Any fellow cutfags here? How do you live with the pain of knowing your foreskin was taken from you without your consent...

Any fellow cutfags here? How do you live with the pain of knowing your foreskin was taken from you without your consent? I'm generally pretty content with my dick but every now and then just thinking about it fucks me up

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I'm very happy with my dick, it's beautiful and I don't have to worry about smegma when I get depressed and don't shower for a week

Describes his own dick as beautiful

I was thankfully saved from the trend of circumcision, and I'm very thankful I have my foreskin intact.

You don't actually, LITERALLY sit there and ponder over this, do you?

I'm using their words but yeah, it's the best looking dick I ever seen

I know the act of circumcision is awful and the trend should die out, but the state of having an uncut penis is just a thing. Do you also lament the fact of your gender or your handedness or whether you can curl your tongue?
Maybe it's less sensitive, but they generally look better when soft and you can last longer without the added stimulation.
t. uncut goy who's fine with his thicc anteater

Well, I used to agonize over this a lot but I guess there's not much I can do.

Being a jew sucks.

*cut penis. Fucking typos.

I seriously pity the guys who had their foreskin removed as a kid. And honestly cringe at the guys (I know couple of them) who decided to have it removed later in life. The whole non-consensual way of removing foreskin of small boys at the hands of their parents kinda reminds of that /b/ story of that user who got raped by his father, mother and his friend for being dorky and joking about rape too much...

Turn your anger to Jews.
It was this kike's fault:

What the fuck did I do
I agree that the circumcision trend should end

Attached: 1544950215393.jpg (680x633, 51K)

You probably voted for immigration and wars in the middle east.

I sure did fucking not
This is why no one respects natsoc edgeboys.

You probably lie about the holocaust then.

If you mean believing it occurred (and it objectively did) then sure.

Natsocs can't decide if us jews are infiltrating the right, supporting the left or whatever. You fags think jews are like one group who works together but do you have any idea how severely divided the jewish world is?

You have:

>Secular/atheist jews, and like 5 different kinds of religious jews that all disagree with each other
>Zionist and non-Zionist jews
>Mizrahi jews, Ethiopian jews, Ashkenazi jews etc.
>And more

A jew is a jew is a jew. You all get the rope.

You have to be an NPC to believe the Jewish holocaust narrative.
There's literally no evidence for gas chambers at Auschwitz, none. It's just retarded religious mythos to you people.

How does it feel knowing that you will never get the same satisfaction from sex as us uncut fellows?

>Do you also lament the fact of your gender or your handedness or whether you can curl your tongue?
Sometimes, yes. I get what you're saying, although your provided pro's of circumcision aren't nearly worth the damage and are somewhat unfounded. I agree that we should appreciate what he have rather than what we don't as you're implying. You may feel more strongly if you'd actually been cut as a baby though

Isn't the whole point of circumcisions the idea of "gods punishment".

>be american
>parents tell the doc to steal your penor for no reason
>he cuts it

it's Jewish tradition so probably