How many of you actually have some kind of mental illness and what's it like...

How many of you actually have some kind of mental illness and what's it like? Not counting the traps and sissies of course.

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I'm too retarded to understand what I'm looking at here, what does it mean by overt/covert?

visible / hidden

Schizoid personality disorder isn't a mental illness any more than being grumpy is

well regardless, my question still stands

holy shit that's literally me

guess i should go to the doctor

I was diagnosed with dysthimia (basically depression) about 3 years ago. I was on meds for about 8 months after trying to kill myself and those were the most miserable times of my life. The meds were supposed to stop excessively negative and impulsive thoughts, but it just turned me into a robot. I'd spend my days in bed looking at the ceiling, alternating between 24h of straight sleep or multiple days awake. I couldn't enjoy videogames or masturbation, anything that required an effort on my part. I could only passively watch TV and read Jow Forums posts. I would only get out of bed to take shits (I'd pee in bottles) and get food if my parents weren't home.

woah that entire thing sounds alarmingly like me, concerningly familiar

last time I talked to a woman she told me to seek mental help, maybe I should take that advice

It's hell. On top of getting extreme, often painful urges to do random things, I also can not actually get myself to do things, even when I really want to.
Imagine not having free will, but you still have free thoughts. I want to do things, but I can't get myself to do them and it's destroying my life.

that will be $200/month for your wellbutrin, goy :^)

Got diagnosed with depression, anxiety and dissociation. Have had schizophrenic hallucinations too

Depression obviously. I meet most of the criteria for schizoid but I'm not sure how much of that is an actual disorder and how much of that is just a product of isolation.

Being a trap is smart

So far been diagnosed with depression and some sort of... "Disappointment from connections" issue thingy. The shrink said I expect things out of relationships and have a rough time when the expectations aren't realized.
The shrink was fucking retarded. He also said bunch of other bullshit, but only few were probably true. 300$ to the fucking drain.

That's it. It sucks.

Is that pic a meme?
I tick off 90% of those attributes

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It's not a meme. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of robots meet those attributes.

Jow Forums naturally attracts these types of people

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>self-harmed by banging my head for two years
>drank all kinds of shitty antidepressants for 2 years who didn't help and stopped cord turkey
>ended up having 24/7 headache and limbache for 16 months straight on 23 and doctors can't cure me
>stopped banging my head and started taking antidepressants again
>pain hasn't stopped
Wish I didn't self-harm although I'm mentally ill.

I tick most boxes on it except for the shit about asexuality, fear of intimacy, not liking sexual innuendo, and belief in spirituality. Not really concerned though. Being emotionally distanced for negative emotions makes me really content and I don't get angry or sad over shit and I don't get stressed when people try to pressure me or offended when people try to insult me, I just always look forward to see what can be done to improve a shitty situation. Excuse me if I don't panic or lose my fucking head like some bitch.

I just have (diagnosed) social anxiety and moderate depression. I've gotten a good few coping mechanisms, so at this point it mainly just means that I'll escape any social situation whenever I can.

I would never try to get diagnosed. I'll probably get stamped with depression, trust issues, lack of empathy or some other bullshit. The only thing that would lead to is issues when applying for jobs.

There's good odds I'm somewhere in cluster C. From reading the wiki, AvPD sounds like an exact fit, although I'm not trying to self-diagnose. Being anxious in that way tends to make talking to a professional difficult.

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>going to the doctor for confirmation bias
The fact that we are all here on a kazakhstani stone engraving board discussing whether we have mental illnesses or not despite not being functional members of society is enough proof that some shit is wrong with our minds.

Erotomania is basically oneitis, isn't it?

I've been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and I have paranoid schizophrenic tendencies, Don't take the meds cause they just take everything out of life, it really fucking sucks, i can barely enjoy weed anymore because of psychosis, Can't even get a job so Im just waiting for the neet bux

Everything in that photo applies to me except the covert features of "Interpersonal Relationships" and "Love and Sexuality"
I am a true schizoid

Many poets and artists of all kinds could fit that picture, especially the part about:
>quite creative and may make unique and original contributions
We're really unique, anons. Don't feel bad for it, rejoice in our SPD

i don't think it matters anymore honestly. I've mostly accepted that i will be alone, and if i ever do get into a relationship id destroy it with how impersonal, and cold i am.

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It just is. It makes daily life harder in every aspect. Not much magical about it

Genuinely bipolar II and ADHD. Makes life hell. In a single day I can want to kill myself desperately, and then become the greatest human on Earth and everything is just ecstasy.

