>you missed out on teen love FOREVER
You missed out on teen love FOREVER
Be glad you didn't waste your ONE chance of falling in love for some mentally ill thot that wants you to completely change who you are for her needs.
I'll never fucking fall in love again, ITS BEEN 20 YEARS ALREADY MAN
Must feel hell of a better not being lonely
What the fuck?
Ofcourse I'm lonely, the only love of my life is fukin gone forever.
However you still have a shot
>the only love of my life
Are you 16?
Im 27
Its fucker over
How the fuck am I going to seduce an 18 year old
I missed out on all love forever. Teen love isn't special.
>You missed out on being ignored and backstabbed by a person you trusted
Fixed that for you.
>missed childhood love
>missed teen love
>missing young adult love
You're not. Your best hope is to find a 40 year old divorcee and convince her that you're better than her ex.
I was 16 when i first fell in love and never have yes. So basic math i'm now 36
Start taking phenibut. It will help you unwind, and go from there.
I did not. I wish I did, because now some retard is burned into my ideas of sexuality and love. I know I won't get into another relationship, and that just makes me hate that some fuckwit became my only.
Just accept that for some people some things were not meant to happen
but I didn't
the initial feeling of liking a girl and finding out she likes you back is a high unbeatable by any fucking drug in the world
it ended messy, but if I had to relive my life I still would've done it again.
>he missed out on teenage sexual experimentation
4 months left someone tell me how to trick a girl into loving me
dude I STILL fap to memories of my phat-assed highschool gf hotdogging my peanus-weenus ten years later
I don't miss the girl but god DAMN do I miss dat ass
by b-ing urself :^)
>18 year old
You really don't know what we mean by "teen love"?
I've been with a couple women since but the memory of this emo chick suddenly rubbing my dick through my boxers makes me diamomds to this day
Yeah ok im gonna risk getting arrested dating a
delet these rihgt now
Age of consent is 14 in my country senpai, and even in burgerland it's 16 in most states
Of course, the way I am I'm not scoring any pussy, let alone high schooler pussy
BASED retard
when they say "teen love" they mean love YOU experienced when YOU were a teenager
>gf showing me her new panties
>notices I'm fucking hard as fuck
>puts her hands on my knees and grinds her ass against my dick really fucking hard
fuggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg I miss highschool
Follow the convo next time kiddo
Time for blogposting
>be me, first year of middle school
>weird sense of humor, victim of bullying, fat, already ashamed of all of it
>introduction day I say some weird shit about liking lizards which would haunt me for the rest of middle school
>by chance sit next to the cutest petite blonde in my class
>she doesn't seem to be weirded out, always manage to get a laugh out of her
>help her with homework and shit since I always got good grades and did it diligently
>before long she's my first friend
>one day we're walking through the halls
>feel something inside the collar of my shirt
>get it out, it's a crumpled up paper note
>read it, something soemthing I don't remember "I like you, you're a great person" something
>look around me, I'm the only one walking in front of her, she's hte only one walking behind me
>but it can't be me I'm fat and ugly
>hand her back the note saying "Here, you must have dropped this"
>she makes a sad face and thanks me
>throws the note on the ground
>a few days after she sits near another person
>we never speak and joke around again
And that's how I missed out on my first, and to day, only chance for teenage love
To this day I still wonder what coudl have been, if it would have changed anything in my life, if she would have taught me to be more confident, more careful about my appearance, or if I would have done that myself because I'd have discovered female contact was fucking good and I had to get my ass in gear and get more of it
Thank you for reading, here's some tits, don't forget to upvote and subscribe
shit man, that was hard to read, let alone actually having to live through it
I'm sorry bro
Thanks man, but you know what, in the end we all reap what we sow
nigger if you can make a girl laugh then you can get pussy as well
I could make a girl laugh. The story was from when we were both 13.
Also you have it backwards. It's not that being able to make a girl laugh is a skeleton key to pussy. It's that when a girl wants to fuck you she will laugh at all of your stupid shit, so you know by her reaction she is good for it.
Think of your middle and high school, how much mad pussy did the class clowns slay?
