Avatar edition
What each type is made to do edition
xSTP= Masterful Movement
xSFP= Passionate Movement
xNFJ= Mystical Unity
xNTJ= Mystical Order
xNTP= Masterful Theory
xNFP= Passionate Theory
xSFJ= Timeless Unity
xSTJ= Timeless Order
Avatar edition
What each type is made to do edition
xSTP= Masterful Movement
xSFP= Passionate Movement
xNFJ= Mystical Unity
xNTJ= Mystical Order
xNTP= Masterful Theory
xNFP= Passionate Theory
xSFJ= Timeless Unity
xSTJ= Timeless Order
Other urls found in this thread:
ISFP in the house
What the fuck is mystical order
How do I do a passionate theory?
Using the mystical to create order
>[tv series/movie/whatever is popular] edition thread
This thread is already bad and you should feel bad.
is avatar still popular?
I don't know, I never watched it. You should just stick to MBTI related shit, like memes.
Avatar is not popular anymore. Neither was it chosen as a random tv show. It was chosen because it basically directly corresponds with Jungian psychology, as you see in the pic
memes are dead and don't have anything more to do with mbti than some random childrens' TV show does.
>xNTJ= Mystical Order
>xNTP= Masterful Theory
These should be the other way around you tit, INTJ are more likely to master things and look down on mystical shit for the nonsense it is.
It shouldn't be relevant to these threads.
Pretty ironic coming from someone who keeps posting manga pages nobody cares about. There are plenty of MBTI memes that are posted in these threads.
by passionately incest fucking your big sis thighs
Wether it shouldnt is not relevant. The point is that the 4 elements in Avatar are analogues for the 4 functions in Jungian psychology. Infact i'll bet you that it had some level of influence on the creators of that show. The reason why it was chosen was to put the functions in context and give an example of how their character in a simple way. And because Avatar is something most of us grew up with, we understand the elements really well, so if you put the functions in that context, it may help people understand it better
Avatar is one of the best shows made, faggot. If you didnt like avatar you have no soul
>mystical shit
fuck u
youre not wrong about xNTP though
Only faggots would say that. It's like saying Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon are one of the best shows, but they're not.
So thats why those were named that way
If you think the mystical is "nonsense" you are definitely not a Ni dom. Probably an ISTJ who thinks he is an INTJ, quite common
>unironically not liking Avatar
Yeah you are definitely gay famalam
Whatever, enjoy your faggoty-assed cartoon, zoomer.
Ok so what the fuck is mystical order...
Found the projecting actual zoomer. When this stuff was being aired zoomers were still shitting their pants. You have to be at least above 20 to still remember this.
Get the fuck out
how do i know if im INTP or ISTP
every time i take 16personalities and the one time i took that long test personalitymaxx or whatever i get really close T and S. always favors T a little more tho like 60/40.
My grandpa asked me if Blu-ray players are backwards compatible with DVDs. I don't know anything about that, but my thought processes went
>Hmm, they probably are; backwards compatibility is often a feature to make products more appealing to consumers, goes back to at least 1998 with the Gameboy Color playing Gameboy games
>but wait, Blu-ray and DVDs are competing technologies, so they probably aren't backwards compatible, never mind
Is this Ti? I'm trying to gain an understanding of the functions besides Fi, Fe, and Ni.
It says it right there and why did you reply to this 5 times
this is me again and I ask because I am entj and I do believe in mystical things but im not used to hearing someone use phrasing like this thats why im wondering what exactly are you saying.
I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh in high school. I didn't give a shit about Avatar when it came out.
INTP - beta sperg
ISTP - aggressive sperg
Thats because your gay
>>>/r9gay/ get the fuck out
Okay so basically, Te creaters order, when combined with Ni it creates order in this mystical, visionary, prophetic way. The same way INFJ brings unity, like Jesus (who was an INFJ) did unity, xNTJ creates order
Fucking retard, why don't you, since you can't spell the right word?
That does sound like Ti indeed, though it also sounds like you want it to be Ti, so there is some bias on your side there. When people do this they try act in a way they think a specific function or type is supposed to act, which can skew their actual natural thought process and throw things off.
All of this may or may not be true in your specific case, but im throwing it out there so you can keep it in mind
I dont care nigger
Oh no, I'm not wanting it to be Ti; the thought processes themselves were 100 percent genuine and automatic. Ti is just the only other function I have any grasp on at all. Ne, Si, Se, and Te are question marks to me.
I know it's completely true that being too self-conscious about conforming to your type can warp your thought processes some, though. Bad idea in general to become actively conscious of anything that's involuntary and automatic.
