25+ how do you deal with never having experienced love (especially teenage love)?

25+ how do you deal with never having experienced love (especially teenage love)?

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ive got much bigger problems like affording to eat and paying taxes

lift until you're Adonis tier, fuck an 18 year old

I have hobbies, and making decent money helps.

These days Grindr I just fuck sissies and abuse them

Chronic depression
more like lift until you realize that your insertions are shit, your bones are uneven, your face is terrible, and now you're doomed to walk the earth lifting heavy objects and sinking in pools.

oregano pimiento

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>sinking in pools
This is the worst part. Why nobody told me muscles make you fucking sink.

take drugs and trigger hormones with electronic devices

complaining about sinking, go back

I just want a wife and children.
I'll never be a father.

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I did. I dated my high school gf for 4 years. First everything with her. Relationships after that were much better anyway.

Had a teenage anime-like romance. Can't say it really changed me as a person but it definitely contributed to the depression seeing my ex go on the cock carousel after breaking up with me.

post the rest nigger

Usually its a peripheral bother until I directly see evidence that romance exists in the physical world
>heard my coworker that fucks women all the time and a customer
>he was getting her his jacket
>"it'd probably look good on you you have nice eyes"
The absolute turning point for me is when I started to see how women interact with men they like. Nothing has more consistently crushed my soul than seeing what its like when a girl likes you.
I wish I could forget everything

not op here but better question, how do i deal with never been touch by a girl beyond a kiss in the cheeks or a greeting hug? or never having experienced a kiss or touched some tits or ass? 24

Stew with bitterness.

You can never really shrug it off. You see guys with qt gfs in public, in films, at work. You can never escape the reminder that there's something about you which makes emotional and physical connection not possible for you.

>how do you deal with never having experienced love (especially teenage love)?
I used to watch a metric ton of romance animus and live vicariously through the many MCs, once I began to grow out of anime, I got some life goals and aspirations, which have kept my mind pretty occupied since, I still relapse tho.

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Fuck love and the primal urge that forces incels to pursue it. I can have a more fulfilling life doing other things then being stuck dating some girl and then getting stuck with child support after she leaves me and takes the kids

>Nothing has more consistently crushed my soul than seeing what its like when a girl likes you.

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>insertions are shit
What are insertions?

I stopped caring when I was about 22.
I'm 34 now.

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I used to be pretty bitter about it but it doesn't bother me as much anymore.

Not everyone is born to love and be loved, I was just one of the unlucky few. Honestly from what I've observed, I think very, very few humans ever expearience "true love," in the romantic Disney sense, it's an extremely rare phenomenon. I think the vast majority of people never expearience real love and are merely with their partner out of habit/nesscessity/social norms/etc.

I'm more disappointed about never having kids to carry on my name than I am about never having loved, quite frankly. Life is cruel and unfair and we all can only do our best with the hand we've been dealt.

>lift until you're Adonis tier, fuck an 18 year old
I was lifting since I was 14 till 26 with great results and I'm a kissless hugless handholdless wizard. lifting is completely useless if you aren't already tall, handsome and can't flirt with women

heavy hentai use


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you either cope or you rope

wow, this hits me hard brobot

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it's not any less accurate because you consider it obvious

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no cope, no anything. fuck this life, fuck this world

I've finally tried out online dating with pretty good success a few days in, already talking to a few girls with similar interest to me. I refused to do this shit for years, just because I was somehow worried a friend might see my profile or something. Sometimes I make the absolute dumbest fucking stances in life that retard me socially for years.

I'm skeptical of online dating because the only reason the 2 people are here is for the relationship. They believe it must work because they have X, Y and Z in common but in reality it doesn't work that way.
A successful relationship should start as acquaintance, then friendship then turn into love with intimacy. How do you even deal with that through online messaging?

Poorly. I'm 27 and the loneliness is killing me. My body longs for touch so badly it's become a physical pain, a hunger that constantly aches and gnaws. I feel so empty and the meds do very little.

Does it count if it's with girls I only knew online? I never met them, but I still loved them... And still got heartbroken everytime they moved on and I was left alone.

Aka the Jow Forums national anthem.

stopped caring years ago
money is more important

Not as easily since I gave up porn. My body took the dopamine withdrawals poorly and I developed an ecrush for the first time in my life. Currently trying to get over it, but it's a daily battle and this soldier has had enough.

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>KHV, 27
>The pain lessened as I got older and accepted my fate
>Become an RN, literally just study and work out for two years because working 12-15 hour shifts is hard as fuck while fat despite all the fat black ladies working as nurses
>Get fit, forced to be well groomed because of hospital policy
>Female patients constantly ask me personal questions and if I'd like to go out some time
>Old classmates hit me up asking if I want to hang out as if I know them
>No longer interested in 3D women as a staggering majority of them bore the shit out of me and have absolutely no hobbies outside of netflix and chill
>Women assume men should be interested just on the merit that they have pussies alone
>Fuck a chick once I hit 30 just to get it out of the way and I'm immediately disgusted with her after I cum even though she's a 9/10 by normie standards probably

it's an abstract kind of feel. making bank though and I love my job

A hole is a hole. There's nothing meaningfully better from a teenage hole to a 20 year old hole to even a 30 year old hole.