shit creepy friends too that schemed and trolled you in the background, as in spread rumours. But fear of rejection was most of it.

Completely correct, no one deserves to get or not get a gf, but like the capitalist system this society was built on, with hard work and effort comes rewards to go with it.

>internal contradictions, logical inconsistencies, and normie weasel words/phrases.
Some examples:
>Virgin shames others
How does he shame other if he alienates himself and lives in self-imposed isolation?
>Chad is self-aware
Confidence is negatively correlated with self-awareness and perceptiveness which are themselves positively correlated with depression.
>Chad takes responsibility for his circumstances
WTF does that even mean? Not his actions or behaviors, but his fucking CIRCUMSTANCES? How the fuck does that work? You can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps and take responsibility for arbitrary circumstances beyond your control that you were born into you dumb pile of shit.
I'll brb, I have to go take responsibility for getting sexually abused when I was a kid. This isn't over though fuckface.

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it really describes like 90% of the virgins i knew in college. there weren't that many but they were all really similar. even if they looked good their attitude was just shitty.

This is the actual reality of it.
Which one are you, robots?

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You are born. This life is shit, so you do wtf you can. Then you just die. That's about it. Even if you are memorable to the coming generations which is really fucking unlikely you'd ever be.

People care enough to come here and bitch at guys just trying to forget about their problems and gain some small amount of happiness. People care enough to write slanderous articles for men who decided to stop trying, calling them manchildren and incels. People care enough to wish death upon guys who are just trying to be happy.
So why can't we be happy?

I like being in the middle not too positive like Chad because they get the knife first. Chads are idiots that leave their backs completely expose for women to back stab them.

Get a Chad friend, they may look intimidating but they provide you with advice gained from their experience, they also gain nothing from backstabbing you.
>Fear of rejection
As expected, believing that you'll get rejected means that you will never try; it's the epitome of self-damnation.

>mfw claiming that sexual abuse turns you into a retard on Jow Forums where guys consistently claim rape is a meme and everyone enjoys it
anyway taking responsibility for your circumstances is poorly worded but the memester probably means surrounding yourself with good influences and giving yourself the best opportunity to grow/achieve what you want.

if you're someone who has always had bad/annoying friends or constantly get annoyed by shit happening in your life, at some point you should take the blame for constantly putting yourself into those situations. it's like the metaposters here who whine about fag threads, are they too stupid to ignore or close out of those threads?

>was just shitty
What's that mean? That they didn't find enjoyment in getting drunk as fuck 4 days out of the week like any other worthless hedonist piece of human garbage?

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>forget about their problems
excuse you? i would gladly help you forget about your fake problems if you just posted memes, you spoiled idiot. the virgins getting trolled here are attention whores to those very problems.

Just world bullshit disguised under a few good points, this is really just an ad hominem since you can't attack our beliefs, you can be self aware and miserable because knowing your problems doesn't mean overcoming them.

wow you need help huh.

>have chad mindset
>still not worthy
im just a sad clown

>im just a sad clown
If you think of yourself like that, you clearly don't have a Chad mindset.

You are an extremely judgemental person

>you're spoiled for realizing the world is shit
I think I'm gonna leave, nothing will convince someone who was born fundamentally different from those he attempts to preach to unless he gets dragged down into their masses.
Stay here and get dragged down or leave and continue on. You make your own choice.

chads are allowed to observe their own faults as well user

I am literally 36. You stop having friends at this age, doesn't matter if you are married or not. No one really goes out once over 30. Also attractive friends snatch your girls you want some lame dude with a girlfriend and both of them with a larger social circle and then make them to invite you out.
You want me to approach teens at the mall or what the fuck really?
Also that paying for sex thing is an ongoing decade long shit. So it would be 2008-2018. Meanwhile I had a few shitty relationships with women after I paid for sex but none of them ended up in a marriage, so idk buddy.
There are adult virgins, which is something I'm not anymore.
There people without experience with regular intimacy, well that I ain't either.
Then there are utter fuckups, this I am for sure.
At least I'm not paying child support to someone I have dumped previously.

Does anyone have the Chad Virgin vs the Virgin Chad?

spoiled for
>being able to sit around doing nothing all day and presumably being older than 18
>having literally 0 responsibilities in life
>taking absolutely no risks and not having to ever feel any remote feeling of real stress unless you get sick
>having literally no other world to compare to and still complaining about the world being shit

i don't see much preaching, little man. i just think you have no clue what "just world" means and you're taking a funny picture as an insult.

this super duper original one?

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Chads observe faults that are there and seek to improve it, they do not however simply acknowledge the faults they see and do nothing about it in a constant cycle of self-enforcing nihilism.

can one learn this power?

Do you have a job by any chance?

Only women know the secrets of living in a fantasy world

>self aware
thats a yikes for me

You already have this power, everyone has the ability to improve. Even a cripple is able to use a wheelchair.
It's not a fantasy, it's simply hope. Don't conflate the two concepts.

many of my best friends are over 30 and go to the clubs/bars every weekend. most are married and/or have families

even after work on wednesdays we get a lot of people come out to happy hour. had a good time with lots of new people, made a few friends over the past few years.

anyway why do you admit to being a fuck up after making some stupid statements like that. you'd be better off pretending you actually know anything in life.

robots are chads in incubation period

I've heard about your fucking kind of friends m8, you ain't slick.

