Only people born after the year 1998 are allowed to post in this thread.
/zg/ - Zoomer General
I was born in 1994
but zoomers are 2000+ user..
based and oreogamipilled
Wrong dude 13 to 23 year olds are zoomers
>TFW I knew I was a robot before I was 18
it's never too late to realize how fucked you are I zoom and I doom
I was born the same year as the LA riots and the death of Big Smoke. Zoomers ain't got nothin'.
>I don't even remember 9/11 bro lol
>remember mass effect 3? that shit was my childhood
1994 boomer here, hows it going young ones
I post where I damn well chose, kiddo.
2000 zoomer checking in
we have pretty much every game that has been made since 2000
from what I understand zoomers are 1995-2012
man can remember 2010 was 9!!!years ago? right?
And what should we do ?
hello fellow 2000s zoomer
Are zoomers based y/n?
All the zoomers I know are based as shit, hate all niggers, gypsyes and some chings.
2000 zoomer here. I dont remember 9/11 and my memories of my childhood are mostly playing nintendo games on my DS, club penguin, and walking around my neighborhood with my best friend eating popsicles. Feels good.
Yeah zoomers are based because they have the opposite mindset of millennials
I wasnt allowed to say "stupid" or "hate" as a child. My parents told me they were curse words
Same thing, I was told that stupid was a curse word when I was in kindergarden and it was okay to use it when you got older.
once saw a kid get yelled at in my class for saying "damn." also when kids would respond with "what?" they'd be forced to say pardon instead.
>18-22 years old
>thinks they're a robot
You faggots gave up before you even had a chance.
>not even a zoomer thread cant break 30 replies
This guy has a point. IM OUT.
2001 Zoomer reporting in. From where I'm looking it seems to be an inescapable nightmare user
1999 zoomer reporting in
Absolutely, zoomers raised themselves on ben shapiro
Please don't be this stupid, the mods will ban you
At first they said zoomers grew up in the 00s. But now children that play fortnite (ie grew up in the 10s) are zoomers too. Which fuggin is it man.
People born 1997-2010 are zoomers
People born in 2010 are almost 10 years old.
Jesus fucking christ.
>1998 was 21 years ago
The ride just keeps getting faster doesnt it
2005 zoomer reporting in origniggerilino
I was born in 1999. I am not a zoomer. 2000 and above are zoomers
Reported. Byebye
Zoomers were born from (my birth year + 1) onwards OP.
You're a zoomer bud, hate to break it to ya
I was born in 2000 and there's no difference between 2000s kids and 99 kids. They grew up with the same shit. Repent.
2001 here
redpill me on zoomers
1999 zoomer. Also newfag.
So everyone here born 2000+ when was the first time you came to Jow Forums? I was born in 1995 and remember coming here in 2008 but never posted until maybe 2010. Pretty funny there's probably people born in 2004 here right now...
So what you're saying is that you're literally fucking underaged
1999 reporting, been on this site since around 2012 though. Too young to not be an eternal newfag unfortunately.
hows uni/military/NEETdom going?
Doing distance education while working a wagie job. Currently year 2 in Bsc. CS.
when was your birthday? we might have some birthday bros on our hands!
Zoomer reporting in, born 10/14/2000
Halarious and original
its 2019 my dude
what age did you zoomers start using Jow Forums? Did you guys actually wait until you were 18 like good anons or just lurk for a few years? Give me your zoomer stories of Jow Forums past
Then what are people born 2010+?
zoomer born 02.11.2003 reporting in
epic 15 year old moment when you're on Jow Forums and ruin your social skills as early as possible
epic gamer moment when you have nothing else to do on a holiday midnight
Born in 1998, frequented 4channel since 2012. I want to quit this shithole for good, it gave me nothing but insecurity; yet, I just can't stop posting.
Hey look at me I'm born in 1999.
Also like the rest of my generation I want to die.
same. I was born 6 days after you fuckhead, we'll get banned together. maybe then i'll actually do something productive
zoomers, are you racist
mfw this thread was made by a based boomer to get underages to out themselves and be report
Chad Generation
yea I fucking hate Indians(american) because they tryed to kill my uncle, and jews because Jow Forums.
honestly I would have killed myself by now but I know thats what they want.
lmao at underage posters banned itt
1999,stuck here since 14
zoom zoom
we are the based generation
even though we're the most socially engineered generation of all time, essentially a bunch of fucking faggots who bought the globalist agenda, allowing the elites one step closer to their goal, we're still based. we're the teletubby generation.
Yet you just literally gave away the fact that youre an underage fag who came here because of Jow Forums. Fucking idiot.
I think blacks are stupid but thats no reason to hate them, just black people being black people, there are a lot of based negros
Its the millenials buying into every fucking possible social agenda and peddling it as their own or going to the other end of the horseshoe and going full Jow Forums retard, zoomers dont care and play fortnite while browsing tik tok, why do you think hate for israel just suddenly caught on as a meme?
I don't want any more immigrants coming into the country, but I don't see them as inferior to white people in any meaningful way.
Gen Alpha, or Gen A
We can make fun of them by calling them Gena, because it sounds like a girls name.
