Tell me about your crush and why you have not asked them out
Your Crush
My bartender. Short, pale skin, raven hair and battleship grey eyes. A pure goddess. When we chat, I always discover I have more in common with her. We like the same obscure painter (Picabia), we're both starving artists, we used to vacation in the same obscure holiday town, like the same music et al.
I dream of going on a coffee date with her, but I don't shit where I drink and when she says 'no', I'd be too embarrassed to show my face in that bar again and it's the only bar I like.
tl:dr, I don't shit where I drink.
I haven't had a crush for more than 4 months, which is after the break up.
I miss that feeling. It makes you feel alive but doesn't make you suffer too much anyway. I must be broken again.
It's been a long time since I last had a crush. I miss the struggle.
TFW Someone actually likes you back, is qt, shy and smart but as soon as you like them they never notice you anymore
Classmate, almost flat, we used to talk almost everyday, we had a lot in common, the only problem was that he had a very sudden change of humour, she can go from happy to full breakdown at lightning speed, and was almost all the class time listening to music, and has a death stare that made you want to run for your fucking life, pretty crazy in general to be honest, i didn't ask her out because 2 months ago with some friends decided that send her voicemails of us munching some potato chips was a great idea, it wasn't...
She hasn't spoke to me since, y told her "happy new year" and she said "i don't care, and less if it's coming from you".
Yep, i wan't to die
(Picture of her)
She has bi-polar disorder
I asked her to go somewhere with me before because she mentioned she wanted to go to that place.
She definately blew my request off. I made the mistake of taking her literally when she said "Idk I'll think about it" and asked for her snapchat so I could get an answer when she made up her mind. I never had to use it because I saw her and asked her about it IRL a total of three times. The third time, I caught on and told her it was OK if she didn't want to, which she didn't.
So I made up my mind to quit bothering her and not bring it up ever again.
Then a few days later she mentions that she can't say "no" when someone asks for her snapchat. This is definately targeted towards me cuz I literally showed up at her door and asked for it. And we had a discussion where my other acquaintances are like "yeah lmao you should make fake one."
because she is fuCKING GHOSTING ME
>lives on the other side of the country.
>too much of a cultural/hobby/generational/age gap.
>she is already dating someone else, as it should be.
I'm 19 living in Israel, so I'm in the IDF.
I spend most of the days in the IDF. It's basically like highschool, but with even less responsibility (or more, depends on the job.)
I met her when I entered the new military base.
She has light brown skin, despite being of slav descent, wavy dark hair, freckles, nice ass and kinda small but nice boobs.
Her face is absolutely adorable and I love how she cuts her hair short.
But most of all.. She is clever. No matter how much I lie (I'm a bad liar whenever I lie to a person I like. I can barely think when I'm around her, to lie successfully is impossible) she reads me like an open book.
I always tried acting chill and cool and smart and funny, but only when I drop the act she seems to have fun - But also to view me as a friend.
I even got into a relationship while still being inlove with her. I wanted the relationship to make me forget her - but it didn't. It did the opposite.
I tried figuring out for a long time what to do, hoping the feeling will dissolve on its on in the meanwhile.
Sadly, it didn't.
Now I'm in the process of fixing myself - Found a job, back in shape, joined a boxing gym. Both for her, and for me.
I want to be functional, to have something to offer into a relationship, and most of all.. I want to be a proper person before I even try asking her out.
Now I have to rush the whole fixing process because she's about to leave (That is if she hasn't left yet. I don't see her everyday nor message her a lot, sadly.)
Inlove with a super smart girl, trying to fix myself before asking her out.
I don't have one, since I almost never talk to or interact with girls, and all the men I talk to are straight, as far as I can tell. I can only think of one person that I'd consider dating, but even then I don't know her that well, so I doubt I;d ever actually do it. I'll probably try to talk to her more, though. She's really quiet, but seems pretty nice.
Good on ya for trying to improve yourself. I hope things go great for you. How long have you been working out for?