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Why don't you post some examples or anecdotes rather than just a foolish strawman of a situation you think will happen?

>that newfag from rebbit who thinks "chad" is a negative title
>that newfag from rebbit who misses the point of the "Virgin X vs. Chad Y"-meme
>that newfag from rebbit who thinks chad is the enemy

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>Get a Chad friend

I did and he is the reason I don't fall for the vagina jew. holy shit so much cheating and STD's.

1. 36 isn't 55. If you look like shit at 36, there's not much to say here, you fucked up.
2. Early to mid 30s dudes usually do much better in bars than younger guys.
7. Your gay point was about going out and friends. Most of the guys I go out with already have girls at home. You're out of your element.

>being able to sit around doing nothing all day and presumably being older than 18
I work
>having literally 0 responsibilities in life
See above
>taking absolutely no risks and not having to ever feel any remote feeling of real stress unless you get sick
Working a shit job does shit to you, and surprisingly enough risks can get you fired
>having literally no other world to compare to and still complaining about the world being shit
That doesn't even make sense. You're not allowed to bring up valid concerns with the world because we haven't found another world out there?
Your post stinks of-
>little man
Yep, you're a woman. And you complain about responsibility?

I love how its okay to blame poorly socialized males for all their problems. As if any well adjusted person would choose a life of avoidance.

I live in the Balkans. Tell me more of going clubbing as an old not rich and not maffia dude (btw the average clubs lifespan here is less than 1 year it's all about private parties) or just living in a foreign country for the sake of pussy going out on your own too hoping you get some.

Used to but going out with your co-workers in a shithole place is a no-no. I'm running the families small business. And guess what it's stuck and money alone doesn't get you laid. Having a ton of free time while being young does.

you implied you were a mentally disabled manchild and i was referring to dudes who just sit at home all day.
anyway no complaints, you live how you want and you can attention whore about your fantasies about women and how you're an expert on the world

I didn't make But I'm not attractive either. Thanks for pointing it out that all my hope is lost.
Also clubbing is not really a thing here anymore, most people barely spend money on it.

So instead of clubs you can go to bars and private parties. Not sure what you're trying to say, poorfag.

>well adjusted person
It's like pic related without even trolling.

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That I don't have friends and even if I tried it doesn't matter since the economy is about to crash, 3 million already live abroad, another 4 million will leave too within 2 or 3 years. That makes a almost 30% of the population gone by the time I'd be getting myself a new laptop should I be even fucking alive at that time.
I highly doubt making friends is on the top list these days.
So I came here to shitpost out of boredom but now it's about lectures to people on situations you aren't forced to bare ever.
Good for me, even better for you.

You mean just like the capitalist system this society was built on, the rich keep getting richer with no effort by exploiting the poor while the poor keep working harder and harder and earning less.
The percentage of male virgins and NEETs are rapidly increasing, while the top 10% of men are getting significantly more and more attention from women. Being Chad has never been easier today; being a beta has never been worse.

>How does he shame other if he alienates himself and lives in self-imposed isolation?
By constantly judging everyone and whining on the internet about his surroundings.
>Confidence is negatively correlated with self-awareness and perceptiveness which are themselves positively correlated with depression.
>I am aware of myself; I know who I am, my role in society, and what people think of me
>I am okay with that.
Is that not self-awareness?
And the whole taking responsibility for circumstances was already addressed.

Tbqh as I've seen it most people are just struggling with daily shit here and stay single for years. Even the young girls. They just instathot and hope for an attractive rich dude to pull them out of the shit. Or the girls pack their stuff and turn to prostitution in the West.

there are better places to shitpost lol

Got a few variations of those, actually.

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Confidence is just delusion. You choose to only think things that serve you and ignore thoughts that don't, no matter how true they are.

>you implied you were a mentally disabled manchild
lol, where?
>you can attention whore about your fantasies about women and how you're an expert on the world
Don't you have a dick to suck somewhere? Disgusting creatures, women are.

Reddit? They ban you and doxx you.
Discord? They harass you and doxx you.
Some type of forum? It's like the aforementioned.
Jow Forums? They filter everything through flags or a meme tier expressions they don't even understand.

>Confidence is just delusion.
>You choose to only think things that serve you and ignore thoughts that don't
Not really your environment picks those for you already. It's a self-serving loop.

if this is how you talk to women then the OP was right.

lol you white knight

you still have a good chance of getting laid if you just go gay. boypussy is just as good.
>inb4 OP was right about everything

Frig off trandy

Grindr convo 95% of the time
>post dick, abs, ass
>top or bottom
>when and where
Then you get a hairy fat old dude in his 40s.
Also homosex is not a hobby, you either like it or you find it off-putting to say the least.

Actually I've had a girlfriend before. What now, hole?