Yea so what
t. Latino
I first came here sometime probably in 2011 but didn't actually stick around till maybe 2013 because I was a newfag to life and didn't understand the imageboard format
Know about this place since 2011 first came on here 2013 really got into it 2014/2015
ironically but also kind of unironically
motherfucker how does it feel knowing that you weren't conscious for 9/11? that you never saw mankind get throw off the top of hell in the cell?
We got our own 9/11 in Poland so idk
not that guy but its weird desu, everyone talks about "the good old days" of pre-9/11 but you never knew those days
1990 here, sucks to be you kids, you missed the golden age of video games and internet and by the time you grew up everything was ruined
'99 here. While I didn't live that happening, it is one of my biggest obsessions. I literally know everything about 9/11 and the twin towers. Heck, I think that my interest for those towers was the main reason why I started studying architecture. I am sad that I didnt get to see by myself how bad it was but at least I am informed.
Care to explain?
What are zoomer chads like? How about zoomer virgins and stacies?
>I am sad that I didnt get to see 9/11
amen brother, down with capitalist fags
zoomer chads aren't really manly jocks, just confident and good looking. our stacies are total mentally ill sluts with daddy issues, very low quality women but they're easy to get with. the virgins are basically STEM nerds, imagine the "hoodie programmer" archetype and that's pretty much them
Born in 2000 here. They're annoying as fuck. Literally can't sit still for 5 seconds, always yelling every single time they open their mouths. Constantly aggravating people and pulling stunts to try and be the center of attention.
Basically just a bunch of dudes pretending to be Logan Paul.
chads are histrionic boys with sculpted haircuts and hypebeast clothes who expel confidence to no end
virgins are just awkward stem types
stacies are loud annoying sluts with three boyfriends who they fuck daily
your guys' chads are pretty brad tier desu. all the chads I've met are legitimately respectable people.
The fuck are you doing here if you aren't a hoodie? Get some hacker steroids
i'm more brad-lite tier desu. I only occasionally visit r9k for the memes. hoodies are low tier jackets, at least put some effort into your appearances. I upgraded myself from like a 4 to like a 7 with minimal effort and basic styling. gonna start at my school's gym this next semester and hopefully grab an extra point along with some more confidence.
I feel like theirs two kinds of zoomer chads. The basic ones that are just annoying hypebeasts with good facial structure, and the rare ones that are really cool, and pretty chill, but can still goof around and shit like that. I only say rare because I've seen thousands of wannabe flexers, and only like two good chads in my life.
I haven't really seen any hypebeast flexers, but they seem more like Brads to me. I personally know a couple legitimate Chads and they're all respectable people.
this. this is the ideal zoomer. be like this.
which one? the former or the latter?
Maybe it's just because of the fact that I live in a kind of rich mid-west suburb with nothing but white kids, but their fucking everywhere, and they plagued my fucking high school like crazy.
Being unnoticed is an art. The ability to move almost invisibly allows you to do things that most people can't. Don't hate on nerds for classing in rogue instead of fighter.
>zoomers are disgusting chad apologists
It's probably both those thing combined. I was homeschooled throughout highschool, hence the social retardation, and now im doing my basics at a community college with a pretty major nonwhite population. all the "hypebeasts" are just trashy niggers
you think you're unnoticed, but it's just because you have things to surround you and make you feel safe. in reality, everyone sees you, it just looks worse if you're dressed and maintained poorly.
chad is an ideal. if you don't strive to be him, you're a defeatist.
Not to mention I graduated high school in march, so I'm pretty young. I think the younger you go down the line the more hypebeasts you run into. Current 9th grades must be fucking aids, and I'm glad I'm far away from them.
Like I said, being unnoticed is an art. It's more than the clothing. It's the eye movement, too. There's dominance in knowing where to make people look.
A fighter can't just put on a hoodie and be a successful rogue.
i'm actually a fair bit younger than you, although i'm 18 for all the jannies listening in.
I think it's mostly because of the whole homeschool thing that I missed out on such a big part of socialization with other zoomers, but the ones in college seem to be pretty alright so far
ironically enough, the only thing that makes you "invisible" to normies is being in a crowd of other people. if you're on your own, you'll always be noticed by virtue of being outside of regular social scenarios or looking out of place. people pay attention to outliers more than they do to groups of similar looking people
I'm not going to try to keep explaining. Not everybody is a fighter. Someday you'll grow up and realize that.
>people pay attention to outliers more than they do to groups of similar looking people
This is the key to being the "cool guy chad" fyi being a "loner" but is still friendly/approachable and fun to be around makes it so other people will choose to come to you, and bring their friends with them. I'm a lone zoomer, but autistic and grumpy so people don't come back after coming up to me.
I got approached by a niggress last semester because she said I looked "approachable"
also she's almost exclusively attracted to cute white boys so I was a good target.
I think a lot of it is just being presentable and not being glued to device which makes you difficult to approach.
Yeah as long as you look like you'd be fun to hangout with then you're pretty much set for life. I have a resting angry face that makes me look like I'm about to start a fight 24/7 so 90% of my conversations start with the person walking up, and asking if I'm okay. Sometimes I can hold a normal face on good days though.
I think I have a neutral resting face, I was just approached because the girl was lonely and attracted to cute white boys and I wasn't preoccupied with some dumb iphone game to make it hard to talk to me.
If you're either in high school or just graduated from high school, what was the political makeup of your class? Were they mostly SJWs or Jow Forumstards, or something else?