>this happens to someone
This happens to someone
How do you even get it up for someone you're not only not even attracted to, but who's blatantly bad at sex?
Desperation and alcohol.
>Desperation from only a couple months
this is genuinely my dream scenario and this guy wants out.
Poor woman.
Honestly? It's a really shitty feeling, to know that someone lied to you to get into your pants.
Kill yourself, white knight beta.
Women aren't really expected to do much during sex.
You are autistic, do you want me to tell you how I know?
The guy sounds like a scumbag
Having compassion is not being a white knight, but I guess I should expect that from an underage poster. You'll get there.
White knight? No.
Personal experience. It happened to me once, and I wept bitterly for it. It's callous and cruel, to use people this way, don't you think?
I've come to stop hating women for a variety of reasons, but this is one of the better examples; they got just as cheated by the modern system, if not more, than men. With the new economic system after WWII, women were forced to work the same as men under the guise of "liberation", yet their entry to the work force meant they were automatically paid less. So now, decades later, they're forced to become and act like men, yet they lack the biological traits to actually be like men. So, not only did they lose their position as women, which is complementary to men, but then they're also not able to be like men, therefore meaning that they have no real identity. The girl in OP's thing was cheated by a shitty man who should be shot, and she was cheated by a system that makes people like this.
He wanted sex and she wanted sex. He never lied and said that he loves her or wanted a relationship. I take it you're a femanon who was pumped and dumped by chad? You're spoiled goods now, make sure the beta you marry brings in plenty of money.
Not being negative towards every single breathing thing on Earth? Quite the beta virgin pussy are you?
This is a reddit post. All you need to know.
Unsurprisingly, you're completely wrong. I just have the type of perspective that comes with old age and a wealth of experience.
I constantly see people on here in pain, and that pain is twofold: The pain to their ego for a perceived failure, while their peers go on to meet with success. And the pain of never experiencing emotional intimacy, affirmation, and companionship in a cold and uncaring world.
You can't tell me that robots are hurting because of mere lack of sex, it's simply not true. Much in the same way that people protest to being used for free meals, emotional support, and validation, sex easily falls underneath this aegis. You're not negotiating in good faith, here.
Oh, I'm an absolute pussy. But when shit is darkest in your life, you'll be glad I'm here.
Where can I find a femcel to love, bros?
One that won't mind that I can't make eye contact
When I post my pics and tell my story I get called Chad but in reality I'm a big pussy who just wants to love someone I can relate to.
Where are they? Why can't I love a femcel? Someone who will be loyal?
How do I find one? I don't care what they look like. I just want one who will make it easy and understand my social anxiety.
I actually feel bad reading that. Probably fake, but still...
There's a skinny 4/10 femcel with glasses who works the late night shift at this 7/11 near one of the places I work at. She was watching Pokemon the other night and I missed my opportunity to talk to her and get her number. Ugh.
>straight up asks her to play strip mariokart the first time they hang out together
>she agrees
??? Is this normal?
>dude decides to do the most intimate act a human being can do with another human being that he's afraid to be seen with in public
??? is this normal?
The girl sounds like a genderswapped one of those desperate robots that post in "fembot" threads. They both just seem to value companionship more than their own selves, which leads to them getting taken advantage of. I can't say it was completely the dude's fault, since she consented to it, but he seems like a dick.
>poor woman
>she was lied to
Absolutely fucking not
Found the normie guys
Can someone link the reddit post? I tried googling the title and it still didn't come up.
That's not really a dating sub, They don't want guys there I don't think.
What a bastard. Why is it always pieces of shit like him that get to take girls' virginities instead of men that are actually going to love and care for them? I swear to God, beauty is evil and it corrupts absolutely. Everyone above 5/10 should have acid thrown in their faces.
They don't want to talk to me and I don't blame them, faggots from Jow Forums have to shit everything up.
All I want is to cuddle and love someone whose worth it. Who accepts me for who I am. Make her breakfast and just see her smile.
I just want to turn it off, bros. It's too painful.
Does anyone actually believe posts like these?
>People still defend casual sex
On a side note:
>Dry spell
>Few months
Fucking pussy. Needs the shit beaten out of him for lack of will power and self control.
The girl is also retarded for thinking it meant anything.
holy shit how blue pilled can you actually be
a few months without sex will make any sane guy irritable and grumpy. pretending to have "self control" isn't worth all those problems.
Dude just jack off. People have gone their entire lives without sex, a few months is nothing.
>bro just bee yourself
a few months is a long time for a lot of people
It's actually somewhat scary that a large number of people do
I just automatically assume any wall of text from reddit is a larp
Good thing I'm a soild 5,4(9)/10
This way I will be the new 10/10
>??? Is this normal?
Yes if she likes you (she thinks you're hot).
This is 100 of r/trufemcels
They bitch about the same stuff we do but ask any of them and they'll tell you they regularly get sex but just can't get a relationship
I guess that makes sense. I always figured that it was only men that did dumb things in a desperate attempt to get someone of their preferred gender to notice them, like replying to """fembot""" threads or donating thousands of dollars to twitch whores, and that women almost never did stuff like that since they get all the attention they want, outside of a few small cases, but I guess we're all the same. It's really weird to think about that.