I used to sit next to one of those stereotypical "Stacy" chicks in hs science class I would always crack jokes with, would always manage to crack her up
then one day she just casually hands me her phone with a picture of her in lingerie on it, I was just like "ayo what the fuck?" and she asks if that makes me nervous and runs her hand up my thigh.
keep in mind I was one of those weird-ass "way too into creepypasta" kids with a gross ass unkempt jewfro.
to be fair, there was absolutely no chance in hell I could've actually fucked her, but still
So what's the point? She teased you with pussy but ultimately was not interested?
Because that's kind of not proving 's point
Nah, if you're legitimately funny it can do wonders. That's how I got my first gf, who fucking hated me at first.
Also, the class clown dude at my school wasn't a gigachad by any means, but he still got laid.
Bro, my humor is the only thing that's ever gotten me laid, I'm an ugly fuck and a cripple.
Is this the normal high school experience? This is what I missed out on? Goddamit now I wanna kill myself even more
a girl gave me a handjob once to "cheer me up" after I had to have my cat put down, she said I deserved it because I made her laugh, and i am not a handsome man
>how much mad pussy did the class clowns slay
.....a lot?
I got my first blowjob in high school from two girls who thought my stand up routine in theater class was the funniest thing they had ever heard
I knew it was over for me since I was 14, so I took the 2Dpill so I dont need fucking roasties to fill any void
don't do it user-chan
Damn, I'm sorry user. I had my first love, a girl I wanted to marry at the time, dump me right at our one year anniversary. It left me so confused and jaded that I've had no interest in girls or any sort of relationship for two years now. I can't imagine 20 years in that state. Here's hoping things work out well for you.
>how much mad pussy did the class clowns slay?
quite a bit? where the fuck did you go to highschool, mars?
I was the class clown and I didnt get any pussy, care to explain mr chad
well I mean you still gotta try and ask them out user
>I was the class clown and I didnt get any pussy
Then you must be a 3/10 and below
Humor is a pussy elixir but it cant cure abysmal looks
>cant cure abysmal looks
It did for me
t. 2/10
>t. 2/10
You must be one funny motherfucker
I look forward to your special
>mfw I actually have a little black book I jot down jokes in for a stand-up routine I'm never gonna have the balls to try to perform
I'm fucking retarded
Have a sad Laura.
>Is this the normal high school experience?
Yes. Bitches are super horny in their teens, just like boys.
I don't know what the hell that thing is but I already don't like it
Post em. You can do a mini stand-up in the thread.
Use the present to work towards a better future rather than wallowing in regret over a past you cannot change. It is better to fantasize about something that could still happen in the future no matter how unlikely, than to be caught up yearning for a fantasy that is now completely impossible for you.
I had one where I'm walking out of a store to my car and a guy yells at me for being too slow
and I ask him why I should run when my car's right over there
Jeez these really aren't funny typing them out
or I had one where I talk about how modern movies love showing cities get destroyed
and I theorize that a Skyscraper fucked the director's wife or something
I just finished high school and had 3 chances of having a grillfriendo in middle school and 2 in highschool
In middle school:
>I liked 2 out of the 3 girls
>The first one was my best friend
>She liked anime and vydia
>but I was too oblivious to notice she liked me too
>The second one was 10/10
>but she was a thot, so I pretended I didn't notice
>the third one was kinda ugly, so I pretended to be gay
>But even if I knew my friend liked me I wouldn't date her because I thought only retards date in middle school age (and I still stand for it)
I was popular by the end of middle school
In high school:
>the first one that liked me was the student council president (one year older than me)
>She frequently went to talk to me and hugged me despite I barely knowing her
>I didn't got her because I didn't want her to discover I was a faggot that was having the absolute shit bullied
Kinda sad how things changed for me in highschool
>The second one that liked me liked anime was kinda emo/goth (idk the difference if there's any)
>But I disliked her because she was part of the reason that I got bullied
>Also she was annoying to me Because she was absolutely useless in group projects, but EVERYONE did the girls works on my class (no exceptions, I wish I was joking, even of an ugly lesbo) because pussy
What are the chances I'll regret not having dated any of those?
