What would you do If you found a wallet. The wallet has all the owners cards and ids and 150 bucks cash?

What would you do If you found a wallet. The wallet has all the owners cards and ids and 150 bucks cash?

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I would return it without taking any money, which most (((Christians))) and mudslimes wouldn't do

>keep all your money and important ids in one convenient package that could be easily lost or stolen

Why do normies do this?

Return it because I'm a sort-of moral person.
But it it was a really expensive wallet with a ton of money and shit, I'd google the person to see if they're rich or an asshole or something. If they are, pocket the cash and toss the rest.

I'd take it to their house and leave it for them in the mailbox or on their doorstep

get a nice hooker and have a laugh at the losers expense.

lol i would not return jack shit, that's for sure

What is a (((Christan)))?
I'm a Christan is I have restrain a wallet without taking anything out.

return it with the cash, then post about it online because strangers and people i barely know saying "u did gud" is better than 150 bucks

I'd return it because 150 dollars is fucking nothing

Steal the money and leave it. Hopefully they'll learn from the lost money if they come back, and a real lesson if anyone more malicious takes it. I won't steal any cards or IDs though.

Take the cash and put into a post box. Post office can give it to the owner

It's just a regular Joe. I left my wallet at a hipster bar. A bit paranoid about it

Return the wallet and ID for sure. Most likely return the cash. I'd have to think about it, though.

Take the cards and cash, dump wallet and ID in a bin

absolutely reddit-pilled

If it's some richfag, asshat or similar I'd take the cash and throw it in the trash. Any other case, take it and try to contact the owner through social media or something to return it.

Take 1 dollar, write a note saying I did so. Say it was the fee for returning it and then return it.

>tfw wish I could steal
I've had this happen before. I return the money and wallet everytime. Deep down inside somewhere I'm a moral fag, I hate it.

take the wallet, the money and throw away his id.
150$ may not be much but money is money. i would keep it even if there was only 10$

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just return it probably

I had my wallet stolen in college, kinda fucked me over bad. I had just taken money out for books too, so had around $200 innit.
I honestly wouldn't even be mad if they took the money, but at least send the ID and stuff back, dealing with all the beaurocracy afterward took up way more than $200 of my time.

Because its better having it organized rather than just stuffing it in your pockets and then fumbling aroumd for a specific card or money later like a complete dumbass?

>be me
>lose wallet all the time
>never keep any cash in it
>live in small town so everyone knows who i am
>get texts from people "dude i have your wallet here at work, come over and get it"
>one time had a friend bring it to my door

>have friend
Get the hell out of here normalfag, go live your life away from this place so I can be miserable without you reminding me of my worthlessness.

i would briefly consider taking the money and then immediately feel too guilty and return it

could somebody take you to court over this?

I'm white, so I'd return it.

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you can take someone to court over any frivolous thing, doesn't mean you'll see any results

most small claims courts will throw out anything worth under 500 bucks

I would return it of course

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Depends on what the person looks like, I'd check their facebook and if they seem like a cunt then my ass is keeping the money and if they seem like a complete asshole weed smoking faggot then they can kiss their wallet and money goodbye

I can't believe all these moralfags ITT would actually return it. No wonder you're virgins with that mentality.

Non-virgin who would return it, reporting in

I'd withdraw exactly what I need to get myself a kebab and return the wallet to the owner

take the money and give the wallet back.

I'd probably return the wallet and cards but keep the cash. I lost my wallet on the train once and some guy did exactly that, I lost about eighty bucks. Can't say I blame him.

Maybe they were taken to the movies as a reward for being so gud.

Imagine someone already took some money from the wallet and after returning it you are accused of stealing.

During day I would ignore the wallet to avoid any trouble and save time. At night I would probably take money and throw wallet on the street

Pretend I didn't see the wallet of course.


why would they leave $150?

I keep $300 in my wallet.

Take money, put in mailbox during night.

cus they smart

jesus fuck
>be american
>do the right thing
>don't do it in the right way
>get shot

or the wallet owner is a big fat fucking liar.