I hate it. I have hit my head so hard to try and alter my brain permanently but I only get bruises. It's like being some kind of emotional retard. Little things make me fly into a rage because the mood swings are so violent, so over the years I've learned to better control myself. There is constant noise and chatter in my head -- think about someone playing 3 seconds of a song over and over and over and over and over again constantly. Then throw in four voice (2 of them tell you to kill yourself, one is just talking about nothing and the other is encouraging you) and then try to sleep. You can't. Before medication I'd get maybe four hours of sleep a night, and I'd wake up feeling wired as all hell ready to make bad decisions.

God I'm so thankful for medication. You guys have no idea what it's like, and I wish my words could paint a better picture. Imagine the drunkest you've ever been in your life. Then imagine the morning after, sober, full of regret and perspective.

It feels like my brain is on fire. The medications put out the fire.

Do not ever downplay Bipolar disorder. It's fucking hell on Earth.

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Depersonalisation - life doesnt seem like being alive, more like watching a movie and every day seems to be like the other

To all the robots in this thread who now think they're Schizoid: Go watch a video on how they act.
The same description applies, but it's totally different to what you're imagining

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autism+bipolar. imagine your life slipping away from you while you lose the ability to care for yourself or care about anything, really. my brain is just dead at this point. i have no energy. i haven't showered in weeks. and yes, i am planning my suicide.


I was offered a free mental evaluation while I was at the hospital, turned that shit down right quick. I'm scared to think of what they might find. They'll find a bunch of bullshit, put me on some pills I can't afford, but declare me "fit for work" so no NEETbux, but the diagnosis itself might get me disqualified for entire lines of work. No thanks

I struggled with deep anxiety for two years, there wasn't a day without it, and it broke me, but after taking a year off with a psychologist, im a lot better, now i can live a normal life, with the occasional mild anxiety, but never a full blown panic attack like i used to-

A psychiatrist could probably diagnose me with any number of them, Schizoid, AVP, Social anxiety, depression. The truth is I'm just a fuck up of a human being

I've had some kind of anxiety and severe depression (that includes daily suicidal thoughts) for about 4 years now, but I've never been diagnosed.

I also have difficulty trusting people, but I'm not sure if that's a mental illness or not.

>what's it like?
It wears you down, even over a period of a few weeks/months. Imagine dealing with this shit for years. I'm in college, which is probably one of the worst times to lose your motivation. I procrastinate a lot now, which I never did before, and it takes me quadruple the amount of time to finish assignments as it used to.

I've also been gradually losing interest in the few hobbies I have, so I don't really have a form of escapism to distract myself. I'll probably become an alcoholic once I'm out on my own.

I'd never get out of bed or eat if it my mom didn't tell me to.

I've pretty much accepted that I'll be alone forever, and suicide is probably the most likely way I'll die. I'd kms now if it wasn't for my parents. It would be wrong to make them bury their only child.

This. To all the lonely incels that might be in danger of auto-labeling yourselves as schizoids because of a meme, watch this video from minute 1 and note how an actual schizoid is:

I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. basically I can only be around people for a few hours before I start to panic and freak out. it's not as bad talking to people online, but I tend to attract the worst extroverted people on the internet. They get off to talking to me for whatever reason. I'm like their drug. whereas peace and quiet is my drug. I get euphoria and feel really good from silence and being alone in my house. but these assholes want to talk constantly and they'll say something off the wall and I'll become paranoid by what they said and did. I'll have running thoughts throughout the night. usually about fucked up scenarios I place myself in that I would never do or happen to me irl. I have to go to therapy and see a doctor every month for my disorder.

Fug dude, I'm same boat. It started in university, I graduated, got a job and moved out. Became alcoholic and severely depressed.

Got a new job, worked at a remote mine for 1.5 years. It distanced me from my last remaining friends, but it kept me clean and busy. I'm back at home with a stable job. Mentally a little better being self aware, but can't shake the suicidal thoughts. Hang in there pal

I've never considered myself schizoid but I tick almost everything in the chart.

What the fuck am I supposed to do about this?

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hol up
if you can be negatively delusional, thinking only of the worst possible outcomes to your actions and life in general
that means you can also be positively delusional

why not choose to be positively delusional?

>inb4 hur dur it's not a choice anxiety is genetic
you don't choose your genes, but you can choose how you react
for example, hypochondriacs tend to read scary shit that confirms their fears. but they can choose to read shit that refutes their fears too.

it's a pretty good exercise. not only does it help with your anxiety, but it's also good discipline for staying unbiased and considering you might be wrong.

