Robots claim to be lonely but refuse to settle for a 4/10

>Robots claim to be lonely but refuse to settle for a 4/10

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How is she only a 4?

I would but dating scares me.

Because she's not 2d

we had this thread about 5000 times before
do us all a favour and kill yourself OP

No way user, r9k is only for original posts
Why don't you post a 4/10 user, you posted a 7 or perhaps even 8

uh no she's average at best you pathetic overly thisty virgin. stop rating her higher cuz your penis has never been seen irl by anyone but you

>trips of truth

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I would drastically lower my standards if they don't care about lacking a sex life. I'm only as shallow as my dick makes me. I can't force it up, even with cialis

she's also a thot

Who did it better?oregano oreos

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The average girl weighs over 160lbs now.

For me? It's Stacey

shes not average you dumb idiot
look how shiny and smooth her hair is
nice eyes everything is nice
you have bad taste
look how soft her skin is

They both look 13 years old.

Muffy only looks the part but brooke actually is 13/14/15.

Becky. Too bad that they no longer exist, they died out around 2011.

based, 2Dpilled and true

in all honesty, i would go with the nerdy Becky, Brooke looks like such a basic bitch, besides I know the guys she is into, she wouldn't be into me, or maybe she would but I would just ignore her kek.

>besides I know the guys she is into, she wouldn't be into me
Who would that be?Some r9k chad?Why wouldn't she be into you?What's the guy like?

This is what most here would have to settle for.

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she is into the whole nigger/swag/trash w/e the fuck you zoomers call it "culture"
not my kind of thing.

>Who would that be?
This handsome boi who goes by 'higgus'.He's pretty well known.

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Lol fuck that dude. I'd rather be alone than deal with that jewish cunt who smells of resentment and cat piss.

Brooke looks fucking 25 at 13 shes gonna age like milk

>implying she isn't the one who would be settling

She spends tons on skin products and healthy foods.Sadly she will age better than most of us.

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doesnt change the fact she's already ugly and a slut. 4/10 would pump and dump

Brooke stop trying to make this thread about yourself holy shit the insecurity is laughable

god i want to cum on muffies face

>tfw no 10/10 handsome chad Buffy bf.
I just wish I could be as cool as him for once! I wonder if he is out fist fighting kids right now....

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an angel fell to earth this day

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Muffy is unironically leagues more attractive than Brooke though kek

a drug using has had sex with at least 4 guys girl is an angel.

wew lad you're a pathtic thirsty cuck if you think she's an angel or pure or anything decent past a whole to cum in

Daily reminder that 70% of Americans are overweight, and 40% of women are obese.


The West is filled with piggies awaiting the abattoir. How do we fix any part of our social nightmare?

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Looks like the mental olympics have started already.She looks like a fucking underage girl,literal pedophile taste.As thot tier as brooke looks she is objectively attractive.
She's not here,you can usually recognize when she pops up because she types in niggerspeak.
Sadly,she's too dumb,I'm curious to see where she ends up in 4 years though.

I want to fuck those giant eyes...

Brooke is hotter but I'd wife Muffy instead, brooke's a nigger lover scammer of betas and invader of discords and her handle was something like "brattybrooke" or some shit which instantly pisses me off while Muffy was nice to everyone and also alt-right goth

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calling someone mental for not being a thirsty virgin like you is pretty telling user. she's a 4 at best if you rate her higher congrats you think she's attractive. but calling someone mental cuz of it show's how thirsty and virgin you really are.

also a pathetic white knight simp.
m'lady is being insulted I better white knight cuck for her and virtual signal so she knows im a great guy. bhahahahh every fucking virgin does this hilariously pathetic shit. and since im right you'll fire back with shitposting cuz you're seething so much over it.
cry moar over my lack of thirst and you're abundance of it

jesus christ is that recent?

she looks like she's been drinking every day for weeks

>goblina mutt thot
>attractive in any aspect
Thats gonna be a no from me.

yeah she's ugly as fuck. she got really bad when she started dating her dad I mean mr 50yr old. Her looks tanked almost right after. and some pathetic virgins still refer to her as angel and pure and other cuckshit

Robots don't refuse to settle. That would mean they are pursuing girls out of their league and getting rejected, but not adjusting their targets. Robots don't pursue, telegraph interest or seek dates at all, instead choosing to stay in their room crying about how nobody will ever love them. Robots would gladly take any girl willing to do all the work to establish the relationship.

in what fucking world is she a 4, she is a solid to strong seven and you fucking know it

can anyone even explain why these random 10/10s periodically appear on Jow Forums

>37% of men
>40% of women
nigger what

stop overrating this basic bitch cuz you're a thirsty virgin desperate for any female attention. pathetic

>she will age better than mo
Not if she takes after her mommy.