1. Why is organization more important than security?
2. When is it placing something in your pocket and when is it stuffing something in your pocket?
3. If you say the difference is the amount of things that go into a pocket, why not carry only that which you need and leave the rest at home, inside a wallet, organized and secure?

Christ. You're dumb.

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I would just run away because I'm too timid to handle any kind of confrontation.

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you dont understand user.
if they were stole money and then tossed the wallet, why would they leave money for another would be thief?

Another non-virgin who would return it. Fuck off, leftist thieving scumbag.

>find phone
>try to sell it
>see that it's broken
>take it back
>get charged later
>give a sob story and use a clickbait tier story title to get everyone on your side

I'm retarded and don't deserve to live.

Take about $50 and hand it into the nearest business. Say some dude lost it outside.

But he's not a nigger.

There's no evidence he tried to sell it.

sell id to paco put her photo in for 150 bucks
give the credit card as bonus for being cool
give him 300 bucks because i don't need it

I used to care and would've returned everything a few years ago. Now I'd just take the money and throw the wallet and the cards to the trash.

Is there any other reason for him to just take it with him without telling anyone?

return it anonymously to the person's bank or hand it in a police station

Take the cash as my "return fee" and bring it to a post office. A wallet with a driver's license can be mailed back to their address for free.

Youre being hyperbolic for the sake of not wanting to afmit that carrying a wallet is more useful than not having one.

Enjoy being a retard manchild who drops his cash out on the floor. Id include losing your ID but you probably dont even fucking have one.

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>take the money
>get the guy's address from his driver's license
>use his credit cards to place large pizza orders delivered to his house from as many different pizza places as will deliver to his location
>burn wallet and cards

hey bitchass! non-virgin here and id return as well. go back to whatever shithole youre from =)

I'd contact them and let them know I found it. This happened when I was a kid with my dad once and the person whose wallet it was brought us a nice cheesecake.

>why not carry only that which you need and leave the rest at home, inside a wallet, organized and secure?
I already do this since one wallet isn't large enough to hold all my cards n shit.

based and redpilled. fuck nigga shouldnt have been careless.

>Youre being hyperbolic for the sake of not wanting to afmit that carrying a wallet is more useful than not having one.
Okay, so demonstrate where I'm being hyperbolic by telling me where I'm wrong anywhere.

>Enjoy being a retard manchild who drops his cash
I don't carry cash.
>Id include losing your ID but you probably dont even fucking have one.
I don't carry ID.

Again, why would I ever need to carry any of that shit? I don't carry around what I don't need, which was my original point. If you were too retarded of a cocksucker to understand my original point, no wonder you assumed it's hyperbolic and your dumbass couldn't find a way to counter it.


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Return it if they're Gen X or younger.

Keep it if it's a Boomer.

Contact them and return it. I don't deserve 150 bucks for doing nothing

Well, I'll use myself as an example. I found a 3-year-old iPhone last winter and returned it (it turned out it didn't belong to anyone in a nearby business). But the reason I never considered going around to businesses is the same reason I picked it up: I want to return it to the owner if possible, and there's nothing that tells me just because someone is employed that they aren't a scumbag who would steal it, so why reply on them when I know for certain I would return it (and did) if possible?

I did this when I was 13 and found a wallet in a parking lot with about $700 in it.

>Again, why would I ever need to carry any of that shit?
Cash is for paying when you can't use your debit/credit card. Some businesses are cash-only.
ID is for driving. Do you drive? Then you need to be carrying a license.

You want me to explain how youre being a dumbass who dismisses the usefullness of something hes clearly never even owned...?
Kek just get up and waddle over to the living room and ask your mom why adults use wallets little man.
>i dont carry cash
What a surprise. Maybe because you still live off an allowance.
>i dont carry ID
Manchild confirmed

>Cash is for paying when you can't use your debit/credit card. Some businesses are cash-only.
By telling me I'm at risk for dropping cash, you are assuming I am a patron to (a) store(s) that deny cards, which again you assumed incorrectly. I live in the first world - if a store doesn't take cards, there are a hundred nearby who will.
>ID is for driving. Do you drive? Then you need to be carrying a license.
No, I spend a total of $150 on travel per month using public transit. No need for a car.