Desu that's a lot like me before I actually learned to have a conversation, and these days if I don't put effort in the conversation I revert to that state. I used to think I had social anxiety but after learning how to make small talk I realized I just don't care. My family has always commented on my monosyllabic answers and general lack of emotion.

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Well a lot of shit in OPs pic rings the bell.

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autism and chronic depression
it's like an infinite loop of hell and i wish to not wake up when i go to sleep
somehow i manage to kinda cope lately though

Yep, that's looks about right.

I was diagnosed with "tourettic OCD" by my therapist back in college but we managed to calm it down a lot with CBT

basically I have physical tics that aren't directly caused by tourettes but stem from my OCD instead
really difficult to be comfortable in general

my tics vary from month to month but usually come in cycles
all of them are in my face and neck so I have to stay in my cubicle a lot at work since my tics make me do weird faces

some include: opening my mouth as wide as possible and to one side
stretching my neck out and pulling my jaw (and whole head with it) up 90 degrees
moving my jaw muscles so i can feel it in my ear
stretching my cheeks back (think smilling really wide but only with one side of your mouth)

i hate it and I'm always paranoid people will see me and bring it up
this is on top of all my standard non-visible OCD symptoms as well

Yeah. I have autism, ADHD, depression and OCD.

>Jow Forums

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>actually being retarded enough to buy into the jew scheme
Trust me, you're better off this way.

Fuck off and die. You have no idea what you're talking about. Speak to anyone with a genuine mental disorder for five minutes and you'll know there is something not right.

jew scheme = coercing and/or normalizing recreational use of SSRIs and other mood-altering drugs onto normal neurotypical people

not a jew scheme = using SSRIs and other mood-altering drugs to help seriously mentally ill people control their erratic brains/behaviors

>be bipolar
>constantly flip between extreme optimism and extreme pessimism
>last time i was optimistic about something i ended up being used by a jewish roastie
>vowed not to be optimistic about anything ever again

Just because something's 'not right' and you've been ostracized for it, you're so willing and desperate to become the faggots that ostracized you from the get go that you'll buy into whatever the big jew says and let yourself be boxed into a character classification. Look, I can't explain to a literal drooling retard like you how it works because you don't want nor need to understand it.
>using SSRIs and other mood-altering drugs to help seriously mentally ill people control their erratic brains/behaviors
While I'm not disagreeing with you in this behalf, all I'm stating is that you're actually retarded enough to (want) to believe this. Which means you're retarded, and that's why you need your tard medicine, that get through to you?

i was talking to my anxiety robots. i didn't articulate myself well enough in my post.

i'm sorry that you have to suffer through the hell of bipolar, bro

depression, anxiety and avpd

not on tard medicine
don't use drugs of any kind

no it doesn't get through to me because you're making no sense
maybe you should be on tard medicine

oh okay, that's cool. i think that would definitely help anxietybots then. and thank you for your condolences fren

I used to be on tard medicine, because you tards spoke so highly of it.
Once again was I wholly convinced of your tardness.
I don't want to call you normies since that has become a thin line these days, but it's practically interchangeable.

this is the only kind of medicine robots should be talking

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but why
the only thing any sane person would recommend would be any of the adhd medication.

that just seems like an autistic or retarded person, she takes 10 seconds to answer simple questions about herself and is staring off into nothing. schizoid is cold and indifferent and avoids social situations but I feel like they can still seem relatively normal and functional, unlike this person

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I don't like to self-diagnose but
>tfw can't tell if schizoid or just an autist
I would never go to a therapist though, the idea of talking to someone face to face about this with someone while they treat me like a retard makes me want to kill myself. I think I might have some form of ADD or ADHD too but fuck if I'd ever go and get diagnosed. I heard there's an overlap with attention disorders and aspergers too, so who knows.
I feels this a lot too. I'm doing it right now.

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The doctors said I have schizophrenia. I stopped taking the medicines years ago. Things are alright (mentally).

That's an actress apparently
And I'm not saying that I'm 100% totally a schizoid, but that's kind of how I talk without the extremely long pauses. I learned to fake after a while though

I've never identified with schizoid from any other description but this one fits me pretty perfectly. Especially the overt and covert columns being scarily accurate. I just want to have a normal brain.

I have OCD, and probly a bunch of other shit in minor levels but I'm not interested on being diagnosed on those.

It fucked up my teen years, basically. Now I'm more aware of my limitations but that doesn't make it any less of a pain in the ass.

Touretts Syndrome, extreme social anxiety (panic and anxiety attacks as well), not a mental illness per say but moderate depersonalization, especially when I look in a mirror. Probably have some form of autism but who knows.

Ocd which has been killing me since may. Weird obsessions, intrusive thoughts etc. I know this cant be cured but Ive heard that it can get much better, so Im hoping for that.