Better to be a gay nigger than a fucking normie who worships Avatar.
sounds more like Si desu, are you an ISFJ? Anyway most thought processes involve all the functions in one way or anouther, including your example. They don't act independantly of one anouther, so yes there is a bit of Ti in there mostly after the "but wait" but your first sentance is pretty much just Si and Fe, even then there's not much just logically deducing that competing companies don't want you to use the other company's product on their device and therefore the products won't be compatiable, but that's pretty weak reasoning tbqfh and you haven't really considered a lot of possibilities.
just kiss already ffs. OP can make whatever thread he wants, if you have a problem with it post a better thread once this one dies or try to improve this one with those oh so fantastic memes you are referencing.
This should help explain things further.
>just kiss already
I'm good; I'm straight.
I've gotten ISFJ a few times but usually get INFJ. S/N is the only dimension that there's any uncertainty on. I'm clearly an introvert, clearly Feeling and Judging.
>Better to be a gay nigger
You didnt need to say that, its obvious
Dont ever listen to that guy, he has no understanding of the functions at all, everything that guy says is just random verbal diarrhea except he switches the exact words he uses to adapt to the topic at hand. If you look at his posts closely, across different topics, you'll see what i mean. There is no structure or any meaning to what he says, he is just vomiting out whatever comes up in him, i doubt seriously that even he has any idea about what he is saying.
What you described is obviously Ti reasoning, it has absolutely nothing to do with Si/ categorizing sensory impressions.
What makes you uncertain over the S/N divide? Is it just results on internet tests?
It's a figure of speach lol
Yep, test results are the main reason. N usually comes out over S, but not by a whole lot.
Sometimes on tests, the answers that point to S are just common sense, like when it asks whether you'd want to cook using a recipe or just improvise. I've never cooked using anything besides a microwave, why wouldn't I want to follow step-by-step instructions when it comes to something I know nothing about?
What about the N questions, how do you feel about those? Particularly the ones you agreed with.
Everyone uses Sensing because without it you'd basically be a toddler shitting his pants and being totally inept in the real world. So some of the questions are indeed retarded.
To know if you are S or N, ask yourself, do you primarily LIVE by your own imagination/visualization, and you feel disconnected from your physical body and reality, or do you primarily live by sight/vision and other sensory information, feel home in physical and live in your body and reality as it is? Thats what you have to look at
oops, that reply was meant for
What type should INTPs try to emulate in social situations? ENTJ because it's our shadow? ENTP for it's similarity? ESFJ?
>inb4 be urself
I've tried that and I just alienated everyone around me.
That sounds like Ti. It's exactly what we XNTPs use to bullshit about any subject
Definitely the former. I could be doing the most physical activity in the world and spend it lost inside my own head and thinking about stuff.
Mixed bag. I relate to most N ideas that don't portray N types as being psychic. I'm just thoughtful and introspective and sometimes good at reading between the lines, not Miss Cleo.
Wrong. We use Ne, the ultimate bullshitting functioning.
just work on your Fe by constantly trying to socialize. it'll help you connect more with people because you can understand them more. once you're comfortable you'll essentially be like an INTP/ENTP hybrid. best of both worlds. an ENTP that isn't fucking annoying and loud and spergy.
Ne without Ti is just meh. It's Ti that makes it look like we have a clue about what we're talking about. Take the classical ESTP con as an example
Then definitely intuition
You cant be another type. Its not possible. You have to develop all of your conscious functions if you feel lacking in some area. In your case its Si and Fe. You cant use functions not in your stack.
user in the other thread said you had to type yourself based off of your objective behaviour rather than what you think your preferences are.
>Am i primarily oriented towards facts, reality, sensory information of the physical world and the body? (Sensing)
>Or am i primarily oriented towards exciting but unsure possibilities, imagination(which includes visualization) and theories? (Intuitive)
Personally I think you type and behave and think like a Si dom but as previously stated you should never take my verbal diarreah with a grain of salt.
S types can think about stuff you know, they aren't actually mindless automatons.
t. fake INTP
Ne is the bullshitting function, anyone who has the tiniest clue will see right through it. Ti is the deceiving function, you really need to know what you're talking about to not be deceived by Ti.
after all these years and studying mbti I still cannot figure out my type
the more you read into it the harder it is to type yourself
He is not even close to a Sensing type
>I could be doing the most physical activity in the world and spend it lost inside my own head and thinking about stuff.
No Sensing type is like this.
Im not argueing with you by the way, im simply stating whats right. You can disagree with it if you want to, but that is less than irrelevant.
Typing checkIist
I don't want to become another type, I want to act like another type in social situations. Also, we obviously use all 8 cognitive functions even if we are only conscious of using the first four in our type's stack.