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You know there's a difference between being overweight and obese right?

I don't place much emphasis on looks but no female can stand my personality so I'm doomed to be forever alone or turn prison gay (and the latter isn't really working out for me either)

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>ywn fuck brooke's mom while licking brooke's sweet virginal pussy
End me lads.

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Soulless brown eyes - your kids can never have beautiful green or blue ones. But even factoring that in she is quite a bit higher than a 4: facial symmetry, healthy skin hair and weight, youthful appearance. She's at least a 7.

Those eyes are hazel my guy.

The two standards I have are that she has to be tolerable and black. That's really about it.

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Tbh it would just have to depend on the 4/10
You mean to tell me these aren't beautiful people just because of their eye color?

Muffy's an 8.

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I want a GF like her REEEEE

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Dude I would settle with a 1/10 gf as long as she wasn't fat.

They could be better. People with blue eyes don't buy brown contacts.

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This is an actual sweet pure autistic 4/10 girlfriend.

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You're supposed to post girls who are actually gorgeous.

Left to right

6 (i have preference for skinny)

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All girls at that level are fat. 5 and up is reserved for non-fats

SEA monkeys are automatically sub 5.

you don't sound like someone who's happy with their life

They don't call her "beaituful angle ciara" for nothing

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Yeah lmao like the angle of her man chin

she is 10000/10

That pic was from when she was 13/14

>Yeah lmao like the angle of her man chin

Her chin is fine. Stop memeing.

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That definitely isnt that old. Its recent

Makeup by the looks of it, plus myspace angle so she could be fat

It took me a while to find this

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t. actually brooke

you shouldnt compare girlies with eachother, muffy is a cutie

fuck that discord they banned me lmao. lzrs. anyways yeah i reckon i will age decently considering i dont have wrinkles and dont eat like shit like most of u.

you really think id post that ugly ass photo of myself? anony... ur brain dont work the long way

triggered much?

can the higgus shit stop? we dated less than a month and the cam nipple situation never happened as we both clarified.

i dont think hes ugly, nor do i care about looks nor do i go for the >nigger/swag/trash w/e the fuck you zoomers call it "culture"
either. u have no idea what my type is clearly.

you arent going to believe me, though there is literally 0 proof backing up anything you said aside from the twitter part... but ive never taken neet bux/Jow Forums money. i accept money from rich men who enjoy giving me money, nothing immoral about that. u guys watch rape hentai and want a mommy gf get off your high horse.

a slut can take a nut?

>u have no idea what my type is clearly
I'm basing my assumptions of the pictures that have been posted of you with different guys.

but those are male friends, that says nothing about who i am interested as a "mate" they didn't pipe nor did i date them.

>clearly triggered she got called 4/10 and had to make a multi-reply
>also looks like a fucking child

>refuse to settle for a 4/10
because a 4/10 won't settle for me

Personally I think brown eyes are cute. Soulless brown eyes more like cute doe brown eyes

you can choose not to believe me but... someone on Jow Forums commenting negatively on my looks does nothing to my ego nor could it ever possibly trigger me. That is like the downy of your school calling you stupid.

Not to say there cant be attractive people on Jow Forums, but I dont come here for that or to attract people so its pretty trivial to me. Also i understand most of you have your feelings hurt by women and think any girl who does not look like she would be on either side of the Auschwitz camp/insanely attainable and pale is a gross, slutty, roastie so idrc lmao.

none, they are both disgusting trannies kys

>male friends
I'm starting to see what your type is.
>but I don't come here for that or to attract people so its pretty trivial to me.
do you even listen to yourself Brooke?
Jesus Christ get some self awareness

I mean, you're a sociopath incapable of forming relationships beyond mooching money off of weakass betas, and you're so low-tier at your craft that your stomping grounds (along with the rest of these tramps worshipped by robots) are the bottom of the barrel men with zero self-worth and zero idea of what a good-looking woman is. I'm not sure much could bruise your ego because you're so low to begin with.

>think any girl who does not look like she would be on either side of the Auschwitz camp/insanely attainable
Imagine not being able to comprehend that the other girls posted here like Crispy, Muffy, and Kennedi are undeniably more attractive than you.