She doesn't like you, user. The connection between the two of you is only in your head, you're just another barfly. The sooner you quit thinking about her, the better. But I'm sure you already know that. Did she like the woodwork piece you made her?
The perfect, short, sweet, beautiful girl with good values. She has long long hair and she has a heartmelting laugh. Dhe has good taste in comedy and can take a joke. She sings very well and is so very cute I could cry.
I haven't asked her out because she is too good for me, and there are a couple of things where our beliefs don't quite line up.
you been working out for?
Years, but off/on because of depressive episodes, work, IDF, and other personal shit.
Still, I aim to be a pro boxer and having this motivation really helps.
Also, good luck with the quite girl!
>trying to go pro
Sounds hard. You're probably in great shape though, if you've been boxing for years. when are you planning on asking that girl out?
I know I'm just a customer to her, nothing more. Yes, she liked the ornament I gave her. She said, "I had a really shitty week, but this made up for everything else." She even hugged me.
I know she's 10,000 leagues out of my league and that's why I'd never ask her out.
Started talking to her, realized we had a lot of chemistry. Everything fell into place. When I asked her on a second date she said she wanted to try it but was probably a lesbian. A couple days later she tells she can't do it, that "the idea of dating a man feels wrong to me"
Now I am sad all the time
Not in such a great shape since work extracted every bit of time and power I had the last month. Still, getting back in shape is easy, now that I have less shifts and more time. Just gotta keep at it.
By the end of the month I will ask her out. I tend to wait for a proper "alone" moment, but if there is none, I'll make one.
I plan on revealing the cards. Not a confession.
More like... A confession at a church. A story about what I've been through while meeting her.
How she makes me feel warm, safe, and good. How I badly want her and I literally turn my fucking life around to be the proper man for her. How I'm getting out of my shell and breaking it.
I want her so badly it hurts and keeps me up at some nights.
Can't say I love her, but I'm inlove and hard.
Well shait, here we go:
She is a classmate of mine, been in the same courses in uni since last year and somehow ended up crishing at her since last September-Octover. I didnt do anything becouse I never do, Its pretty commoun for me having crushes and just waiting for it to stop. Has worked till now. She is going to Finland for half a year sooo, ye, no way. Hope I can forget her while she is sucking in 3 cocks a week.
Same shit happend to me
I think that maybe being too open with her all of a sudden might not be a good idea, and that maybe you should wait a bit before you tell her that. You know her better than I do, though, and I've never been in a relationship while it sounds like you have, so you probably know better then I do. Anyways, good luck, user.
Maybe she isn't sucking three cocks a week. You don't know for sure. Either way, beating yourself up over it isn't good. either asl her out or forget about her and move on as soon as possible.
Rip did you stay friends with her after? That's what I'm trying to figure out right now...
When that happened to me she immediately got a BF
Don't be like that...
But I guess hating her is easier than liking her...
Remember when I said she read me like an open book and is super smart?
One time, we talked about the failures of our romantic lives. It was amusing, she accidentally broke some guys finger as part of flirting.
Anyways, she basically just flat out told me "Reveal your honest intentions from the get-go. Playing around, being passive and beating around the bush is a waste of time for everyone at hand."
And she's absolutely correct.
O shit I'm sorry bro :(
I've stopped developing crushes. Every time I see a girl I think is pretty, I ask myself what she could possibly want with me. The answer is nothing, like it has been every other time. No matter how sure I was, it always ended the same. Bury your romantic feelings, robots. It's easier than suffering the pain of another rejection.
I see. Sounds like your plan was better. She sounds like a nice girl. I hate how dating is riddled with shit tests and people hiding their emotions and feelings. Then again, I've never dated anyone, so I wouldn't know.
Rejection makes me happy. It means I actually tried.
>Im 19 living in Israel
stopped reading there kill yourself fag
ya weenie
>Tell me about your crush and why you have not asked them out
Because I have a wife
A very sexy half mexican and half arab girl. Also handles my autism okay. Not asking her out because the chances of cheating is very high. She has too many options and women are only as loyal as their options.