I wonder how many people got different personality types because of mental illness, like thinking you're introverted when you're actually just a depressed insecure betafag.
Does mental health effect mbti?
If so, should only 'healthy' people take the test?
It's not a clear cause-effect type situation. But INTP is loosely correlated with diagnosed mental illness. Schizotypal PD is particularly strongly associated with INTP, and obsessive-compulsive PD with ISTJ
That makes sense. It's just that I usually think of bullshitting as what you think of deceiving
I don't think you're an ISFJ OR an INFJ. Your Fe doesn't seem very high.
Im intp and have no mental illness
I feel you bro.
A Si dom definately is like that. The definition of an S type isn't being brainless or lacking introspection, It's sticking to known facts amd trusting reality over their imagiation. You probably type everyone as an N type lol.
Mental illness is seperate from mbti. Thinking you're introverted when you're actually just isolated is simply a misinterpretation of terms not a side effect of mental illness.
Explain please, he very heavily ascribes social values to both the companies and the people purchasing the product in his original post
It doesn't mean that all INTPs are mentally ill, it just among the mentally ill, they tend to loosely trend towards INTP.
And certain disorders have their own associations. Histrionics tend to be ExFx.
The test itself isn't that accurate by itself, and cognitive functions are to be preferred, specially when the test taker isn't mentally healthy. If your vision of self is distorted (like an insecure fag that underestimates his social and rational skills), your results will be fucked up. Same for people who are going through something in particular that is changing the way they act.
If you go by John Beebe's 8 function theory, for example, an ENTJ on stress could get stuck on his shadow functions and act more like an unhealthy INTP. If he takes the test on this state, his results would obviouslt be messed up
see i feel like I have the mastery aspects of ISTP yet like an ISTJ I like to surround myself in a controlled predictable surroundings. however I hate strict order and control unless it's done my way
I also very much live in my head which makes the S, N thing quite hard but am naturally good at spatial stuff and was talented at sports as a kid
Yeah sure you could say that about introversion but surely mental illness affects the answers you give to the test, therefore changing your results?
Does mental illness not affect personality?
Also is mbti dynamic?
MBTI describes underlying cognitive function order and your type cannot be changed, however your individual functions can grow and atrophy. For example mental illness might cause somebody with an ESFJ personality type to repress or lose some of their Fe or Si, this might cause them to appear
less obviously like an ESFJ or more like an INTP but they would still get ESFJ in their results if they were teseted properly
I won't say whether I'm N or S, but I do place faith in uncertain but exciting possibilities. I've been a futurist since 2011. Granted, my ideas for the future ARE backed up by trends and facts and figures - I can't say "x technology will become popular in the 2050s" based on absolutely nothing whatsoever besides pulling it out my ass - but most people's tendency to think that the future can't diverge from the past is infuriatingly simplistic and blind. I got into a fight on /a/ with people who thought the life expectancy would be the exact same in fucking 2078 because "life expectancy growth has slowed down recently." I mean fuck, even without getting into anything too crazy, more sophisticated health monitoring technology by itself could lead to a dramatic increase.
It's actually pretty common for me to be so lost in thought while I'm out doing stuff with my family that they have to grab for my attention when it comes time to do something because I'm not paying attention to my surroundings, ahaha.
So somebody more focused on the external world and facts (lets say... a construction worker?) Couldn't one day have an epiphany or some shit and decide to rebuke his old self and focus more on the inner world and imagination? (Become an artist) if said person successfully did so would his s change to an n?
Im the same (would definitely say im an n) once got into a fight with a group of friends because i argued that biological immortality might become possible one day. (Was always interested in sci fi and techy future shit) they were all insistent that it was simply impossible forever.
For that matter, couldn't abuse or trauma cause Fe to heavily decline? Could a sweet six year old who wants to make others feel comfortable and as though be belonged be abused into a callous adult that doesn't care about the feelings of others?
any other INTPs suck at instruments but still play them because you like the learning and practicing process?
What's the first thing you do when you're putting together an Ikea shelf or some shit and you get stuck with a giant pile of shit and you don't know what to do next?
a) look at the manual and reread it 5 times
b) look at your construction and figure it out by intuition
the thing you do when stressed is most likely your primary function. And even then you have ISTP's who can just wing it because your second function is pretty 50/50 most of the time
It is almost certainly possible. I stopped talking about futurism stuff in general years ago because the results ranged from disheartening to infuriating. It was getting into a fight with my older brother in early 2013 that convinced me to just stop bothering discussing it with anyone except fellow futurists.
putting something together i figure it out on my own unless it's complicated and has different screws for different parts that i couldn't possible know where they go or it has lots of little pieces. then i'll just read the manual. i'm not fond of just sitting there wasting time with shit like that because then i'll just have to undo everything and redo it.
but one thing always confused me. people say INTPs suck under pressure, and i do IRL, but something like video games like if i die in PUBG and my squad is all spectacting me, i do WAAAY better because of the pressure. i guess this could be considered stress as well, but it's a stress that i love. especially when it's the final couple survivors and my play matters the most. it amps me up and makes me focus and my intuition/hunches about other players movement/strategies and things like that are all super accurate. i love that feeling.
the reason i bring that up is because i'm most comfortable and most like myself with things online. IRL i have social anxiety and hate being around people because of it.
