/zg/ - Zoomer General

Only people born after the year 1998 are allowed to post in this thread.

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I was born in 1994

but zoomers are 2000+ user..

based and oreogamipilled

Wrong dude 13 to 23 year olds are zoomers

>TFW I knew I was a robot before I was 18
it's never too late to realize how fucked you are I zoom and I doom

I was born the same year as the LA riots and the death of Big Smoke. Zoomers ain't got nothin'.
>I don't even remember 9/11 bro lol
>remember mass effect 3? that shit was my childhood

1994 boomer here, hows it going young ones

I post where I damn well chose, kiddo.

Attached: pathetic.png (640x750, 650K)

2000 zoomer checking in