Since when have you had this? I got it in may after a bad weed trip and its been a daily struggle with this bs

Schizoids are basically autists who learnt that the world doesn't welcome them, so they shut themselves up until they become an empty shell of a person

Schizophrenia's on my mom's side and my dad was bipolar. I've never been to a doctor though so I don't know.

I have autism, desu doesn't affect me much. I just don't like being around other humans. I only spend time with like 2 people and that's all. I got my GF and a buddy and that's all I need to be happy, so in a sense, it's actually really nice cause I get a lot more time for myself then most others would. Honestly, I recommend autism. You end up smart, don't require a lot of interpersonal interaction, and can get lost for hours in random shit whenever you get a new interest.

Psychology is pretty weak, scientifically speaking, but I cover ~95% of this.
Am I the le epik 21st century scizoid man?

That was wholesome as fuck.
You don't belong here.

>I recommend autism
I don't, at all
You got lucky as hell to manage to still be a normalfag with it
Most of us will never be employed or have a relationship

This is the fucking life I want
I hate having to socialize with people and pretend that their friends are my friends

makes sense, Jow Forums does have a oddly specific demographic that it attracts.

pretty interesting to be honest

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weed gives me extreme psychosis too, does this mean i have schizophrenic tendencies also kek?

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this, I'm in the same boat. Except me and my gf are long distance. In a way that's better for me since I can focus on things I like. And hang with my one buddy. Then when me and my gf do meet up it's like seeing her for the first time but every time.

Im currently in a mental hospital and have been here for 4 years

Dx: chronic severe depression since childhood, schizophrenia, schizoid PD; history of depersonalization/derealization commorbid panic disorder; neuropsych dx of NLD and ADD

venlafaxine 375 mg
mirtazapine 45 mg
risperidone 3 mg
lithium 1200 mg

Rx as needed:
lorazepam 8mg
oxazepam 50-250mg
temazepam 20-40mg
promethazine 25-250mg
haldol 5-20mg
seroquel 50mg

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She's probably avoiding simple questions because she's internally conflicted between wanting not to look pathetic and honesty. Notice how defensive her tone is (and rightfully so).

i got checked out for it but the doc didn't think i had it. i don't know if i agree with him, not sure how i feel about the whole psychiatry/psychology stuff anymore...

Schizoids are sort of the opposite of autists, actually. Like schizophrenics and schizotypals, they hyper-mentalize and thus need to defend themselves against the onslaught of social cues they perceive, whereas autists hypo-mentalize, often not recognizing hidden meanings. (Mentalizing is ascribing motives and meanings)

*not recognizing the presence of hidden meanings

but would it not make sense that schizoid is ultimately a withdrawal from excessive external input (be it social/emotional or sensory) as a form of defense? so i can definitely see autism leading to schizoid somehow. at least thats how i see it in myself (although im only schizoid and never diagnosed for official autism)

opposite of autists would be more like psychopaths i think. complete lack of anxiety, constant boredom, constant need for stimulation. i would say autists and schizophrenics are perhaps more closely related to each other than the other mental disordered types. many autists have schizo symptoms and vice versa n theres also a lot of genetic linkage

That could be true, I hadn't thought about it that way. I was just parroting what I've read from one source. Although my understanding of autism was that autists have an insensitivity to social cues, not just a tendency to suppress and ignore them, which is the case with schizoids.

I have been diagnosticated schizoid when I was 16 years old and six years later I can confirm everything you say.
My paranoia is off the charts, I'm very prone to magic thinking and delusions of grandeur. I'm still in college with zero friends, no girlfriend. The pain is deep.

>autists have an insensitivity to social cues

yes, but they have hypersensitivity to sensations

both types of sensitivity lead to withdrawal as a defense mechanism when external input becomes overwhelming.
this causes the schizoid to split the emotional part of himself from the intellectual part; causing all the symptoms in the chart.

>paranoid schizophrenia
when not psychotic I suffer from a variety of cognitive, emotional, and socio-occupational deficits:
such as blunting of affect, poverty of speech and thought, apathy, anhedonia, reduced social drive, loss of motivation, lack of social interest, and inattention to social or cognitive input.

when psychotic, things just get strange, very strange. Full blown psychosis always feels like some kind of fucked up spiritual awakening or gnosis to me, when it's happening, and always ends with me being convinced of being God, the one and only-

Schizoid always seemed to mostly fit me like a glove, but the OP picture is largely a miss, slightly weird.

Yep, depression for sure, probably anxiety/social anxiety, and possible bpd.
It sucks.