Why do white people make this retarded face when you walk past them?

Why do white people make this retarded face when you walk past them?

Attached: cat.jpg (800x450, 151K)

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Why do black people chimp out and loot whenever they're upset?

I think that's just a you problem, OP

I don't think I do that, but I don't usually walk past races I don't like so maybe I would if I lived near aborigines or something.

All the big chimpouts in history are by white people

>it took one post for someone to assume op is black

Yeah I rememver all the most recent riots being whi.... wait a minute.

you're black too arn't you negro?

All the biggest wars are whitey v whitey

blacks will kill over small sums of money

Holocaust was one of the biggest chimpouts.

Whites will kill because they can't get laid.

Wars aren't considered chimping out idort.

Because they're trying to be polite, just like this very polite and handsome boy.

Attached: the cat again.png (720x893, 1.22M)

Whites will nuke over big sums of money

That's exactly what they are. Sorry that hurts your fragile white identity :(

No, wars are fought for a purpose. Getting a sweet pair of jordans or whatever you porch monkeys are into now isn't a purpose.

Most whites in a war work in an arms factory or in logistics or agriculture or operate a zyklon shower or a radio. They practice rationing and self restraint.
Nogs in a riot just burn and loot and go have a celebratory rape or crack afterwards.
There's a difference.

Very polite and handsome boy

Yeah but getting some oil for a rich guy, now THAT is purpose


Yes, getting oil and securing it for a country is a reason.

Are you just mad blacks aren't smart enough to steal the right things?

Based and redpiilled

Oh so you agree whites colonizing is chimping out? Got it.

Read it again retard.

But stealing for someone else that will never benefit you is smarter than stealing for yourself?

Not a bright one huh?

Burning and looting. Maybe you should reread again?

statistically no

no ones ever been nuked for financial reasons, large sums of money and land are much bigger stakes though, worthy of contest

Yeah, it is a purpose because we gain resources to better out our life

You blacks fight over shoes and blame it on us

We get resources to help us out with technology and finance. We aren't the ones breaking into homes with shotguns because they have drugs

See, this is how I know you're black. Not stealing is smarter than stealing. But don't be mad we can make fun things legal, just not for you.

I still don't see the connection between restraint and colonizing.



You're probably some kind of dangerous minority and they don't really like you.


>36 deaths

How many blacks are shot by blacks everyday?

I hope the people in this thread defending black peoples general proclivity towards domestic discontent are only equating it to world governments' calculated geopolitical decisions ONLY for the sake of argument. Or else legit retarded

It means, "I acknowledge your presence but don't have the energy to smile"

Looks like an ordinary poker face. Why is it retarded?

Also maybe they want to hide their crippling depression with a fake smille, or maybe they just feel uncomfortable.

>world governments' calculated geopolitical decisions
>Damn they got a lot of oil over there like hell we're gonna let em keep it
>You're taking my god given right to OWN human beings, die you fucking scum

This was my background image on my phone for a while.

Attached: NcekliH.jpg (600x607, 31K)

That's the acknowledgment smile for someone that I know but I don't really talk to on a regular basis

This better OP?

Attached: 1546292083696.jpg (420x416, 19K)