Why do white men never rape black women? There is a near-total absence of it even happening in the literature

Why do white men never rape black women? There is a near-total absence of it even happening in the literature.

Save for the 1800s and slave-owners, of course.

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Black women are the least feminine of females. White men using them as a fleshlight you're taking too serious.

>Save for the 1800s
You mean up until the 1970s (And still to this day. White cops are notorious for abusing black women, especially underage girls).

no one abuses black girls cause theyre so manly and abrasive

White men are generally not attracted to black women.

>Tyrone rapes his sister or daughter
>white cops shows up because of domestic violence call
>sheeeit maynnnn the cops done raped my sis

>older women are also less likely to be raped
You'd almost think rape was about sex and not power


Uhm, user, I...

What does generally mean?

So what does an average black woman look like?

like this m'cracka

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Have you even looked at the statistics?

Bestiality is a fetish, not many practice it.

Was I talking about now, or the entirety of American history up until the 1970s?

>implying Rihanna looks anything other than trash without three tons of fakeup, photoshop, and lighting.

we are scared they will rape us back midways

>in the literature


I've heard of several cases of cops raping teen black girls, though

Please tell me there is porn of this.

Seems like that would've been filtered, considering half the threads on Jow Forums are about fetishes.

Is there porn of rape, period? If you search for 'rape' on pornhub there are 0 results. I guess the moralists have moralized.

Body cams tell a different story like this one


>Save for the 1800s and slave-owners, of course.

The prevalence of this is vastly exaggerated

racebait #3235275743

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Literally the only girls that find me attractive are black girls. I'd never bang them because they're niggers.

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I like strong women so black women fit into my fetish. I kind of get off on ghetto fight videos between black girls.

Retard. Take what's available and quit holding out for a dream.

Hope it reaches #99999999999999999999999999999
One of the only reason I come to this now gay board

Who is baited by these threads besides you black beta boi?

> black bitch with 3" pecker can't get black girl so he spams genuine black girl appreciation thread with 200 of his gay porn images #12467956958374479005932 reply

I would also like to know this. I've been so horny i can grab a bitch, but rape is supposed to be about power and not wanting to cum inside so bad, so clearly my biological feelings are completely mistaken :^(

um it's called socioeconomics, ever heard of it

No, elaborate

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they did when black people were inslaved

because theyre ugly
what a stupid question
why dont people eat poo? Gee i wonder

Because they're strong and white men are weak.

they aren't strong enough to rape them

Do black women like (half) arab guys?

Asking for a friend myself

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Because its just written off as bestiality.

Lol it's not just white men not attracted to them. Nobody likes black women, at all

A white woman will engage in zero physical resistance and perhaps not even verbalize a complaint while being coerced into sex she doesn't want by a more assertive man. Then she will feel that she was raped. Whereas a black woman will attack the shit out of a dude both verbally and physically, only submitting to coerced sex if it is a full on violent attack that overpowers her. She will take responsibility for getting talked into passively accepting sex from a guy she doesn't really want. Police and slavery are the one exception since the power differential and consequences to resisting are so high that the black woman is forced into remaining as passive as a white woman is to any random dude.

I would personally have sex with any girl of any race just as long as she's not fat or ugly. I am such a nice guy because of that.

He's saying in the statistics it almost never happens.

Is it? You'd be somewhat hard pressed to find many American Blacks without White DNA in them.

unironically based1234

You bet your mothers sweet ass I'm based as fuck.

>just as long as she's not [...] ugly

But that is the whole point. Black women are, on average, much uglier than whites, asians, etc.

Again, that is not my opinion, that is the opinion of most men.

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abusing your slaves is distasteful.

thats a waste of a rape

really user?? No rape??

FYI: OP is a black female, and an agent of Operation WoodPipe.

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That doesn't mean they were raped as slaves, user.

Does this "plan" mean there's black female who want me to date one of them?
Where's my black gf?

t. black man, been seen it happen

>Save for the 1800s and slave-owners, of course.

You know they wanted it

>Save for the 1800s and slave-owners, of course

"Why do white men never rape black women? Excluding the 300 years where white men raped black women in mass numbers of course"

Can't rape the willing. A good dressed muscular white man already makes are negresses and mulattos wet. Not to mention chivalry and morals of a white man, something they didn't get from niggers.

You're interesting to them and they want to swallow your semen, time and time again until your balls are shriveled.

YEP, Ugly black burnt looking over weight black women by the boat load.

Go get you one user. Oh and Bring tons of condoms.

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ugly black immigrant swirl say what?

Naw they just a bunch of deperate ass women nobody want, but settle with, trying to get anyone to take them seriously.

black chad monkey fucks them, nuts in their face and moves on the next one.

so they assume they can get respect from a white knight like you.

because a black woman is more likely to beat the fuck out of your pencildick headass

Cope of a smallskulled, nigger lanklet with no ass and legs.

I'm a pale as now, dark haired and blue eyed Slav in France. And your women all over me, be it metro, be it club, even streets. They ask me stupid shit to start conversation. In metro and buses they grind their asses on my dick and when I pop a boner and say "pardon", they smile and press their asses even harder.

Black women love pale men. Simple as that. Whites are masculine, blacks display fake bravado.

How could you rape a monstrosity like this?

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How is that even considered human?

Either one is a crime, so might as well rape an attractive woman

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> save for the slave-owners, and 1800s of course.

I match that description and I'm a 27yo HHKV.