Doctor gave me medications, but I do not think I'll use them.
Is it safe to use medications for psychiatric disorders?
what chemical is it?
Yes. Just fucking take it. I know "muh big pharma and the jews" but it honestly has saved my life.
No. I'd rather be crazy than have my dick be useless
>Is it safe to use medications for psychiatric disorders?
Not really, but you're going to do it anyway because you're a pussy who's going to follow orders all his life.
Shill shill shill shill shill shill
i absolutely hate anti-psychotic medication
> but it honestly has saved my life.
OP hasn't even said what it is. SSRIs fry your brain and antipsychotics would melt his brain until he became a drooling obese retard
Took risperdal and can confirm. Was 290 before getting off and life has been shit since. Seriously thinking street dealers are better people than (((shrinks)))
I gained 20kg with Risperdal
>tfw if i stopped taking medication i would get injected
anyone else know this feel?
A little more here but also took klonopin, ritalin, paxil, an OCD drug, and klonodine in my teens. Shrinks love milking insurance companies with fake diagnoses and prescriptions to "treat" them.
>tfw if i stopped taking medication i would get injected
What's your diagnosis
This should not be a good thing
> mentally ill life
> a life worth saving
>tfw stopped taking the quetiapine that had been severely over prescribed to me because of a minor psychotic break from heavy psychedelic and speed use
>2 years later I still have insomnia
I actually think they succeeded in making me permanently retarded. Only time will show, and life was so easy ;-;
Can I legally refuse to take shrink meds if I'm not considered dangerous? I went to psych ward for a bad trip on lsd and they want to put me on fucking antidepressant for whatever the fuck they think
how long were you on it to have those effects? are those chemicals strong enough to make you a retard permanently in one month?
I barely even remember, those jews keep dragging me in and put me back on the meds, I'm 'afraid' of needles so they have mercy on injection. But I had lethal doses (not really i dont think that shit can kill you). Like a normal dose of quetiapine is around 50. I was on like 700 for 5 months at the longest, all in all probably around 10 months.
I think you're good if it's only a month, you'll have some minor sleep problems but you should hopefully be good.
You can't legally do jack shit sonny boy, wanna know why? Because you're not mentally sound and us mentally sound people just want to help you :)
Let's not talk about the fact that we blindly follow our instructions and what we have been taught and don't second guess it because then our entire lives would have been meaningless and everything we ever learned useless, rather just pile on more garbage from the ever-growing industry that is psychiatry. Nothing fishy here, I even have a ph.d. no way I could be led into a snafu that easily.
>You can't legally do jack shit sonny boy
Try me faggot, I'm not depressed I won't take your shit pills that will literally rot my brain
sounds like they had you in an institution.
you're lucky you dodged their electric chair. it's crazy that they can overdose you and get away with it calling it a medical accident.
What drug is it, OP?
What lead to you being prescribed it? Did they do any blood tests beforehand?
Well too bad, buddy. Either you get a vaccine, or you're staying with us until you've become addicted to our substances. And no, fighting rarely ever helps, just confines you more
>points to leather straps on bed
>rot my brain
Don't you dare insult this mans education like this! How dareth thee! Now he will show you the true power of medicine, AND BEHOLD HOW WELL IT WORKS!
Just comply, smile and nod. Try to get the pills, sneak them under your tongue or some shit and get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.
Literally all your human rights are taken from you the second they deem you of 'not sound mind' or whatever psychotic who cares they could just literally imagine anything and write it down on a paper depending on how little pussy your psychiatrist got the last year or how much you piss him off or remind him of that fact.
It wasn't a medical accident. They're fully aware they did this, and they did it on purpose as well and are completely happy with their decisions. I just can't fathom what goes through these people's heads. And yeah, in fact im institutionalized right now as a matter of fact. good times.
lmao christ dude you sound insane, i can't lie, hope you can find peace brother
>get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.
I'm already out and legally free but they want to try meds on me
Also I'm legally considered sane and not dangerous, so I hope they won't fucking force me to take these shit
I am clearly insane. Why else would i be in the loony bin?
Oh yeah then you're good. Just tell them to fuck off, politely so.
Don't try to get back in just because you think you might have a shot at an adderall script. Bad decision. Be grateful you're not drooling all over your keyboard whilst typing this.
how'd you get bin'd, user?
do they give you a set release date in there like they do for people in prison?
if you're actually insane have you figured out the way to live once you're out so you won't get sent back?
I hope you escape tonight and make it to mexico. that's what I told a guy on /b/ who got a phone in prison and made a thread posting pictures about his life in lockup. that was 2 years ago and I think he had his release date in 2018. I hope he is doing great now
>welp gonna order the h and a needle, fuck this shit im out
>wait fuck that, i wanna die an hero
>dont sleep for 3 days planning on how to become a vigilante, nothing else on my mind
>fuck that's also just too tiresome and what does it matter if im dead anyway
>stuck in limbo between killing myself and start making bombs ala anarchists cookbook
>well either way some more money would be nice
>live in socialist state, so can get 2k dollars a month neetbux
>sign myself in to mental hospital
>tell them my thoughts
>given hella benzos
>literally zone out for more than 2 months
>upgraded neetbux (used to get1k) incoming
Maybe I'll just use the money to live a somewhat comfy life and study philosophy and maybe be able to convince this world to stop being shit, or atleast the individual. I used to have the scholarly skills at least.
Nope. Indefinitely. Until they tell you that you can leave.
Even if I escaped I would have no places to go. I have my comfy gaming laptop, I get free food and shelter and tea and sometimes snacks. Honestly life's just as shit as it was before I got in here. But now I got a neetbux raise to look forward to when I get out, so if all else fails I can finally just become the reefer addict I was destined to be. That was my main pet peeve with my life before I got myself in here. That I didn't have enough money to sustain that lifestyle.
are you the guy who's already legally free and you just fucked up who you replied to? or are you the other guy
originally the other guy
I thought they gave you the overdose level of the quetiapine.
or was it benzos plus every drug they wanted to throw at you?
no that was the last time I was in there.
I think this is my 4th run.
Every time I got in they'd give me a higher dose, but something something legal nonsense I have to agree with it which I didn't this time since I came in voluntarily instead of being falsely accused by my parents and hauled in there by police. The last time I was in there I was in there for 3 months and got 700.
The longest I was on quiet was 5 months on like 400
Was just on benzos this time until I pissed off the shrink, then he got buttmad and wanted to forcably give me antipsychs. I asked him how it was living with a 7cm penis in front of a qt intern that was there when he was doing his shrink session. good times.
I dont trust doctors. They try and control your mind with pills.
I've been on and off effexor, Lexapro, clomipramine you name it.
They seem to work for other people, but in my own expirence they have made me numb, derealized, and generally just shitty.
Currently on Effexor and Buspar and still feel like an anxious, depressed autistic retard.