(I can explain better anything if anyone wants to)
That's Laura. The original Laura (not one of the Laurem clones). In her story she died and got sent to a void/hell realm. Her biggest regret in life was chickening out on her marriage, thought her pertinent to the thread.
thank god I did. I'd hate to be saddled for life with the whores at my high school.
or my favorite, that if God exists he had to "program" reality like a piece of software
he gets pissed when people turn on a light because that was supposed to be his thing
when trying to understand how electricity works, someone takes him to see a lightning storm, and upon seeing a flash of lightning he's like "Yeah, I don't know what the fuck that was, but it's not supposed to happen. You guys were already pushing it with your steam engine bullshit if I'm being completely honest"
wtf furshitters
Or one where I talk about VR porn, and the actress puts her gross pornstar vagina right up to the camera and you can practically see out of her mouth
>you missed out on being a teenager in general
experienced teen love and i still can get 18 year old girls and im almost 30
still a virgin though
wut? highschool is for butt stuff silly user
thats the only funny one mate, but good effort brave of you to post them
MJ? you're alive?
I think this has more potential, thoguh it wouldn't make a lot of sense that God didn't know about lightning storms
this, clowns aren't shit. There's a difference between haha funny and haha he's so sexy so I'm going to laugh at all his jokes funny.
>handsome as fuck
>long god-like hair
>overall in shape body, not fit tho
>kinda funny
still too much austistic to get laid.
I believe delivery has a lot to do with it.
There was this dude on /tv/ a while back that posted his review of Sonic the Hedgehog, he said it was meant to be a """deconstruction""" of youtube reviewers like Jontron or AVGN, it was just so, so fucking aggressively bizarre and weird it worked, and people on /tv/ seemed to like it. He like, yanked a MegaDrive out of his fucking furnace, seasoned it with spices and baked it, and wired it to his microwave to use it as a TV. It sounds LOLEPICRANDOM typing it out, but it just... worked.
>the freshman girl I loved when I was a senior, and told myself that maybe something could happen between us as adults, got engaged straight out of high school
>yanked a MegaDrive out of his fucking furnace, seasoned it with spices and baked it, and wired it to his microwave to use it as a TV
what le fuck
shit I remember that guy! I fucking hate that jewish-looking fuck and his huge stupid fucking nose
i miss my ex solely for this reason as well. my nigger the ass was fat
>Best friend secured a cutie from band and slightly groomed her through highschool and they're still steady 5 years later
If nothing else, I'm glad he's made it
>missed teen love
>missed college love
>missed love
nope :^)
BASED assbros
You're a shit bird if you even try. I work with a cute 19 year old and older guys try all the time. she only plays along with hunky dudes.
I didn't. :))))))))
very very very original nothing more original than this very very original i repeat very original
I can handle missing out on teen love.
What hurts is knowing I'll never get married and raise a family.
I'm too emotionally stunted to have ever wanted a relationship in the first place.
you just want a little girl to diddle, stop lying
try human sex trafficking
What do you mean by teen love?
No user.
I want to raise a family with a woman I love.
Can you buy one of those and just be nice to her?
13 year old thots fucking 13 year old brads isnt teen love its degeneracy.
Well uhh tsssssss, yikes. I always liked Tom fishbach
I don't mind. I... it wasn't meant for me.
Yeah but all the normies suffer from mental illness cause of it. I think robots turned out all right without it.
You can still date Teens...
Hold on some one is at my door
Key word there is "fucking". Lust is the counterfeit of love. 13 year olds can be emotionally in love with one another without thinking about sex*. I dare say their bond would be a whole lot more meaningful than 95% of modern adult "relationships".
*Probably more the case 15-20 years ago. Damn this society for corrupting innocent youngsters.
No girl/women has ever shown any sign of affection towards me.
Nor have I ever had drive/urge/interest to ask any girl out or have feelings towards because schizoid.
Fucking double-whammy lottery winner I am.
Just go up to a 14 year old girl and ask her out. Teen age girls love 30 year olds! It makes them feel mature, trust me.