Oh, so you're the guy I was originally responding to. I won't bother editing the above answer.

Okay, let's make you look stupid again.

>You want me to explain how youre being a dumbass who dismisses the usefullness of something hes clearly never even owned...?
It isn't wise to call me a dumbass when you overestimate the difficulty of judging a wallet's usefulness despite not owning one. Where does this law come from where I need to own something before I can assess it? Do you lack intuition or the ability to perform a basic cost-benefit analysis?
>Kek just get up and waddle over to the living room and ask your mom why adults use wallets little man.
I am an adult.
1. Demonstrate how I'm not instead of beating around the bush like someone who can't focus on the point.
2. I already made a case for why it's pointless. I'm waiting for you to tell me why that case is wrong, but you can't seem to focus. Stop jumping around and just answer.
>What a surprise. Maybe because you still live off an allowance.
Huh? It's called a chequing account or a credit card.
>Manchild confirmed
Why would I possibly need to walk around with ID every day? Am I supposed to be crossing a border daily?

Turn it into the police and tell them someone lost their wallet. The police will return it to them.

I'd probably hold on to it with the intention of returning it but then forget about it because i'm a lazy fat alcoholic faggot.

He probably means (((christian))) as in "christian", someone who claims to follow the teachings of christianity, but is really just an asshole looking for feel-good points.

The only one who looks stupid here is you kid and these long paragraphs youre typing arent convincing user that youre not some idiot who is desperately trying to save face.
Gas lighting is so 2018.

I want to rape Christ-Chan.
Someone has already posted this.

>The only one who looks stupid here is you kid and these long paragraphs
They aren't long; maybe you just have the reading capacity of a kid.

I asked you to focus and make a case against my simple point. Are you capable or are you incapable? Hurry up, dumbo.

150 bucks is not worth leaving a dark spot on my soul, I would return it fully. However, if it was somehow a magic wallet that had like 100,000 cash in it I would keep that shit without hesitation. My soul has a price but its much higher than $150.

Im convimced now youre just autistic and trying to explain why someone would need a wallet would be like explaining to a downie to not run into doorknobs.

I keep giving you chances to make points against my simple case and you keep avoiding them.

Are you capable or are you incapable? Hurry up, dumbo.

Clone the cards then give it back, lmao.

>I live in the first world - if a store doesn't take cards, there are a hundred nearby who will.
I also live in the first world - in fact, my town's median home price is about $800k. Our local organic farmstand doesn't take credit cards.
Where do you live that you'd never have to use cash? Sweden?

probably take the money and leave the wallet where I found it

>Our local organic farmstand doesn't take credit cards.
I already acknowledged that there are stores that don't take cards, so I'm not sure why you bothered to emphasize through example.
>Where do you live that you'd never have to use cash?
Toronto (Canada).

Some site did this experiment in various cities

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>goodfag decides to turn the wallet with whole 150$
>jew mode activated
>there was 200$ here
>gets jailed

NYC scored a lot better than I would've thought.

fake news sweetheart
they didnt travel around for months dropping 12 wallets in cities around the world sorry

keep on niggerin, fucking shitskin

150 bucks is chump change

Hey coward, I'll still give you another chance. Why do I need to be carrying ID if I'm not crossing the border? Why do I need to be carrying cash if I have a card?

Hurry up, retard.

>he's actually so retarded that he thinks in the age of the internet that this kind of experiment requires one single person or group of people travelling to every location one by one and performing the experiment, rather than having an international group of various members trying it in the city they live in or are close to

I've seen people drop money before without them realizing and I gave it back. I have a job so I don't need to act like a nigger.

Take the money.
Fuck them.
I'd feel bad about it, but I'd have enough money to get drunk enough to forget about it.

This. I'd take the cash and leave everything else.

Return it all.

originally Based as fuck desu

I would def return it, it sucks a lot more to lose 150 bucks than to gain 150 bucks.

This is especially true for all the miscellaneous cards

It's not my problem but I don't want to steal shit either so I'll just leave it.

Return it because I'm not a fucking nigger