Ywn know what this feels like

>ywn know what this feels like

How does this make you feel incel cucklords?

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I get sex anytime I want

I do know, had bareback more than once. Had for money, had with waifu. In my 30s not married and stuck with life. Now what?

Norman reporting in
Feels alright, nothing outerworldly though

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pink one
orriiigg oregano

I had sex once like 5 years ago but I forget what it felt like.

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It's not that special actually, just one out of billion types of pleasures you can have in life.
There is much better.

That's along the lines of what coping adult virgins say. It's not special that's true but living without sex is like being a strict vegetarian, so go and try that for a year first.

Eating healthy won't give me dick cancer. Fucking people will. It is a distraction, sexual intimacy locks me into this fucking gay world.

Celibacy is an easy choice for me. The agony of truth above the hollow, blinding pleasure of pussy.

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it's not like being a strict vegetarian, it's more like going through an endless famine. you will never get the thing that your body actually needs so you scrape at least some shit porn, vidya, anime etc... to go by. you are completely at the mercy of entities that are ways stronger than you and they feel nothing towards you.

i'll eventually stick my dick in a bagina not too worried about it actually

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>incel cucklords
Nice oxymoron, you fucking moron.

I know, I wish I had a vagina, why u so mean *sigh* also dont you have to get laid first to become a cuck?

>That's along the lines of what coping adult virgins say.
I think virgins idolise sex in general so I don't feel that's what they would say. They are probably more likely to think it's much better than what it actually is.

You're right. Living without sex is healthy. No chance of STDs.

>not a cute butthole


Feels pretty bad actually. Hope you have a nice day OP

It looks like it would tickle too much.

masturbation feels better. Now cuddling, that's a feel that you go missing.

What could be more cucked than literally never having sex? Your crush is having sex user, not with you, with other guys. You're cucked by all of society.

I always look my gf in the eyes and tell her I love her as I'm entering her. Then I lean over and kiss her on the neck as I flex my pubococcygeus muscle causing my cock to twitch and pulse inside her. THEN begins the pounding. She always tries to hide her face from me when she comes cause she thinks it's not lady like but I LOVE it when I see her rolled-eyes tongue-lolling ahegao face.

Lol this, the potential partners you could have had throughout all the years are fucking other dudes right now which makes you a cuck

You're right I'll never know what it feels like to have a microdick

failed Jow Forums normie here.

its not as good as you imagine, its better than jerking off sometimes and really depends on the situation.

whats really hot is hearing/seeing how a hot girl reacts while you fuck, and thats a real turn on for me.

For me, it's the opposite. I hate the sounds girl makes.

According to your logic, every single person on Earth is a cuck at one point for never having sex, and most people for not fucking their crush. Fuck outta here with that weak ass shit.

Spot on, chief

Pretty good, I've internalized my virginity into my sexuality, and get off on being degraded and denied access to women. At this point I wouldn't even want to fuck a woman, but would pay good money to just have her berate me or watch her fuck somebody else :)

Sex is fun, just like lots of other things. Love on the other hand, that shit is special.

It's easy to confuse the two.