>they'll tell you they regularly get sex but just can't get a relationship
aaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ;______;
This is how a lot of girls become sluts. They lack the game it takes to get a relationship out of a man, all they know how to do is use their holes. So they go around fucking guys, hoping one will want to be with them.
Opposite is true for men. Alot of men lack the ability to fuck any girl he wants and only knows how to be a Disney Prince Charming for a girl. So he goes around offering relationship tier privileges to every girl he meets and ends up pussiless and friendzoned.
this is more proof how hilariously easy mode women have it
this would NEVER happen to a guy. Imagine some awkward greasy nerd bagging a stacy because she has deficit
just fucking lmao
Guys get taken advantage of in other ways, such as having thousands of dollars scammed from them by twitch thots, or being lead on for multiple dates, only to be used as a meal ticket.
>women get taken advantage of
>have sex feel good, feel shitty for a while because youre a whore
>men get taken advantage of
>fruitlessly chase affection spending hundreds of dollars having your name read on some pseudowhore's stream
women have it really hard
I'm not saying they have it hard. I'm just saying that she probably felt like shit after getting pumped and dumped. She was only desperate because she was super lonely. If it were some normalfag thot, I wouldn't feel bad for her, since she can easily find a normalfag dude, but this girl was apparently unattractive enough that he didn't want to be seen with her. She was also a virgin, and thought that her first time was going to be special.
nigger her looksmatch is tying his rope after he was screaming in the middle of the park for 5 hours straight on his weekly walk
shut the fuck up
> such as having thousands of dollars scammed from them by twitch thots
anyone stupid enough to give money to twitch thots deserves nothing but death
Nobody will reply to this but your correct. Props to you for seeing the bigger picture.
What do you expect when you go for Chad?
His complete inability comprehend empathy?
I'm not saying that she has it worse then him. Just because some african kids are starving, doesn't mean that I can't be unhappy as well. It's the same case here. Male incels have it bad, but femcels have it bad as well. Maybe it's not as bad, but it's still an unpleasant situation.
Yeah, giving money to twitch whore is dumb, but stupidity is not punishable by death. It's probably a result of extreme loneliness, not stupidity, though. Being alone makes people do things that they normally wouldn't do, like play strip mariokart with strangers or give money to whores online.
Someone gets it. Now women are expected to be both men outside the home and women on inside, it just doesn't work. All it does is cause dissonance and lead to failih at either
I fucking hate normies
I wouldn't go so far to say that he should be shot, but he is an asshole. I still can't get my mind around the fact that he would sleep with a girl that he's embarrassed to be seen in public. I doubt most robots would pull this kind of BS if they could even get a femcel girl, lol. but we're still the ones deemed "misogynist" by society.
He didnt tell her he wanted to date her.
Even if this post in particular is bullshit, which I'll agree and say it is, stuff like this still happens. It's still shit another person has to put up with.
>sexual drought
No, she wasn't cheated. If she didn't wanna get played, she should have pursued a relationship first instead of putting out on the first date.
>go to some guys place randomly
>have sex with him just because
>LOSE VIRGINITY to some random guy
No sympathy and definitely no remorse. Fuck femcels and especially fuck white people.
>Random guy
>Fuck white people
At least white people can read you dumb nigger. They work together so they're not strangers. You would know what that's like if you'd ever had a job you illiterate mongoloid.
ITT Hypocrites
yeah girls do this shit all the time. they act like sluts to get a guy's attention then delude themselves into thinking it'll go somewhere after they sleep together. girls will literally tell you they just want to have fun then get mad when you cut it off. if you have sympathy for a girl making her own decision and it being a poor one then you are a huge fucking white knight.
How so? I know I can't speak for all robots, but I wouldn't have sex with someone I was not in a long-term relationship with, so I would never cause an instance like that.
Also this. Men are fucking terrified of being accused of rape these days. If a women says "Nah, I'm not really into doing that kind of thing outside of a relationship" that's all she has to do.
Ah yes the true blackpill. If the last few decades have been culturally consumed by "womens liberation" but through becoming a wage slave, and this whole mirage is banker 4d chess psyop; doesnt that mean they not only control the institutions, financial system, government, but consequently the culture?
horniness and lust are a hell of a drug opie
Ooof i might post this in r/femcels .
His mistake is feeling guilty. That girl would make a perfect side chick. She may be ugly but she's desperate enough to accept being a side chick and do any degrading thing he asks from her.
He hadn't had sex for several months, Chad's can have sexual droughts too as usually the sex comes to him.
It's already been posted there.
Disgusting. People like you are the problem.
Chads can have sex whenever he wants and he most certainly doesn't need to resort to fucking sub 7-8s
>can get sex from Chad essentially for doing fucking nothing
Daily reminder that """""fembots""""" do not exist except in the heads of bluepilled whiteknights such as
You know she would rather be the side chick of someone she likes instead of being the girlfriend of someone on her league.
>after intentionally losing some races
Filthy fucking casual
This dude though is acting like any other stuck-up Stacey. One line he doesn't find her hilariously ugly, he's down to fuck, the rest of the post he doesn't even want to be seen by anyone casually walking with her.
Shit is hurtful when femoids do it to us, it's hurtful when they receive it too.
This is as far as alpha as it gets. A true alpha would have told all the other coworkers "Yeah we had a thing, so what?" and make them feel like shit for judging.