>That is like the downy of your school calling you stupid.
fucking top kek I didn't think she had jokes? Who is brooke and where can i get more of her content?

pretty eyes

The fact that you guys consider this a 4 shows that you are all the most superficial men on this planet and that's why you are alone and on this pathetic board. Because nobody likes you for your shalloweness

>Imagine not being able to comprehend that the other girls posted here like Crispy, Muffy, and Kennedi are undeniably more attractive than you.
not to white knight here, but lets be realistic here, the other girls look plain when compared to Brooke, she is beautiful, the only reason many of us (me included) might pick the other girls is over her is simply a confidence issue, she is way out of our league, and just plain looks too high maintenance, and fake.

i hate to eat my own ass but... maybe i (or women/people in general?) are too intricate for you to understand? can a person be *so* black and white? anony you know nothing about me or why i post... i never posted all those photos of me i simply did a few time stamps. i also dont come on here mentioning myself ppl choose to talk about me so ofc im going to comment. not really needing attention though is it? so self aware about what exactly?

yes i have like 60% female friends 40% male. i just am anti social af so if someone goes out of their way irl to talk to me im gonna respond idc who they are.

im a sociopath? hahahaah if i was half as edgy as you guys i might take that as a compliment... but im not so i dont. you do not know me. you do not know anything about me. and you genuinely have no idea what you are talking about.

>mooching off weak ass betas
the guys i accept money from
a model turned doctor, living in nyc, fucking hot girls regularly, who enjoys to send me moeny

a guy who ive known for years who likes helping me and is worth 14M

i give nothing sexual in return, i never ask for money, and i never give a service/attention in return. so if you want to call me a bad person for that... then ig anyone who accepts money is awful?

ive never taken anything from someone on Jow Forums, i refuse to be involved financially with anyone on Jow Forums. y'all are suicidal and volatile half the time. i am not getting framed for anything or taking money from someone who would shoot my school up. im greedy, not desperate.

Brooke your coping is delusional
You're a nigger lipped, alien looking tranny voiced thot.

Brooke, You aren't a gross slutty roastie because you aren't pale you are a gross slutty roastie because you are a findom and you post take thousands of pictures in your underwear you absolute cumdumpster

i think ciara, sunny, kaya, muffy, crispy, mini, fuck even the girls who bully me for no reason like tahlia and sleepy are all cute. i dont think im better than them, nor do i insinuate i was.

i didnt insinuate anything actually... so i wont mistake your idiocy for confusion cause i laid it out clear... Jow Forums favors the pale loli look, a girl who wears a black turtle neck, and loves swastikas an saying the n word. which is fine... but im very aware im not that.

still confused?

desu i never talk about my looks like ever... and people on Jow Forums cant stop (regardless of negatively or positively) and that is a sign of insecurity so maybe you are correct.

how does it feel to be more vain and looks obsessed than the "vapid stacy slut"? @robots


I have a very pink cock between my legs, you gigantic faggot.
>maybe i (or women/people in general?) are too intricate for you to understand?
it's simple Brooke, I'm here for attention, and so are you so when you say things like
>but I dont come here for that or to attract people so its pretty trivial to me
it just makes you sound hypocritical when you are obviously an attention whore.

>thinking that the status of the men you accept findom money from matters
You are still a whore/e-prostitute exploiting her body for cash either way. It's amazing how you keep trying to pretend you aren't a slut when you have borderline nudes all over the place and a picture of you in a shirt that says 'daddy's with your nips showing. Kek

underwear?? henty not even one. this is what i dont get. if you have so many reasons to dislike me or speak lowly of me then why do you have to lie or exaggerate? im so awful right? so name a legitimate reason.

fine thats a legit thing but i dont do it in the traditional sense. i dont give favors for money. i dont send nudes for money. i dont call guys losers for money. i get paid because im a princess, literally, thats all. i dont do anything for it.

also the actual findom twitter isnt one i use, its more of an experiment that i got insanely bored of. hence no recent tweets.

and you have paper clip lips and cant handle spicy foods, bye

"Insanely attainable" implies that you think you're more attractive than you, you braindead ape.
>Being this much of a cuck

Yeah, and look at her acting morally superior for never giving anything in return for money. She's a straight-up NEET parasite. If you sent them panties or were an escort, that would at least involve some work and imply that she's engaging in trade, but that would deprive her of the ego-boost of having idiots send her money for nothing (dire straits represent).
It'd be cool if there was a documentary to follow these stupid little girls into their 30s and 40s. I guarantee you they'll either find some gross husband to mooch off of or become a cat lady.
also bad gateway what the fuck, I bet i'm posting this like 50 times on accident. Jow Forums admins need to whore themselves out like Brooke or something for better servers.

Hey, I was in the server Tahlia "bullied" you on and I just want to let you know that a mentally ill girl having a sperg out and saying that it's not fair that an attractive girl can call herself incel and have everyone be nice to her is not at all bullying. She did call you a whore for your lewd pictures sure, but she apologized afterwards, so stop playing the victim henty. Tahlia has literally had girls at her old school beat and molest her, that's what real bullying is