hello, just wanted to share this image for the robots with low self esteem.
And be any of the "Handsome" guys she mentioned and watch her reject you for a date.
God I fucking hate twittertards
let's see what your bf looks like, you virtue signalling cunt. i know i'm not a chad and posts like these aren't going to make anything better
t. Rustled McTriggered
You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexxuality but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case
Shes saying this to appear as a good person. In reality she wouldn't give any of the sort of guys she mentioned the light of day.
thanks I'm happy now
>Y'all are handsome in your own way
They should try and say that with a straight face whilst looking at pictures of people on this board
I say y'all, fuck you mane.
FYI: To all robots who may not have had enough female interaction in the past to pick up on this - let me give you a hard truth.
Don't ever listen to women about anything. The same woman who will come out of the blue and dispel all those negative beliefs you have about yourself and make you believe that you're "just perfect" in her eyes will subconsciously still compare you to every Chad. When she finally gets bored of you she will find a way to sneak out of the relationship and not care the slightest bit about how much you depended on her emotionally - and if that loss kills you then oh well. She'll be sucking Chad's dick within a week after your funeral.
Women are manipulative by nature. They're designed to make you fall in love with them, not to actually love you. If you forget this lesson there will be a large amount of pain in your future.
What a load of shit. If I wanted to hear someone lie about my appearance, I'd ask my mother.
i dont have a bf, actually. I have been single for a long time now
Mummy says I am very handsome, and any girl would be lucky to have me. I don't think she would lie
>date you? No. But I have a friend who's perfect for you!
Notice she said nothing about penis size because she can't bring herself to write something so delusional
But I AM 6'3 with muscle, a handsome face, and no acne.
Girls just want black dudes and wiggers
dont worry, im proudly bisexual.
Yeah sure it's okay, just nobody wants anything to do with us
t. Rustled McTriggered
You're a gay that thinks you're totally hetero, and probably you'll die without knowing your true sexulity but thinking you're a legit 100% hetero.
t. Closet Case
Odd I have yet to find one woman who finds me handsome in any way. Acne is right on the image though so I guess I need a new thing to blame
yano this made me realise how much you don't hear positive shit like this towards dudes; it's normally girls receiving this "YOUR PERFECT BEING FAT" shit
You're right user, mummy never lies. Count yourself lucky
I have a very hard time believing any bit of that when I see evidence to the contrary every day.
Fuck that
Bet she doesn't date ugly boys
Never improve is a female mentality because they never have to
Never trust a woman on how to get women or live life as a man
It's like asking a fish how to catch fish
This thread is so sad
Why are we like this
Men aren't able to accept that they're perfect, especially not the way that women can. If a man were to decide to wake up perfect one day, he would be utterly defeated before he gets back in bed. We don't have the same social support system that women have, so we have to face reality at every turn.
Where'd you find that pic desu?
It's from big 5 personalities, it's a better test because it doesn't lump losers and scientists together
>it's okay to be short
lmao pranked
This bitch must think she's so enlightened despite the fact that she would only jump on Chad's cock.
I knew something was off when I got the "genius" category or whatever the fuck it's called. I'm just a loser.
This is also false.
Some people are absolute fucking monsters to look at.
This cunt probably posts "YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL! I WISH I WAS AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU!" on burn victims Facebook pictures.
I have 20 years of anti-self esteem, one tweet or a thousand wont help
black pill forever
>doesnt mention dick size
so remember boys if youre under 7 inches you still should kill yourself
>Don't ever listen to women about anything.
t. Woman hating faggot can't figure out why women hate him, and thinks he's never done anything wrong ever.
>tfw my mother unironically says this to me a lot
I'm 25 now mom
I know the truth
that's actually true but in a cruel way. It's like the wish from the genie that ends up fucking you over.
Say you're a guy in the average-cute range. You like to program computers or watch anime or whatever. You've never been too good with the ladies. You have an apartment and you work on the railroad all the live long day. You're thinking "I'm a pretty decent fellow. I work out and stuff. Maybe that will help me get a girlfriend!"
It won't. None of that makes you worth anything in the eyes of females. Females judge your personality vibes and they're extremely critical. What they actually want is hard to even explain. It's not something you can control very much. If you're shy or somewhat insecure about anything that's the equivalent of a girl being butt ugly. So you can't just go hit the gym. That'd be too logical.
>Y'all are handsome in your own way
We are only handsome in "I do not wanna have sex with you" way.
What women actually want is a good looking face
It don't work that way. Sexual dimorphism is a thing.
Body positivity and self esteem, confidence, solidarity stuff works for women because of their victim hood complex.
If you say stuff like being okay with being skinny, weak, bald, ugly, short for men, you'll get laughed at by women as well as men. We are merely the candidates in the process of pair bonding we men are supposed to compete with each other for resources. The way evolution works is that we men have to constantly self improve, and obtain things. This is seen all across the animal kingdom the the male of species has to build a nest, gather things, fight off other males and show off his physical potential. Self pity will make you look all the more unattractive. Let alone women, you will lose respect from your peers as well. I doubt anyone, or women can get over this biological hard wiring.
what an incredible steaming pile of bullshit, how can anyone even come close to spouting something like this with a straight face?
>Don't ever listen to women about anything. T
A good example: "Ew, I dont like guys with lots of muscle, dumb gym rats" then at the club the same women are all over that guy.
If someone has a "good looking face" that doesn't mean any woman wants them
The potential to have a good looking face, often without even trying, is guarenteed to the vast majority of people just for falling out of their mom's pussy.
>Don't ever listen to women about anything
Women are absolute terrible when it comes to giving saying advise or stay women want. Either they want to throw us off tracks or they are incredibly stupid.
Don't you all get it?
Why are women winning the game at the moment? Because of an inflated ego. They think no matter who they are, they're perfect. It's hard to reach that level of narcissism if you're ugly, but each and every robot needs to if we want to have a chance at winning this. Think of it like inflation, the women "created" beauty out of nowhere, much like when the banks create money out of nowhere. This meant there wasn't enough beauty held by men to purchase all the women, but if we also artificially inflate the amount of beauty we possess then the playing field levels out. We just need to keep spreading messages like this so that women stop being so judgemental.
She wants a 6ft2, ripped and jacked guy.
Why don't you say that to my face instead of over twitter?