Well sticking to old facts over new ones is pretty Si. For example ignoring a recent downtrend in life expectancy in favour of the much longer trend of life expectancy increasing over time. You say your projections aren't pulled directly out of your ass but what was it exactly you were relying on happening in the future? S types do have an intuitive side it just appears more childish and less developed than their sensing functions, for example a naive futurist that thinks trends will continue forever, thinks that because something that has been imagined that it has to come true one day, that his silly pet theory is a good idea and that things will always stay "the same" just improved over time is a sensor stereotype. Every office drone has his pet theory he keeps in the closet unless he's around people he's comfortable with, the S type just defaults to secure facts when push comes to shove, when he's trying his hardest and in unfamiliar situations.
First of all that's a change from E to I, using your imagination isn't the same as trusting it over reality. Half of sensors are inward focussed remember. Secondly, changing your career doesn't imply that you changed your underlying personality, he'd probably do both construction work and art in the way that his type would do both.
you are more likely to end up as the brain splatter on my boot.
how did I fuck this up. star trekinal
I don't really feel like making a long reply to this because it's filled with too many leaps in logic to bother with. I'll just say that you're completely mistaken on what I think and why. I'm not a naive futurist who thinks trends continue forever, and I ignored the recent downtrend in life expectancy (which really only applies to the US anyway) because it's fucking irrelevant and has jack shit to do with even the near future, never mind the distant one.
What is it about EN*Js that makes me so comfortable around them?
It just seems like personality is way too complicated to explain with 4 letters, though mbti is still very useful, the subdivisions could theoretically go on practically forever.
Personality is definitely dynamic, so wouldn't mbti be dynamic also? The people saying it's static forever don't convince me.
For that matter i wonder what the 'best' personality type would be.
Theoretically someone who could do it all right? Seems like alot of things effect mbti (someone with bad social experiences becoming introverted, or like growing up around practically minded people that 'don't see the point' of abstract things so focus on the outside world, even though there is value in abstraction)
I get that we are born with set tendencies toward certain behaviors but don't the benefits and drawbacks of these tendencies depend mostly on the situation? I.e introverts bad at parties, good at other shit, extoverts good at parties yada yada
Wouldn't some who can be social when needed and quiet when needed be ideal?
Is ditto the most alpha man of them all?
Time would probably be the biggest constraint, making it so that you're better of focusing on what your 'naturally' good at.
Sorry if jumbled, thinking is hard.
Yes. Trumpet player here who tried trombone, soprano sax, guitar, and piano
ENTJ - ISTP's "Mirage" type in Socionics. You relax around each other and may have similar humor.
ENFJ - ISTP's dual, theoretically most compatible type
Don't ENFJs make everyone comfortable?
They can, but they can also come across as intense especially to Si types. An ENFJ I know has really wide eyes and she says people are freaked out by them.
A different user to the one your replying to, but personally I think that it's best to develop yourself to be in the middle of all the MBTI measurement axes. In other words, I believe it's best to NOT be a type.
How big are her boobs?
well I can't know what you think if you don't tell me lmao. The naive futurist S type was just an example since that is the stereotype of futurists that I am aware of. I'd rather not argue about the specifics of your futurism just your reasoning behind it might leave a few clues as to your personality type.
Not that big, honestly
Thing is that first example has a 'right' answer, right?
It would be to look at the overrall trend of life expectancy, how tech has evolved, and blah blah blah point is when push comes to shove, (which is really what this measures right? Our natural inclinations?) One will come to the right answer and one will come to the wrong one. The ideal I assume would be to not be trapped by natural tendency and choose what's best, depending on the situation.
I was trying to a change from esxx to inxx
And i think you missed my point, the man changes his mind. Gets sick of practicality and realism and tries to be an imaginitive type, i dont believe you'd think that this is possible but i think it is.
I agree, then again what kind of person would this "no type" even be? sounds like some zen as fuck dragonslayer, or robot.
Yeah, I'm not sure either. Also, I wonder how one develops themselves to be more balanced on the functions.
>tfw ISTP
It's so true user it hurts
O shit i just realized the ideal IS THE AVATAR.